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Watada - The new face of librulism?


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I truly believe all you chickenhawks should enlist TODAY. AURaptor, CCTAU, Tigermike and rest of you chickenhawks, go enlist today and hope you see what combat is like.

I truly believe you should leave today for the nearest socialist country.


:roflol: Chickenlittle

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If Saddam cooperated ....

Well there you go then. There in lies the heart of the argument. Saddam wasn't cooperating , as evidenced by the U.N. Food for Oil scam. Saddam wasn't cooperating and he was never GOING to cooperate.

Saddam stil isn't cooperating. We told him to go eat worms...and look. Now the worms are eating him!

And why should I enlist? My time has passed. I gave them a shot in college and they didn't need anyone. Now I protect my family. My son took our family's spot. I spent my college years working and putting myself through school. I didn't use the government's money. So when I filled out the paperwork for a commission, it was by choice, not because I wanted something from them. Just didn't happen. That sometimes happens in the business world.

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If Saddam cooperated ....

Well there you go then. There in lies the heart of the argument. Saddam wasn't cooperating , as evidenced by the U.N. Food for Oil scam. Saddam wasn't cooperating and he was never GOING to cooperate.

Saddam stil isn't cooperating. We told him to go eat worms...and look. Now the worms are eating him!

And why should I enlist? My time has passed. I gave them a shot in college and they didn't need anyone. Now I protect my family. My son took our family's spot. I spent my college years working and putting myself through school. I didn't use the government's money. So when I filled out the paperwork for a commission, it was by choice, not because I wanted something from them. Just didn't happen. That sometimes happens in the business world.

They always need personel. Sacrificing your son is no excuse. That is so lame for lack of service and drumbeating. The war is lost and short of a 150,000+ surge in troops, our butts better leave. Your son took your families' spot almost sounds biblical. However, these days it doesn't surprise me with the evangelical's spewing political rhetoric from the pulpit. This is not your father's America, it's the New Third Reich America, where religion is used to steer political policy and votes. God Bless America, we are going to need it this year.

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If Saddam cooperated ....

Well there you go then. There in lies the heart of the argument. Saddam wasn't cooperating , as evidenced by the U.N. Food for Oil scam. Saddam wasn't cooperating and he was never GOING to cooperate.

Saddam stil isn't cooperating. We told him to go eat worms...and look. Now the worms are eating him!

And why should I enlist? My time has passed. I gave them a shot in college and they didn't need anyone. Now I protect my family. My son took our family's spot. I spent my college years working and putting myself through school. I didn't use the government's money. So when I filled out the paperwork for a commission, it was by choice, not because I wanted something from them. Just didn't happen. That sometimes happens in the business world.

They always need personel. Sacrificing your son is no excuse. That is so lame for lack of service and drumbeating. The war is lost and short of a 150,000+ surge in troops, our butts better leave. Your son took your families' spot almost sounds biblical. However, these days it doesn't surprise me with the evangelical's spewing political rhetoric from the pulpit. This is not your father's America, it's the New Third Reich America, where religion is used to steer political policy and votes. God Bless America, we are going to need it this year.

If it were the third reich, I would sign up to patrol your neighborhood.

I do my fair share here. I have established a career and a family that I have responsibilities to. I'm not union, so I do not make so little that a career in the military at this time would be a fair trade off. Just because you are where you are in life due to your choices, does not mean the rest of us have to do stupid **** too.

Like I said, I signed up. Just wasn't the right time. Doesn't mean I don't have a sayso. But because I didn't serve, I do not have a right to bitch about the military....EVER. So I support them fully. And I send money to fight the socialist demoncrats that are trying to drag this country to hell with them. So stay off of my high horse. I paid for it.

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If Saddam cooperated ....

Well there you go then. There in lies the heart of the argument. Saddam wasn't cooperating , as evidenced by the U.N. Food for Oil scam. Saddam wasn't cooperating and he was never GOING to cooperate.

Saddam stil isn't cooperating. We told him to go eat worms...and look. Now the worms are eating him!

And why should I enlist? My time has passed. I gave them a shot in college and they didn't need anyone. Now I protect my family. My son took our family's spot. I spent my college years working and putting myself through school. I didn't use the government's money. So when I filled out the paperwork for a commission, it was by choice, not because I wanted something from them. Just didn't happen. That sometimes happens in the business world.

They always need personel. Sacrificing your son is no excuse. That is so lame for lack of service and drumbeating. The war is lost and short of a 150,000+ surge in troops, our butts better leave. Your son took your families' spot almost sounds biblical. However, these days it doesn't surprise me with the evangelical's spewing political rhetoric from the pulpit. This is not your father's America, it's the New Third Reich America, where religion is used to steer political policy and votes. God Bless America, we are going to need it this year.

If it were the third reich, I would sign up to patrol your neighborhood.

I do my fair share here. I have established a career and a family that I have responsibilities to. I'm not union, so I do not make so little that a career in the military at this time would be a fair trade off. Just because you are where you are in life due to your choices, does not mean the rest of us have to do stupid **** too.

Like I said, I signed up. Just wasn't the right time. Doesn't mean I don't have a sayso. But because I didn't serve, I do not have a right to bitch about the military....EVER. So I support them fully. And I send money to fight the socialist demoncrats that are trying to drag this country to hell with them. So stay off of my high horse. I paid for it.

:roflol: What did you say?

Hey brownshirts----


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