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Favorite class at Auburn


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The other thread seems to be doing well, so why not have a favorite class at Auburn thread. You don't have to limit it to one class if you don't want to.

I would say my favorite was probably telecommunications management. The instructor was not supposed to teach the class, but did it anyway. He cut it from a Tuesday/Thursday class to a Tuesday only class. For his final exam, you could either take a Microsoft exam (he gave the braindumps website as a help) and pass which would give you a 99 on the final or take his. He promised that if he had to make a final exam, you would not pass. Needless to say, most people paid and took the Microsoft exam.

Another favorite was micro economics. Call me weird, but it just clicked with me. Also, the professor was hands down the best professor I had in my college career (John Sophocleus). He ran for governor as a Libertarian the year Riley was first elected. He was probably in the top 10 of the most interesting people I have ever met though, I had to go to his office for office hours once and got into a fairly long conversation with him.

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My favorites would either have to be Sociology with Mary Belk. Supposed to be MWF and she cut it to MW only, and it was easy as hell anyway, yet interesting at the same time.

And the German Film class although AWK and I both got docked a letter grade for "an inappropriate website that mentioned the class" we used to run.

But that's a whole 'nother story.

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My favorite class was Strategic Management. I enjoyed it because it brought everything that you learned together into one course, and you actually put what you learn to use. I especially loved the competition, mainly because my next-door neighbor was on one of the opposing teams, and I enjoy nothing more than beating him at anything we go head-to-head against.

Being a Finance major, I was in control of any issues that would effect the stock price, which is how you are graded. My group was great. We got along so well, and we would meet weekly at Roosters and discuss what we wanted to do next over a few beers and wings. My friend’s group sucked, and all they did was argue. We finished 1st and I got an ‘A’ in the class, and his team finished 5th and he got a ‘C’. I still bring it up from time-to-time when I want to get him riled up.

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Weight Training. The teacher was from Greece and very attractive. I used the class to show off my God like physique.

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I used the class to show off my God like physique.

What happened?

Beer let myself go.

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Join the club, my friend.

Well, beer and Hungry Howie's at 2:00 am.

Yeah, we may need to contact Christy Ally.

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So far my favorite class has been my English Comp. 1. At first I really hated my teacher. While all my friends were writing papers on their summer vacation, I was analyzing newspaper articles. I came to enjoy it and did really well in there. He challenged my belief in God and made said belief stronger.

I'm sure this will change since I have yet to get into my major classes, just changed my major and pretty much starting brand new. None of my classes carried over except Eng. and History.

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I've had a few classes I loved:

Tech Writing -- Loved Dr. Rothschild as a prof and had a great time in the class. VERY easy to get an A.

Computer Ethics (I love arguing.) -- Dr. Chapman made this an easy A.

Neither have any bearing on my major. Figures.

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Combinatorics. Was nothing more than sudoku on steroids.

Heh...those were my GPA boosters...Coding Theory I and II, Information Theory with Dr. Johnson.

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Tennis. Four words- hot girls in shorts B)

Amen to that one.

My other favorite was Political Science. It was taught by one of those oddball professors you hear about before you get to college. Although he was from the NYC area, he claimed that God made him a Red Sox fan. He had also previously taught in Hawaii and wore a Hawaiian shirt every day.

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Business Cal... The teacher was from turkey so upon first impression, I had the feeling of," Oh great... another teacher that I may not be able to understand from the Math dept." Turns out, she was one of the best teachers I have ever had. Really cared about the student and didn't shy away from the one on one teacher/student relationship. If there are any students out there who are about to take this class, her name is Asli Guldurdek.

I also really enjoyed Business Ethics. The teacher basically established the class as a forum of thought between the students. Almost like a debate class with the teacher controlling the flow of ideas.

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