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Ann Coulter


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Why is it when a conservative speaks their mind they get blasted by the media? What so wrong with the what she said? Oh my, somebody might get offended. I applaud ANN COULTER for saying what she said about John Edwards, even though I'm not sure he really is gay, and I don't think she does either. I guess it's alright to call Bush a murder but you can't call someone gay.

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Why is it when a conservative speaks their mind they get blasted by the media? What so wrong with the what she said? Oh my, somebody might get offended. I applaud ANN COULTER for saying what she said about John Edwards, even though I'm not sure he really is gay, and I don't think she does either. I guess it's alright to call Bush a murder but you can't call someone gay.

Don't worry. I don't hold the fact that you're gay against you.

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To the Libs, it's worse accusing a straight person of being gay than to accuse the President of being a murderer. Figure that one out.

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My favorite was after the fact she said that she shouldn't have compared gays to John Edwards because that was mean to gay people.

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Yep...I just loved this new honesty. While we're at it, why not use "n*gger," "hebe," "sp*c," and "k*ke"? That way we can really elevate the political debate.

I'm sorry. Ann Coulter's just a creep. She's just the Republican's answer to Rosie O'Donnell and Paul Begala, albeit it more attractive in a short dress.

Here's the thing guys. Conservatism should be about ideas. Buckley, Mies, Friedman, Thatcher and Reagan would have never stooped to this kind of rhetoric. Everytime you support a bombthrower like this hack, you basically support the beliefs of many that the Republican party is the party of bigots, rather than the party of economic and social freedom.

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What none of you so-called "conservatives" understand is that it is simply wrong and uttterly classless for a person of any political stripe to call someone a "gay person" whether they are gay or not. Coulter simply reflects you guys.

PS: I wrote this before Otter's post-- I don't consider him a "so-called 'conservative'". He's in that disappearing breed of classic conservative.

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Tex, Coulter reflects Coulter. She does not speak for me. On the other hand, with all of the Edwards primping videos out on youtube, you could see the point, if it was meant as a joke. I think it was. She was talking to CPAC. When folks are preaching to the choir, they sometimes say things that they otherwise not say in public.

And then there is the Paul Finebaum school of thought that says that:

The only bad publicity is no publicity.


They can say anything they want about me as long as they spell my name right.

BTW, I personally got Paul to admit this on his show once . I bet Coulter just raised her noteworthiness 10% or so with those comments.

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I recall the dems having a Kerry fundraiser back before the '04 election that set the bar for filthiness and slander. When they were caught, all they could do was yuk it up and say that the remarks were made in a private setting and conservatives were being "too sensitive".

What goes around comes around. Like Doc said, her statement that "comparing Edwards to gays is insulting to gays" was hilarious.

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Tex, Coulter reflects Coulter. She does not speak for me. On the other hand, with all of the Edwards primping videos out on youtube, you could see the point, if it was meant as a joke. I think it was. She was talking to CPAC. When folks are preaching to the choir, they sometimes say things that they otherwise not say in public.

I bet Coulter just raised her noteworthiness 10% or so with those comments.

She knew she was speaking to the camera, and she didn't just joke about him being gay, she used the word "gay person". That puts her in the category of that preacher who stands around with the "God hates gays" signs, as well as anyone else who finds that behavior entertaining. She reflects everyone here defending her.


Since someone saw fit to ridiculously edit my post to the point of inaccuracy, I can only assume that the word she used to that gathering is even deemed unfit for this forum. The word edited out that she used was "f@##ot".

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Tex, Coulter reflects Coulter. She does not speak for me. On the other hand, with all of the Edwards primping videos out on youtube, you could see the point, if it was meant as a joke. I think it was. She was talking to CPAC. When folks are preaching to the choir, they sometimes say things that they otherwise not say in public.

I bet Coulter just raised her noteworthiness 10% or so with those comments.

She knew she was speaking to the camera, and she didn't just joke about him being gay, she used the word "gay person". That puts her in the category of that preacher who stands around with the "God hates gays" signs, as well as anyone else who finds that behavior entertaining. She reflects everyone here defending her.

For the record, I am not defending the statement.

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Since someone saw fit to ridiculously edit my post to the point of inaccuracy, I can only assume that the word she used to that gathering is even deemed unfit for this forum. The word edited out that she used was "f@##ot".

Wow she really said "f@##ot", I thought she said )*(*%$##@.

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Tex, Coulter reflects Coulter. She does not speak for me. On the other hand, with all of the Edwards primping videos out on youtube, you could see the point, if it was meant as a joke. I think it was. She was talking to CPAC. When folks are preaching to the choir, they sometimes say things that they otherwise not say in public.

I bet Coulter just raised her noteworthiness 10% or so with those comments.

She knew she was speaking to the camera, and she didn't just joke about him being gay, she used the word "gay person". That puts her in the category of that preacher who stands around with the "God hates gays" signs, as well as anyone else who finds that behavior entertaining. She reflects everyone here defending her.

For the record, I am not defending the statement.

Nor am I. I find it kind of hypocritical that they are getting their pink panties in a bunch, given their actions just 2 or 3 years ago at one of the DNC fundraisers.

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In the spirit of the dims, she never called him a f**got. SHe said:

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'f**got,'' Coulter said.

So in that vein, she never said he was. Just that you have to go to rehab if you use the word.

So I guess we have to really decide what the definition of "is" is.

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I look at Anne Coulter as a satirist not to be taken entirely serious in the same vein as Bill Maher.

She says stuff that is undeniably offensive to lots of people. But that's her humor.

If an actual Republican senator said something like this, it would no doubt be an unforgivable offense.

It's really no worse than Bill Maher's recent comments where he expressed regret that an assassination attempt on Cheney failed because "I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact."

They have way more in common than either would like to admit. I find them both to be funny, but again, not to be taken too seriously.

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Look, you either condemn it or you don't. That "Democrats do it and get away with it" argument just doesn't cut it. Further, I would offer that leftwingers get similarly spanked when they offer up the same kind of stupidity. Just look at the Dixie Chicks and Joseph Biden. Yeah, the Dixie Chicks are the darlings of the Left Coast, but they lost a huge share of their fanbase, while Joseph Biden's candidacy was stillborn after blurting out the boneheaded "Clean" comment about Obama.

More to the point, if you are a true conservative, then you should value reason and civility in political debate. When some demogogue or member of the tinfoil hat brigade screams "Bush is a murderer" at the top of his or her lungs, and we respond in a civil, reasoned manner, it does far more for our cause than shouting back with more invective.

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Ann Coulter uses the language of the liberal to attack the liberal and they don't like it. At least she didn't call him a neo-con facist.

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For all involved, we had a bombthrower around here a few years ago that tossed off comments like "f**got" left and right. We finally put that word and the shorter version in the profanity filter so we didn't have to keep cleaning up after the moron.

So Tex, no one edited your post...at least manually. It got snagged by the autofilter.

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Ann Coulter uses the language of the liberal to attack the liberal and they don't like it. At least she didn't call him a neo-con facist.


Would I do it? Absolutley not, but I find it hard to get upset when it's thrown back at them. Until they clean up their act, this kind of mess is going to continue. It's the sad state of our political scene, BOTH sides of the isle.

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Look, you either condemn it or you don't. That "Democrats do it and get away with it" argument just doesn't cut it. Further, I would offer that leftwingers get similarly spanked when they offer up the same kind of stupidity. Just look at the Dixie Chicks and Joseph Biden. Yeah, the Dixie Chicks are the darlings of the Left Coast, but they lost a huge share of their fanbase, while Joseph Biden's candidacy was stillborn after blurting out the boneheaded "Clean" comment about Obama.

More to the point, if you are a true conservative, then you should value reason and civility in political debate. When some demogogue or member of the tinfoil hat brigade screams "Bush is a murderer" at the top of his or her lungs, and we respond in a civil, reasoned manner, it does far more for our cause than shouting back with more invective.

You are dead wrong in saying that they argument that the dems did it does not matter. You can not agree with what she said, while at the same time pointing out the hypocrisy of the democrats for getting their panties all in a bunch. I think is was classless on her part, but she does not represent all conservatives. However, I sure am not going to get all worked up about it either. At least she is not a Senator and tries to cover up a murder or make an excuse for his drunk driving.

When there are democrats and their talking heads getting by with calling the President a murderer and making light of the assassination attempt on the VP, please forgive me if I point out their hypocrisy on Ann Coulter making a off hand remark about a democratic presidential candidate being a gay person. So, I guess that does not make me a true conservative then does it?

BTW...I do not think John Edwards is gay, he is just a metrosexual.

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Ann Coulter uses the language of the liberal to attack the liberal and they don't like it. At least she didn't call him a neo-con facist.


Would I do it? Absolutley not, but I find it hard to get upset when it's thrown back at them. Until they clean up their act, this kind of mess is going to continue. It's the sad state of our political scene, BOTH sides of the isle.

Why reciprocate? Why shouldn't we take the high road? The big reason why the Republican party lost in 2006 was because it had stop paying attention to the power of its ideas. Actually, the Republican party evidently did that a lot earlier, but it was still coasting on the momentum of the 1994 elections. Instead of focusing on strategy and the Big Picture, we slipped into defending our turf and became Democrat Lite as a result.

So then we have to rely on dirty work to pick up a point or two in the polls, and rely on despicable hacks such as Ann Coulter to do it. Instead, we should be serious about how those ideals can make a real difference in the life of the middle class--blacks and Hispanics included--and you'll have the Dems on their heels. It won't happen in 2008 or 2010, but over time we can begin winning voter share among hard-working Americans of every description. But this kind of nonsense simply puts you on the same moral level as your opponent, which means the voters only see two sleazy political blocs willing to say anything to achive power.

Bring back the ideas of Friedman and Margaret Thatcher, and start talking about tangible ways to achieve those ends and you'll see a turnabout in conservative fortunes.

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I'm with you brother, but at some point you have to say "enough". Turning the other cheek just gets your head slapped harder.

The thing I find the most amusing about "Fa**otgate" is the absolute silence in reporting the Bill Maher incident that happened to occur almost simultaneously with the Coulter gaffe.

What Ann did was foolish, but she did not wish for the death of the sitting Vice President. Where is the outrage here?

It doesn't bother me that democrats and their flying monkeys in the media take unfair pop shots at conservatives. Playing the good guy all the time just makes their attacks more frequent. What bothers me is the volume control on the offense meter is permanently stuck on the left hand side of the dial.

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I have heard that Maher was sorry for the comments. I have not heard that he actually apologized tho. Evidently approving of the death of someone is okay, just do not refer to them being gay, or metrosexual while you applaud their death.

Ranger is right. Edwards is an easy metrosexual. He would have to plead no lo contendre to that charge.

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Otter, what did Jesus do when the prostitute was about to be stoned? Before he told her to go and sin no more, he pointed out the hypocrisy of others first. Does that mean that Jesus thought what the prostitute did was right? Of course not, thus the reason he told her to go and sin no more. But you have to really look at the fact that before he did that, he basically told those that were about to do the stoning that they had no right to condemn because of their hypocrisy.

So, unless you think Jesus was wrong in that situation, what makes you think that it is not okay to point out hypocrisy while not approving of an action also?

Turn the other cheek does not mean you are supposed to ignore everything and not take up for yourself. I do remember Jesus not ignoring the fact that His House was being used in a way he did not agree with. Too many try to use the "turn the other cheek" as an excuse to sit on their butts and do nothing because they are too scared. You can't pick and choose which parts of the Bible you are going to adhere too as a Christian when it is convenient for you. Yes, there are times when you should turn the other cheek, but I believe in the Holy Spirit guiding me in those times, not what you or any other man says I should do.

What Coulter said was out of line and was not guided by anything but hatefulness, which hurts her argument, as that as what conservatives accuse liberals of being most of the time. However, while not defending what she said, nobody is being contradictory to their beliefs by pointing out the hypocrisy of those condemning her.

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