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Famous Bammer Quotes throughout history


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Calvin and Hobbes Quotes Taken Out Of Context,

but feel free to misquote anyone you would like to.

"I can always get by on my good looks and charm!" Mike Shula

"I find my life is a lot easier the lower I keep everyone's expectations." Bill Curry

"Life's disappointments are easier to take when you know a few curse words." Mike Shula

"Idiocy is the essence of the my mind." BAMAPERRY

"Well, it puts a bad day in perspective." Coach Paul Bear Bryant after Auburn won 17 - 16

"It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept." BAMAPERRY

"The world isn't fair, Coach Shula." Mike Price "I know, but why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?" Mike Shula

"This one's tricky. You have to use imaginary numbers, like twelveteen..." BamaGrad03 explaining the 12 National Championships

"Getting an inch of snow is like winning the last eight minutes of the Iron Bowl." All Bammer fans for the past 5 years.

"Somehow I imagined this experience would be more rewarding." Brodie Croyle

"Never mind, Mom! Do we have any plastic bags?" Wincrimson after yet another AUBURN win.

"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." Mike Shula

"SMACK!" Whimp Sanderson

"I'm bored." Calvin - but it is applicable for today :big:

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Here's another one for the list....

"We bowlin baby, we bowlin!!" - Anonymous


"There, I said it. I'm not going to be the head coach at Alabama." Nick Saban


"G*&^$%^ Son of a B*&^h, @$$%%@#@!#$%W@!!$T^@, we're punting again!!" - Mike Shula


"We gonna chop off that thumb this year" - Ken Darby


"It's rolling baby, it's rolling!!" - Pappy Price

Anything ever uttered by Shane from Center Point, BamaPerry, Paul Finebaum, and 99% of statements made by most Bama fans.

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"The reason Alabama has never had a Heisman winner is because the Bear believed in great teams, not great players." - Random Bama fan

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"Leave 'em the hayell alone, people!" - Phyllis from Mulga

"Praise the Lord, God is so good, Nick is now in the Bama hood." - Colette Connell, moment before being busted for DUI

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"I wanna kiss you. YEEEAAHHHH!!" - Joe Willie Namath

And to keep with the Calvin & Hobbes theme...

"I can feel my brain beginning to atrophy already." - Nick $aban

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row tod row - any member of the mullet nation.

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"I waxed the dude"

Only because they didn't give the rock to BO.... :)


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"I waxed the dude"

I think this was out of context.

I believe BP was referring to the Bama Alum who started the all male Brazillian wax job service.

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"I waxed the dude"

I think this was out of context.

I believe BP was referring to the Bama Alum who started the all male Brazillian wax job service.

I'm sure you used that coupon you got in the mail. I hope you didn't cry out in pain too much.

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I am looking forward to the games this year but I do not want any problems. Whenever I go to an away game or a visiting team comes into Tuscaloosa to play Alabama I make it a point to get a few things cleared up before the game starts. First off, you guys are playing The University of Alabama. We are not some 2nd rate team from some backwards conference. Alabama is among the elite. The best. A tradition that goes back a long way. National Championships, many bowl wins, SEC Championships, high national rankings, etc. The list goes on.

With that resume comes respect. The kind of respect that can only be earned. The Alabama fans carry that respect whether we are at home or on the road and a few things need to be understood. When Alabama comes to town you are seeing one of the movers and shakers in all of college football and the fans are no exception.

First, there will NOT be any yelling in my ear during the game. I darn well don't plan on driving all that distance to your stadium to have some guy yell in my ear. I will ask you one time to stop and no more. I don't mind clapping but this incessant yelling is out. If you continue then I will take a physical solution that you will not like. I will NEVER provoke but if you guys think that yelling in my ear is gonna be tolerated you are in for a big surprise. Same thing for the kids. Sure, they can be there but keep them out of my area and keep them quiet. If you cannot control the kids then you will be held responsible and I will take matters into my own hand. We don't put up with that crap in Tuscaloosa and we darn well aren't gonna drive all that distance to your place and put up with it.

If I have to go to the restroom I don't wait in line, I go to the front. This is an area where I have encountered some problems before so I am just making it clear now. A Coaches Gone Wild! fan has earned the right to not wait in some bathroom line and we choose to not do it. If you have a problem with this you had better go to a "home" restroom or to one where the Alabama fans are not in. If you do decide to make an issue out of it then be prepared to face a physical solution. Ditto for concessions. We go to the front of the line. Not out of spite or to try to show you up. It is all about showing respect, folks. Again, if you have a problem with this I advise you to keep away form me or the Alabama contingent.I am very upfront and honest when I tell you that it aint nothing for me to up and kick a man's ass. Done it several times and I'll do it again if pushed. NEVER will I provoke, though. It is YOU that determines my actions. If you understand where I and the Alabama folks are coming from and what is expected then we will have a great time and no problems will ever arise. Please understand that I am NOT coming to cause problems as that is the last thing on my agenda. It is a tradition and respect that Alabama has and you need to realize this. We can laugh and have a good time but I just wanted to get a few things understood beforehand. I hope all goes well and there are no problems.

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