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300/ Auburn Footbal Trailer


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Still haven't seen 300 :(

Don't sweat it. I was led to believe that I was walking into the end-all/be-all of movie experiences. It ain't that, for sure.

It's a good popcorn and coke action flick, but the hype is unwarranted.

If Russel Crowe's Maximus and Mel's William Wallace had a love-child, he would lead the Spartans and yell out silly stuff like: "Tonight we dine in hell!"

If you've got $20 burning a hole in your pocket, go see the flick. If you're more selective about the movies you watch, wait for the dvd.

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Don't sweat it. I was led to believe that I was walking into the end-all/be-all of movie experiences. It ain't that, for sure.

It's a good popcorn and coke action flick, but the hype is unwarranted.

If Russel Crowe's Maximus and Mel's William Wallace had a love-child, he would lead the Spartans and yell out silly stuff like: "Tonight we dine in hell!"

If you've got $20 burning a hole in your pocket, go see the flick. If you're more selective about the movies you watch, wait for the dvd.

Wes and GG are the resident film critics.

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Don't sweat it. I was led to believe that I was walking into the end-all/be-all of movie experiences. It ain't that, for sure.

It's a good popcorn and coke action flick, but the hype is unwarranted.

If Russel Crowe's Maximus and Mel's William Wallace had a love-child, he would lead the Spartans and yell out silly stuff like: "Tonight we dine in hell!"

If you've got $20 burning a hole in your pocket, go see the flick. If you're more selective about the movies you watch, wait for the dvd.

Wes and GG are the resident film critics.

We're here to educate the masses and save you some money. In fact, take that $20 you were going to spend on this retread tripe and send it to me. I'll put it to good use at my local watering hole.

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I have seen 300 (pronounced "tree hunert") and it made for a fun night at the movies. Not a great film experience like Braveheart but leagues better than Gladiator which I have yet to watch all the way through with out falling alseep for at least a little while.

To me Gladiator is one of the most over-hyped movies of all time. I guess Braveheart set the bar a little high.

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I don't have $20 bucks to give to anyone. I'm living the poor college student life right now... feeding off of frozen burritos and those 50 cent pot pie things.

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I don't have $20 bucks to give to anyone. I'm living the poor college student life right now... feeding off of frozen burritos and those 50 cent pot pie things.

Then certainly don't waste your money going to see over-hyped movies at the cinema. Go find a cheap beer special instead.

Jeez, college students these days. B)

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I don't have $20 bucks to give to anyone. I'm living the poor college student life right now... feeding off of frozen burritos and those 50 cent pot pie things.

Then certainly don't waste your money going to see over-hyped movies at the cinema. Go find a cheap beer special instead.

Jeez, college students these days. B)

You are not broke enough if you had to be told the answer to that by Wes.

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300 was a good entertaining movie but it wasn't the movie I expected. I thought I was going to be completely blown away by it and I really wasn't.

I felt better about my sexuality afterwards though.....

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I don't have $20 bucks to give to anyone. I'm living the poor college student life right now... feeding off of frozen burritos and those 50 cent pot pie things.

I can relate on the pot pies... don't do the frozen burritos that much. You can go to Acapulco's and leave for under 5 bucks if you get a burrito and feed on chips. Much better and minus the indigestion of the frozen ones.

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300 was a good entertaining movie but it wasn't the movie I expected. I thought I was going to be completely blown away by it and I really wasn't.

I felt better about my sexuality afterwards though.....

So seeing bufff sweaty men made you more secure in your alternative lifestyle?

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300 was a good entertaining movie but it wasn't the movie I expected. I thought I was going to be completely blown away by it and I really wasn't.

I felt better about my sexuality afterwards though.....

So seeing bufff sweaty men made you more secure in your alternative lifestyle?

I will say what ranger said in another thread

y question, which I think makes more sense, is what kind of person takes the time to put something like this together? I am going to guess it was somebody that likes dudes to begin with, because if he does not, then he has some issues he needs to come to terms with.


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Sorry guys, but the trailer looks pretty lame to me. About as lame as Kellen Winslow calling himself a "soldier" a few years ago. Sport is not war, war is not sport. Equating the two is just silly. Just my .02.

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Sorry guys, but the trailer looks pretty lame to me. About as lame as Kellen Winslow calling himself a "soldier" a few years ago. Sport is not war, war is not sport. Equating the two is just silly. Just my .02.

That goofy movie does not describe war either. Equating the two IS silly. The video is supposed to be a joke.



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Don't worry, Mark. 99% of the members of this site realize that the video was a joke. You can't please everyone. Keep up the good work, and nice job on the Borges interview!

I thought the Boom video was a joke at first, until I realized LSU fans were serious about it.

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