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Canadian PC whiners strike again

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Anybody hear about this? I know Candians PRIDE themselves on being the most overly politically correct bozos on the planet, but this is RIDICULOUS!


Here's the ad:


This world is becoming a sad sad place. I once had a Canadian tell me that Americans were all insensitive a holes because we commonly use the term "fireman" or "policeman" instead of "fireperson" or "policeperson". I swear people are finding more ways to be PC like its a freaking sport. I don't think people really buy into their own overly PC actions, they just use it as another opportunity to pat themselves on the back.

What a bunch of wussy crybabies.

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Not like it shows him knocking the kid through the window or anything. Can we get Sir Charles to go up there and straighten this out?

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If they won't air that then I'm guessing Canada won't air half the commercials from the US.

Funny thing is you usually have to make a truly off kilter commercial to get this kind of publicity. and this one was about as tame as a cuddly puppy.

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