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Why does the LEFT hate so much ?


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Jerry Falwell certainly had some unpopular opinions and even absurd comments, but in his time on Earth, he also helped many people. Contrast that with Saddam, who was directly responsible for the rape, mutilation and murder of 10's if not 100's of thousands of his OWN people. And yet we see the Left spew all sorts of hatred and praise at Falwell's death, while almost lamenting Saddam's demise.

Why is that ?

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Jerry Falwell certainly had some unpopular opinions and even absurd comments, but in his time on Earth, he also helped many people. Contrast that with Saddam, who was directly responsible for the rape, mutilation and murder of 10's if not 100's of thousands of his OWN people. And yet we see the Left spew all sorts of hatred and praise at Falwell's death, while almost lamenting Saddam's demise.

Why is that ?

The most hatefilled people I routinely encounter are on this forum and you're near the top. Why is that? Most of the posts here are hate-filled rants about the "left." One of the most common themes is hating the "left" for hating. And bashing the "left" for bashing. Instead of talking about ideas, most posts are merely about hating the "left" for not having ideas, but only hating those on the "right." How ironic.

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Jerry Falwell certainly had some unpopular opinions and even absurd comments, but in his time on Earth, he also helped many people. Contrast that with Saddam, who was directly responsible for the rape, mutilation and murder of 10's if not 100's of thousands of his OWN people. And yet we see the Left spew all sorts of hatred and praise at Falwell's death, while almost lamenting Saddam's demise.

Why is that ?

The most hatefilled people I routinely encounter are on this forum and you're near the top. Why is that? Most of the posts here are hate-filled rants about the "left." One of the most common themes is hating the "left" for hating. And bashing the "left" for bashing. Instead of talking about ideas, most posts are merely about hating the "left" for not having ideas, but only hating those on the "right." How ironic.

From the person who reduces every discussion to "You're stupid."

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Jerry Falwell certainly had some unpopular opinions and even absurd comments, but in his time on Earth, he also helped many people. Contrast that with Saddam, who was directly responsible for the rape, mutilation and murder of 10's if not 100's of thousands of his OWN people. And yet we see the Left spew all sorts of hatred and praise at Falwell's death, while almost lamenting Saddam's demise.

Why is that ?

The most hatefilled people I routinely encounter are on this forum and you're near the top. Why is that? Most of the posts here are hate-filled rants about the "left." One of the most common themes is hating the "left" for hating. And bashing the "left" for bashing. Instead of talking about ideas, most posts are merely about hating the "left" for not having ideas, but only hating those on the "right." How ironic.

From the person who reduces every discussion to "You're stupid."

Not with everyone. Discussions with you, however, tend to naturally lead there.

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One of the most common themes is hating the "left" for hating. And bashing the "left" for bashing. Instead of talking about ideas, most posts are merely about hating the "left" for not having ideas, but only hating those on the "right." How ironic.

So, this type of behavior is exhibited exclusively by conservatives? I don't recall any ideas being brought up by the left, much less anything worthy of discussion. All I hear from the cuckoo fringe that has hijacked the democrat party is how America is to blame for all the evil in the world today & Bush is Hitler.

Once you acknowledge the left is just as corrupt and underhanded as you make the right out to be, you'll be seen as fair minded and open to discussion. I think you expect us "non-progressives" to cave in and admit we're wrong, all the while giving the left a free pass. Ain't gonna happen. I'm sure your stance is the same as ours on this issue. Should that happen though, I will meet you in the middle.

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When George McGovern, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, or any other liberal icon dies, I seriously doubt you will hear any conservative say, "I hope his body is turning a crisp brown right about now," like Ted Rall did in regards to Ronald Reagan's death back in 2004.

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The wacko left and their barking attack dogs -- from those in politics to those in media to those just wandering the street -- remind me of Baptists in Alabama. Now before you get your panties bunched, hear me out.

Back when Siegelman was pushing for the lottery there was a wave of opposition led, in large part, by Alabama Baptists. The state's education system, particularly as it applies to rural communities, is in dire financial straits. Teachers are being laid off or not re-hired. Student-teacher ratios have gone up. The fact that most have bloated administrative offices is a fight for another day. But when the lottery issue was raised as a means to infuse money into the education system (as it does to great advantage in Florida and other states) Baptist leaders wouldn't hear of it. They fought hard and long against it and promised that there were other ways to bring money to education, they had different plans that would accomplish the same thing. Well, the lottery was defeated. And the people who supposedly had the "plans" drifted back into the woodwork. I'm STILL waiting for the plans.

Same thing with the wet/dry referendum. County is slowly dying. Surrounding counties are wet. Can't get most chain restaurants or anything much beyond a Jack's or a Subway to build here. But let the idea of allowing alcohol sales come up and all of a sudden here comes the crusade. There are always "better ideas" for bringing industry and money into the county but those ideas are never expressed once they get their way.

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Jerry Falwell certainly had some unpopular opinions and even absurd comments, but in his time on Earth, he also helped many people. Contrast that with Saddam, who was directly responsible for the rape, mutilation and murder of 10's if not 100's of thousands of his OWN people. And yet we see the Left spew all sorts of hatred and praise at Falwell's death, while almost lamenting Saddam's demise.

Why is that ?

The most hatefilled people I routinely encounter are on this forum and you're near the top. Why is that? Most of the posts here are hate-filled rants about the "left." One of the most common themes is hating the "left" for hating. And bashing the "left" for bashing. Instead of talking about ideas, most posts are merely about hating the "left" for not having ideas, but only hating those on the "right." How ironic.

From the person who reduces every discussion to "You're stupid."

Not with everyone. Discussions with you, however, tend to naturally lead there.

It does normally when you run out of rational arguments. Which happens quickly.

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The wacko left and their barking attack dogs -- from those in politics to those in media to those just wandering the street -- remind me of Baptists in Alabama. Now before you get your panties bunched, hear me out.

Back when Siegelman was pushing for the lottery there was a wave of opposition led, in large part, by Alabama Baptists. The state's education system, particularly as it applies to rural communities, is in dire financial straits. Teachers are being laid off or not re-hired. Student-teacher ratios have gone up. The fact that most have bloated administrative offices is a fight for another day. But when the lottery issue was raised as a means to infuse money into the education system (as it does to great advantage in Florida and other states) Baptist leaders wouldn't hear of it. They fought hard and long against it and promised that there were other ways to bring money to education, they had different plans that would accomplish the same thing. Well, the lottery was defeated. And the people who supposedly had the "plans" drifted back into the woodwork. I'm STILL waiting for the plans.

Same thing with the wet/dry referendum. County is slowly dying. Surrounding counties are wet. Can't get most chain restaurants or anything much beyond a Jack's or a Subway to build here. But let the idea of allowing alcohol sales come up and all of a sudden here comes the crusade. There are always "better ideas" for bringing industry and money into the county but those ideas are never expressed once they get their way.

Amen. I have done a complete 180 on these topics. Education, I teach, is direly underfunded. Those who oppose a lottery are shorting the kids for sure. Now, if the AEA would cut some slack asto what is taught in the classrooms, things might be very different. I dont want to pay higher taxes to have my kids brainwashed by the Left.

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The wacko left and their barking attack dogs -- from those in politics to those in media to those just wandering the street -- remind me of Baptists in Alabama. Now before you get your panties bunched, hear me out.

Back when Siegelman was pushing for the lottery there was a wave of opposition led, in large part, by Alabama Baptists. The state's education system, particularly as it applies to rural communities, is in dire financial straits. Teachers are being laid off or not re-hired. Student-teacher ratios have gone up. The fact that most have bloated administrative offices is a fight for another day. But when the lottery issue was raised as a means to infuse money into the education system (as it does to great advantage in Florida and other states) Baptist leaders wouldn't hear of it. They fought hard and long against it and promised that there were other ways to bring money to education, they had different plans that would accomplish the same thing. Well, the lottery was defeated. And the people who supposedly had the "plans" drifted back into the woodwork. I'm STILL waiting for the plans.

Same thing with the wet/dry referendum. County is slowly dying. Surrounding counties are wet. Can't get most chain restaurants or anything much beyond a Jack's or a Subway to build here. But let the idea of allowing alcohol sales come up and all of a sudden here comes the crusade. There are always "better ideas" for bringing industry and money into the county but those ideas are never expressed once they get their way.

Amen. I have done a complete 180 on these topics. Education, I teach, is direly underfunded. Those who oppose a lottery are shorting the kids for sure. Now, if the AEA would cut some slack asto what is taught in the classrooms, things might be very different. I dont want to pay higher taxes to have my kids brainwashed by the Left.

At the end of the day, the main problem in education is the teachers unions. Until we as citizens can wrestle the dictatorial powers of the teachers unions away from them, then we won't get anywhere in education, funding or no funding.

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Jerry Falwell certainly had some unpopular opinions and even absurd comments, but in his time on Earth, he also helped many people. Contrast that with Saddam, who was directly responsible for the rape, mutilation and murder of 10's if not 100's of thousands of his OWN people. And yet we see the Left spew all sorts of hatred and praise at Falwell's death, while almost lamenting Saddam's demise.

Why is that ?

The most hatefilled people I routinely encounter are on this forum and you're near the top. Why is that? Most of the posts here are hate-filled rants about the "left." One of the most common themes is hating the "left" for hating. And bashing the "left" for bashing. Instead of talking about ideas, most posts are merely about hating the "left" for not having ideas, but only hating those on the "right." How ironic.

We need a jerking-off emoticon for just YOUR posts.

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Falwell had a huge impact on this country. His moral majority was a revolution of sorts in politics. And Liberty University was laughed at in the beginning. Look at the respect it has now. The man was very smart and savvy.

It just so happened that he was a preacher. There were times when I did no agree or like what he said. But I could never say he had less right to say it than 99% of the other talking heads. He lived a good life and left a positive legacy on society. Kudos to him.

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Jerry Falwell certainly had some unpopular opinions and even absurd comments, but in his time on Earth, he also helped many people. Contrast that with Saddam, who was directly responsible for the rape, mutilation and murder of 10's if not 100's of thousands of his OWN people. And yet we see the Left spew all sorts of hatred and praise at Falwell's death, while almost lamenting Saddam's demise.

Why is that ?

The most hatefilled people I routinely encounter are on this forum and you're near the top. Why is that? Most of the posts here are hate-filled rants about the "left." One of the most common themes is hating the "left" for hating. And bashing the "left" for bashing. Instead of talking about ideas, most posts are merely about hating the "left" for not having ideas, but only hating those on the "right." How ironic.

I was responding to the list posted of LEFT WINGERS who made jubilant and vicious remarks at the death of Falwell. Sadly, it's an all too common M.O. for the Left, which shows zero compassion what so ever. The fact of the matter is this.... the Left routinely spews hatred and glee at the news of a conservative who has passed ( See Ted Rall re: Reagan, Tillman ) What the hell is the Left winger's major malfunction ? If you can't deal w/ the facts, then don't even bother replying. And since you can't / won't answer the question, all you can do is respond w/ some inane, childish remarks about how all I do is post 'rants', that too is a song which has gotten old. Try something else, or try nothing at all.

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The wacko left and their barking attack dogs -- from those in politics to those in media to those just wandering the street -- remind me of Baptists in Alabama. Now before you get your panties bunched, hear me out.

Back when Siegelman was pushing for the lottery there was a wave of opposition led, in large part, by Alabama Baptists. The state's education system, particularly as it applies to rural communities, is in dire financial straits. Teachers are being laid off or not re-hired. Student-teacher ratios have gone up. The fact that most have bloated administrative offices is a fight for another day. But when the lottery issue was raised as a means to infuse money into the education system (as it does to great advantage in Florida and other states) Baptist leaders wouldn't hear of it. They fought hard and long against it and promised that there were other ways to bring money to education, they had different plans that would accomplish the same thing. Well, the lottery was defeated. And the people who supposedly had the "plans" drifted back into the woodwork. I'm STILL waiting for the plans.

Same thing with the wet/dry referendum. County is slowly dying. Surrounding counties are wet. Can't get most chain restaurants or anything much beyond a Jack's or a Subway to build here. But let the idea of allowing alcohol sales come up and all of a sudden here comes the crusade. There are always "better ideas" for bringing industry and money into the county but those ideas are never expressed once they get their way.

Amen. I have done a complete 180 on these topics. Education, I teach, is direly underfunded. Those who oppose a lottery are shorting the kids for sure. Now, if the AEA would cut some slack asto what is taught in the classrooms, things might be very different. I dont want to pay higher taxes to have my kids brainwashed by the Left.

When public education no longer reflects the values of the people, the people will not support public education.

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