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"Enhanced Interrogation"


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Okay, Sandyclaw, now I can say that neither TIS or Raptor followed my point. They make up arguments and assertions and argue against those instead. * I never once said our troops were torturing, but TIS constantly uses them for rhetorical purposes. I talked about our policy making at the very top levels.

Once again, for the reading impaired.

* TexasTiger wrote: Turns out, "enhanced interrogation" as a euphemism for torture is nothing new.

Umm, looks like you're saying that our troops are torturers. By comparing what the NAZIS said and what they did, you're equating that to what our troops are doing to the Islamo-fascists when they engage in 'enhanced interrogation'. I'm following your point, using your own words. Sorry, but if what you mean can't be derived at by what you SAY, then stop saying stupid stuff in the 1st place.

You infer what you want based on your own perverted filter. Another option would be actually reading the whole thing and thinking a moment before launching into one of your hatefilled rants, but I suppose the only reason you come here is to vent your anger. Hope it keeps you from taking it out on those within arms reach.

1. There's no inferring required here, pal. The only thing perverted is your own comments. I posted YOUR OWN WORDS. If you can't handle having your own words read back to you, then stop posting.

2. There's nothing 'hatefilled' about my post, what so ever. You call our troops torturers, I'm gonna come after you. It's just that simple.

3. Fortunatly for you, you're out of arms reach. Because I am angry at those who try to blame America for that which it isn't at fault.

I'm wouldn't be concerned being within your arm's reach. I just hope there are no women or children around you. Get some help.

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TexasTiger wrote: I'm wouldn't be concerned being within your arm's reach. I just hope there are no women or children around you. Get some help.

Of course, when you run yourself into a corner and can't back up your claims, you break out the insults. I'll play along, for the sake of the board, but if you're gonna go to the typical characature of a conservative as a violent low life who wears sleevless T - shirts and drinks budweiser beer every day, hell... break out all the other tired old stereo types why don't ya ? Being Conservative makes one a racist, mysogonist, homophobe, gun toting, bible thumping.....what ever. It's sad to see you resort to such a tired old tactic , but then that's all it seems you have.

Your words equated OUR troops to being torturers. You can't back away from that fact, but you're wishing you could, and divert attention away from your remarks. I'm not gonna let you weasle out of this one so easily.

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Guest Frank Burns

This whole thread is torture to me.

Luckily, I have a choice and can stop reading anytime I want.

Really, I can.

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TexasTiger wrote: I'm wouldn't be concerned being within your arm's reach. I just hope there are no women or children around you. Get some help.

Of course, when you run yourself into a corner and can't back up your claims, you break out the insults. I'll play along, for the sake of the board, but if you're gonna go to the typical characature of a conservative as a violent low life who wears sleevless T - shirts and drinks budweiser beer every day, hell... break out all the other tired old stereo types why don't ya ? Being Conservative makes one a racist, mysogonist, homophobe, gun toting, bible thumping.....what ever. It's sad to see you resort to such a tired old tactic , but then that's all it seems you have.

Your words equated OUR troops to being torturers. You can't back away from that fact, but you're wishing you could, and divert attention away from your remarks. I'm not gonna let you weasle out of this one so easily.

My words did no such thing. You can't find where I said what your claiming. You're deeply disturbed.

And spare me the mock outrage you supposedly "feel" for the troops. You feel nothing, but anger. You haven't given a fallen soldier a second thought. You don't care. They're just props for you in this argument. My argument is at the top levels of our government, and you try to use the "troops" for your own purposes. Your disgusting. And my image of you has nothing to do with a conservative stereotype. It is based on the crap you post. I don't view every "conservative" here this way.

You can't read. You can't respond. You can only react in the same predictable, tired, angry, off-the-mark way.

Get some help.

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TexasTiger wrote: I'm wouldn't be concerned being within your arm's reach. I just hope there are no women or children around you. Get some help.

Of course, when you run yourself into a corner and can't back up your claims, you break out the insults. I'll play along, for the sake of the board, but if you're gonna go to the typical characature of a conservative as a violent low life who wears sleevless T - shirts and drinks budweiser beer every day, hell... break out all the other tired old stereo types why don't ya ? Being Conservative makes one a racist, mysogonist, homophobe, gun toting, bible thumping.....what ever. It's sad to see you resort to such a tired old tactic , but then that's all it seems you have.

Your words equated OUR troops to being torturers. You can't back away from that fact, but you're wishing you could, and divert attention away from your remarks. I'm not gonna let you weasle out of this one so easily.

My words did no such thing. You can't find where I said what your claiming. You're deeply disturbed.

And spare me the mock outrage you supposedly "feel" for the troops. You feel nothing, but anger. You haven't given a fallen soldier a second thought. You don't care. They're just props for you in this argument. My argument is at the top levels of our government, and you try to use the "troops" for your own purposes. Your disgusting. And my image of you has nothing to do with a conservative stereotype. It is based on the crap you post. I don't view every "conservative" here this way.

You can't read. You can't respond. You can only react in the same predictable, tired, angry, off-the-mark way.

Get some help.

You're words did EXPLICITLY that, and you know it. I'm responding to your very words, and it's got you so twisted up that you can't help but hurl insults to try to divert away form the sisue. Get your own damn help if you can't see that.

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TexasTiger wrote: I'm wouldn't be concerned being within your arm's reach. I just hope there are no women or children around you. Get some help.

Of course, when you run yourself into a corner and can't back up your claims, you break out the insults. I'll play along, for the sake of the board, but if you're gonna go to the typical characature of a conservative as a violent low life who wears sleevless T - shirts and drinks budweiser beer every day, hell... break out all the other tired old stereo types why don't ya ? Being Conservative makes one a racist, mysogonist, homophobe, gun toting, bible thumping.....what ever. It's sad to see you resort to such a tired old tactic , but then that's all it seems you have.

Your words equated OUR troops to being torturers. You can't back away from that fact, but you're wishing you could, and divert attention away from your remarks. I'm not gonna let you weasle out of this one so easily.

My words did no such thing. You can't find where I said what your claiming. You're deeply disturbed.

And spare me the mock outrage you supposedly "feel" for the troops. You feel nothing, but anger. You haven't given a fallen soldier a second thought. You don't care. They're just props for you in this argument. My argument is at the top levels of our government, and you try to use the "troops" for your own purposes. Your disgusting. And my image of you has nothing to do with a conservative stereotype. It is based on the crap you post. I don't view every "conservative" here this way.

You can't read. You can't respond. You can only react in the same predictable, tired, angry, off-the-mark way.

Get some help.

You're words did EXPLICITLY that, and you know it. I'm responding to your very words, and it's got you so twisted up that you can't help but hurl insults to try to divert away form the sisue. Get your own damn help if you can't see that.

Absolutely did not. Best I can tell, most waterboarding is done by the CIA or folks from other countries that we outsource it to. Doesn't change what it is, but I never said our troops were torturing anybody.

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TexasTiger wrote: Best I can tell, most waterboarding is done by the CIA or folks from other countries that we outsource it to. Doesn't change what it is, but I never said our troops were torturing anybody.

I just gotta ask why it took you this long to simmer down and give a coherent reply ? Hope you're sitting down, but per who does the 'interrogation', I'll give ya that one. And I'll confess to clumping you in with Dick Durbin, who DID call the conditions down at Gitmo ( which IS being run mainly by our troops ) equivolent to Soviet Gulags or on par w/ the Khmer Rouge.

Still, the long and short of it is that our SIDE does not 'torture'. I can't speak for what goes on prisons in other countries, but all a terrorist has to do to avoid being sent there is to cooperate in the 1st place. The choice is theirs . Play ball, and things will go better for them. It's beter than most deserve, I'm guessin.

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