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Osama Obama


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I noticed that some think that because Obama's father was Muslim, he must be as well. I agree that a lot of time people do follow what their parents did. However, here is the problem:

Obama's real father was Muslim, however he was raised by a different father. His parents were divorced when he was two years old. He returned to Kenya and had little to no contact with him after that.

He was raised by an atheist step-father and a Christian mother. He went to church and became a Christian. So besides his name, he has not ties to Islam, since very few are affected by religon at age two.

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I noticed that some think that because Obama's father was Muslim, he must be as well. I agree that a lot of time people do follow what their parents did. However, here is the problem:

Obama's real father was Muslim, however he was raised by a different father. His parents were divorced when he was two years old. He returned to Kenya and had little to no contact with him after that.

He was raised by an atheist step-father and a Christian mother. He went to church and became a Christian. So besides his name, he has not ties to Islam, since very few are affected by religon at age two.

His father was a non-believer. He was non-religious until becoming a Christian over 20 years ago.

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I told CCTAU on the other thread and I'll say it again here: no more of this associating Obama or anyone else with a mass murderer like Osama Bin Ladin. Discuss to whatever degree his tenuous connections to Islam, but drop this crap. It's not funny and it's not right.

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His middle name is Hussein.

Come November his first name will be President.

No it won't.

Barring a major mistake in his campaign, my bet is you'd better get used to hearing "President Obama."

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His middle name is Hussein.

Come November his first name will be President.

No it won't.

Barring a major mistake in his campaign, my bet is you'd better get used to hearing "President Obama."

I'm pretty much a Huckabee guy, but since it looks like he won't make it I'm pretty comfortable with McCain now. I really can't get used to the idea of either of the Democratic candididates at this point. All that said, the behavior of the far right over the last few months has been downright embarassing. The bashing that MCain has had to endure from talk radio is worse than anything he will have to face from the Democrats.

Now, its this obvious hyperbole of trying to connect Obama with radical Islamists.

This is not how we go about getting our man elected people. Give it a rest. This kind of thing just reinforces the stereotype of the ignorant, bitter Republicans and betters Obama's chances of getting elected.

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Obama is riding a wave of popularity, true, but don't expect that to last. It's early. It's February. And over time, his platform will be critically analyzed by both Hillary ( which has already started ) and the GOP.

Also, the delegate war for the Dems won't be going away. Almost 800 open or SUPER delegates are up for being bribed and bought by both camps, and my $$ is on the Clinton machine to bring the most to the table, via promises of power, gifts, money, business connections or even threats.

It's a long way to the convention. Stay tuned.

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Why won't Obama's momentum last? The Obama supporters I know are now competing with the Ron Paulians for their intensity in working for their candidate. If Kerry got 59 million votes, then Obama will easily get 65. Watch.

Also, the superdelegate issue won't actually be one. The candidate that wins the highest number of delegates will receive the votes of the superdelegates. There's no way the Dem party would hand the nomination to a person who didn't actually win the election. It ain't your Supreme Court.

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Here is the thing about the momentum:

Everyone keeps saying that he is just the flavor for the week because of his feel good message. What no one seems to notice is that as time goes on he gets more and more popular. Three months ago he wasn't supposed to have a real shot against Clinton, now he is the front runner.

His entire message of change will keep him going against McCain. He will say that if you want Bush for four more years vote for McCain, who supports Bush's war, tax cuts, etc etc. It really doesn't even have to be true. He will link McCain to Bush in every way and people will be saying they want change and it will continue to be a big boost.

As far as all this about him having no real substance, that is just not true. It is true that he talks more about change and hope than his platform, but he does have real stances on the issues, but people are tired of hearing the same promises and speeches and they are looking for something different, right or not.

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I told CCTAU on the other thread and I'll say it again here: no more of this associating Obama or anyone else with a mass murderer like Osama Bin Ladin. Discuss to whatever degree his tenuous connections to Islam, but drop this crap. It's not funny and it's not right.

Thank you TitanTiger, bash Obama for his lack of experience but to go after him about some vague connection to Islam is ignorant and fear mongering. I think that Obama is going to take Wisconsin and the debate in Texas is going to be a showdown. MCain is the best of the bunch when it comes to the Repubs, and if Rush and Coulter really don't like him then something must be good about him.

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