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Bush's approval rating hits new low


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We love Bush. Oh yeah, you've outed us now. Please, for the love of God and all things Holy, correct that oh so incorrect statement. It reeks of stupidity and I can honestly say that's one of the more ignorant statements I've ever heard. How could Democrats "love" someone that they have rallied against for 7 years and donated millions upon millions to defeat at every turn in the road?

It's also undeniable that McCain is a pawn for special interests. 99% of Obama's donations have come from private donations. McBush, or whatever his name is, has taken well over $400,000 from PACs to Obama's $15,000. Yet, he doesn't deal with "those people." Bullhockey. Try not to throw around broad generalizations that have no attachment to facts.

When you look at the record, the only thing different from a dimocrat (besides the war) is abortion and gay marriage. Other than that, he could pass for a tax and spend dimocrat. Shows how ignorant dims are spending all that money defending gays and dead babies.

How does it cost the party money to defend gays and support abortion rights? I can't wait to hear your take on this one.

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How could Democrats "love" someone that they have rallied against for 7 years and donated millions upon millions to defeat at every turn in the road?

How does it cost the party money to defend gays and support abortion rights? I can't wait to hear your take on this one.

Damn. You are either stupid or blind.

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No link there.

The money donated to beat Bush (and now, McBush) is certainly not being given to "defend gays." Your comment makes absolutely no sense.

-edit- spelling

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Wait a sec.

Bush is spending public funds, while Democratic donors, no matter they're reasoning behind their donation, are giving to candidates. You now see that your statement makes no sense? I had a lapse in my first rebuttal.

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