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Karl Rove - The Secret GOP Operative

jw 4 au

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I saw this conspiracy theory in an e-mail at work today. I guess maybe it's not really a conspiracy whether true or not, but I thought it was an interesting short read.

Karl Rove – The Secret GOP Operative

Karl Rove, “the Architect”, is the secret mastermind of the GOP this election. He conveniently resigned in August of 2007 to concentrate fully on the campaign and develop campaign strategies. Will it work in the GOPs favor?

Why when Rove has been so closely associated with the current unpopular President? Think about this, he was able guide George W. Bush (with all his deficiencies: public speaking, partying years, National Guard gaffe, etc.) to two enormous victories. First, Bush was able to defeat a sitting VP following a successful eight year democratic presidency. Second, Bush defeated a popular librul (although he was a big buffoon) extreme leftist thinker formed directly from the Kennedy mold (Teddy was the puppet master). So why would the GOP not pull Rove in under darkness? Though they may dislike each other personally, possibly through Rove McCain and Bush came together in a show of unity as an olive branch to the most conservative members of the GOP. Except for a short period after McCain became the apparent GOP nominee, you haven’t heard much negative from Limbaugh. Rove has been out of site, out of mind for several months, and now he is on Hannity and Colmes nightly, intelligently spinning the GOP political machine.

And today, the Democratic Party (headed by another big buffoon in Howard Dean) is about to nominate the most left minded Senator (dare I say socialist) they have to run against the GOPs moderate candidate of choice (or is McCain a conservative). Would the Democrats do this to themselves all over again after the Kerry debacle? Or have they unknowingly been led down that path by outside sources? Obama wasn’t seriously on the radar going into the primaries, and the more moderate Democrats (Richardson and Biden) and “pretty white boy” (Edwards) dropped out early and quickly. Now Obama and Clinton are extending and spending their resources in a battle of epic proportions for the Democratic ticket. Would Rove and the GOP actually help Clinton win in Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania? The original goal might have been to have the GOP run against the Clinton machine, in hopes of retread issues (with two families essentially running the White House for twenty years), but the Obama thing is too much to pass up. Note that nothing coming out on Obama now was not known by the mainstream media six months ago. Why now? Does Rove have those type of connections with the mainstream media? Can he manipulate the mainstream media as such? He has been accused of it before.

Dems beware. Rove may be lurking in the GOP shadows.

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