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Raven Gray


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Top-rated juco DE Raven Gray will redshirt in 2008, according to Auburn coach Tommy Tuberville.

Tuberville also said that WR Robert Dunn had been demoted to fourth-string inside receiver. He said the move was designed to send a message to younger players that everyone must work hard and not take any days off. Tuberville said Dunn was NOT suspended and would still return punts.

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Hopefully Raven heals quickly and fully. A smart move not to rush things just to accidently make it worse.

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I hate it for Raven because he REALLY wants to be a TIGER and play for AU. Hopefully, all goes well and he can hit the field full speed in 2009.

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Raven Gray. What a bust. Even if this guy contributes in 09, its still a major disappointment.

Summer 2008..."Coaches don't want to redshirt Raven because he won't be here three years. He's THAT good."

Fall 2008..."Raven is really struggling with that leg."

Gametime 2008..."Raven won't be able to play for us. Maybe next year"

Sounds too much like Greg Smith to me. Is Tray Blackmon the ONLY 5* player we've had that's performed up to the hype? Or has even he lived up to it?

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Raven Gray. What a bust. Even if this guy contributes in 09, its still a major disappointment.

Summer 2008..."Coaches don't want to redshirt Raven because he won't be here three years. He's THAT good."

Fall 2008..."Raven is really struggling with that leg."

Gametime 2008..."Raven won't be able to play for us. Maybe next year"

Sounds too much like Greg Smith to me. Is Tray Blackmon the ONLY 5* player we've had that's performed up to the hype? Or has even he lived up to it?

Jesus man, way to have a pessimistic attitude. The kid is hurt, give him a break.

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Raven Gray. What a bust. Even if this guy contributes in 09, its still a major disappointment.

Summer 2008..."Coaches don't want to redshirt Raven because he won't be here three years. He's THAT good."

Fall 2008..."Raven is really struggling with that leg."

Gametime 2008..."Raven won't be able to play for us. Maybe next year"

Sounds too much like Greg Smith to me. Is Tray Blackmon the ONLY 5* player we've had that's performed up to the hype? Or has even he lived up to it?

Jesus man, way to have a pessimistic attitude. The kid is hurt, give him a break.

Amen & Amen. :au:

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And given the attitude he's displayed toward the coaches, he wants into the NFL as soon as possible. So, can we expect him to play two years? Probably not. Can we expect him to go to class? I sure hope so. It didn't quite work out for Greg Smith. I hope Gray has more character than that (I don't know the guy, so I won't judge that aspect.)

Greg Smith...5*...."WILL DESTROY QBs"; "Amazing"...JR year-redshirt...RJR year-flunked.

Raven Gray...5*..."WILL DESTROY QBs"; "Amazing"...JR year-redshirt...

I'm not dogging Gray for being hurt. Believe me, I'm a pretty level-headed guy. I just hate that the guy was so freakin' hyped up before the year started. I also know that a lot of the beat writers I've read simply imply that he's not really running 100% (but they didn't imply it was because he was hurt). He may lack that "want-to" that drives him to earn playing time.

Just Wednesday the guys on ITAT radio were talking about how the coaches wouldn't redshirt Gray because he wouldn't be around in three years anyways. I believe this announcement succesfully smashes that prognostication to itty bitty pieces. Or, it's right and we only see him in orange and blue for one year. Either way, it stinks. Hence the frustration.

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And given the attitude he's displayed toward the coaches, he wants into the NFL as soon as possible. So, can we expect him to play two years? Probably not. Can we expect him to go to class? I sure hope so. It didn't quite work out for Greg Smith. I hope Gray has more character than that (I don't know the guy, so I won't judge that aspect.)

Greg Smith...5*...."WILL DESTROY QBs"; "Amazing"...JR year-redshirt...RJR year-flunked.

Raven Gray...5*..."WILL DESTROY QBs"; "Amazing"...JR year-redshirt...

I'm not dogging Gray for being hurt. Believe me, I'm a pretty level-headed guy. I just hate that the guy was so freakin' hyped up before the year started. I also know that a lot of the beat writers I've read simply imply that he's not really running 100% (but they didn't imply it was because he was hurt). He may lack that "want-to" that drives him to earn playing time.

Just Wednesday the guys on ITAT radio were talking about how the coaches wouldn't redshirt Gray because he wouldn't be around in three years anyways. I believe this announcement succesfully smashes that prognostication to itty bitty pieces. Or, it's right and we only see him in orange and blue for one year. Either way, it stinks. Hence the frustration.

Have you been to practices and seen him run? I really doubt it. This has nothing to do with want to and everything to do with being INJURED. We should probably dismiss any hype about Aaron Savage performing well early this spring because now he's sitting on the sidelines.

Raven is clearly not ready to run yet. I was surprised he was even out there the way he was running. I believe I said I thought he wouldn't play after about the 3rd practice.

Here you go

mowegl Posted on: Aug 5 2008, 02:08 PM

Nice work.On a side note I don't think Raven Gray is gonna play much if at all this season. He looked very gimpy on the practice field, though he does kind of remind me of Stanley McClover with his body and running style.


I think the real reason they would rather not redshirt him was because the sophomore class is already so huge. That just adds one more person you'll be losing in 2 more years. I honestly don't think it had anything to do with the NFL.

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And given the attitude he's displayed toward the coaches, he wants into the NFL as soon as possible. So, can we expect him to play two years? Probably not. Can we expect him to go to class? I sure hope so. It didn't quite work out for Greg Smith. I hope Gray has more character than that (I don't know the guy, so I won't judge that aspect.)

Greg Smith...5*...."WILL DESTROY QBs"; "Amazing"...JR year-redshirt...RJR year-flunked.

Raven Gray...5*..."WILL DESTROY QBs"; "Amazing"...JR year-redshirt...

I'm not dogging Gray for being hurt. Believe me, I'm a pretty level-headed guy. I just hate that the guy was so freakin' hyped up before the year started. I also know that a lot of the beat writers I've read simply imply that he's not really running 100% (but they didn't imply it was because he was hurt). He may lack that "want-to" that drives him to earn playing time.

Just Wednesday the guys on ITAT radio were talking about how the coaches wouldn't redshirt Gray because he wouldn't be around in three years anyways. I believe this announcement succesfully smashes that prognostication to itty bitty pieces. Or, it's right and we only see him in orange and blue for one year. Either way, it stinks. Hence the frustration.

First, without dispute, he's obviously hurt. If he can't play, then his ability to destroy quarterbacks is no longer noteworthy.

Secondly, can you blame anyone, anywhere for going to the NFL after 'x' amount of years? I love Auburn and always will. However, if I were to have a multi-million dollar contract waiting on me after 1 year versus the chance for an injury then I could only wish that my backup could fill my shoes as well as I.

Note: This is not an attempt to promote throughput of players to the NFL at all. Just trying to say that he probably hasn't the entrained passion for Auburn that we die-hard fans have.

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Raven Gray. What a bust. Even if this guy contributes in 09, its still a major disappointment.

Summer 2008..."Coaches don't want to redshirt Raven because he won't be here three years. He's THAT good."

Fall 2008..."Raven is really struggling with that leg."

Gametime 2008..."Raven won't be able to play for us. Maybe next year"

Sounds too much like Greg Smith to me. Is Tray Blackmon the ONLY 5* player we've had that's performed up to the hype? Or has even he lived up to it?

Blackmon live up to the hype??? did you miss last year's Arky game? Ask McFadden and Jones how they liked him. there's an AUsome youtube vid of Tray smashing Jones in the hole.

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Rainman, let me be the first to say what everyone else is thinking: you're a douche. He's a 19 year old that's gone through reconstructive knee surgery. So sorry he's disappointed you. Even if he's not running at full speed... could it possibly be because he's scared of how his knee will respond? Have you ever had a real sports injury? I have. The mental side is the hardest part. If you don't trust that joint 100%, you're just going to get hurt again trying to protect it. Get over yourself and stop complaining.

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Rainman, let me be the first to say what everyone else is thinking: you're a douche. He's a 19 year old that's gone through reconstructive knee surgery. So sorry he's disappointed you. Even if he's not running at full speed... could it possibly be because he's scared of how his knee will respond? Have you ever had a real sports injury? I have. The mental side is the hardest part. If you don't trust that joint 100%, you're just going to get hurt again trying to protect it. Get over yourself and stop complaining.

Totally uncalled for. I've been here long enough to say I've earned a reputation that is anything but "douche."

Geez. Can't a guy be a little upset?

Okay, so I haven't been to practice, but I've read stuff like this... LINK

DE Raven Gray: Gray (pictured at right) was supposed to be a superstar the moment he arrived. Instead, he was hobbling on crutches his first day at Auburn. The cause: December knee surgery. I haven't been impressed with Gray at all so far. His effort level didn't seem on par with more experienced ends like Coleman, Carter and Goggans. Gray was chastised often for not hustling, though that may be a function of simply not knowing Auburn's practice protocol.

With that said, he'll have to make major progress before emerging as an SEC-level contributor. There are plenty of alibis for Gray's problems. Many of them are plausible. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt ... for now. Consider him a third-team player until something changes.

Then hearing that he doesn't intend on being at Auburn past the 2009 season means that him being redshirted means AU gets 13-14 games out of him...tops. How is it wrong to be disappointed in this? Disappointed in Raven Gray, himself?...maybe, but waiting to see. Disappointed in the situation?...abso-frickin' lutely. No question.

And in response to the Blackmon thing, I agree the guy is a beast. He truly owns the field when 100% healthy. That's why I asked the question. I think he's worth the hype. I just wish he had played in more than 12 football games (didn't look that up) going into his RS Junior year.

Just to clear things up, I have NEVER EVER EVER EVER beat a kid down for playing a game better than I can so that I can be entertained on a Saturday. My wording might have been a bit harsh in my first post, making it seem like I'm 100% irritated at Raven. Truthfully, I'm irritated at the circumstances. But, how is signing a 5* kid with all the upside in the world and getting only 13 games out of him NOT a bust? Someone tell me where I'm wrong?

Aairon Savage has been here, earned his spot and got hurt. He's still got a lot of football ahead of him. He's already proven his worth on an AU field. If he misses an entire non-redshirt season, he's still likely to give Auburn 35+ games. I can't call that a bust.

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I think some really misinformed and uncalled things have been said in this thread. I talked to Raven Gray during Spring training as he was doing rehab. He is a great guy and was really working hard although in a lot of pain, He really wants to get back on the field and he never even hinted at any goal beyond wanting to play for Auburn.

I'm sure he is disappointed he is not yet up to par. The fact he hasn't lived up to lofty expectations of a lot of people is certainly no fault of his given he hasn't even had a chance to show what he can do.

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I think some really misinformed and uncalled things have been said in this thread. I talked to Raven Gray during Spring training as he was doing rehab. He is a great guy and was really working hard although in a lot of pain, He really wants to get back on the field and he never even hinted at any goal beyond wanting to play for Auburn.

I'm sure he is disappointed he is not yet up to par. The fact he hasn't lived up to lofty expectations of a lot of people is certainly no fault of his given he hasn't even had a chance to show what he can do.

Glad to hear it. I hope he comes out firing in 2009.
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