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Gubment educators are the problem..


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Here is a sad example from the Atlanta area:


While this story takes place here in the metro Atlanta area, it is making headlines around the country .... and that's not a good thing. I've mentioned the brouhaha we've had here in Atlanta with our Clayton County school system. The bottom is line that the people running the show in Clayton County aren't qualified to sharpen a crayon, much less be in charge of the education of over 50,000 students.

So now the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools has revoked their accreditation. (BIG STORY HERE) This is the first school system in the country to lose its accreditation in over 40 years. Yet come this Monday morning thousands of Clayton County parents will wake up, eat breakfast, dress their children, and send them off to the Clayton County schools without a second thought For these students in Clayton County, many of them will have trouble getting into college or receiving scholarships.

Amazingly, the big question that has been on so many minds as this accreditation mess was going on was .... What is going to happen with Clayton County athletes?

Clayton County now has until September 2009 to show that they have met all the mandates in order to regain accreditation. If they can't meet these mandates – and it is government, so the chances of that happening are zilch – they have to start the entire accreditation process from the beginning, which will take upwards of three years.

By the way ... today the Governor of Georgia removed four people from the Clayton County School Board. These four, and one that has already resigned, caused much of the problems. They were all black. Before the day is out Governor Sonny Perdue will be called a racist many times over.


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Here is a sad example from the Atlanta area:


While this story takes place here in the metro Atlanta area, it is making headlines around the country .... and that's not a good thing. I've mentioned the brouhaha we've had here in Atlanta with our Clayton County school system. The bottom is line that the people running the show in Clayton County aren't qualified to sharpen a crayon, much less be in charge of the education of over 50,000 students.

So now the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools has revoked their accreditation. (BIG STORY HERE) This is the first school system in the country to lose its accreditation in over 40 years. Yet come this Monday morning thousands of Clayton County parents will wake up, eat breakfast, dress their children, and send them off to the Clayton County schools without a second thought For these students in Clayton County, many of them will have trouble getting into college or receiving scholarships.

Amazingly, the big question that has been on so many minds as this accreditation mess was going on was .... What is going to happen with Clayton County athletes?

Clayton County now has until September 2009 to show that they have met all the mandates in order to regain accreditation. If they can't meet these mandates – and it is government, so the chances of that happening are zilch – they have to start the entire accreditation process from the beginning, which will take upwards of three years.

By the way ... today the Governor of Georgia removed four people from the Clayton County School Board. These four, and one that has already resigned, caused much of the problems. They were all black. Before the day is out Governor Sonny Perdue will be called a racist many times over.


The Clayton County School Board is(was) an embarassment to families and educators everywhere.Didn't we (Auburn) almost lose our accredidation as well. I guess white people can mess up too.

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Here is a sad example from the Atlanta area:


While this story takes place here in the metro Atlanta area, it is making headlines around the country .... and that's not a good thing. I've mentioned the brouhaha we've had here in Atlanta with our Clayton County school system. The bottom is line that the people running the show in Clayton County aren't qualified to sharpen a crayon, much less be in charge of the education of over 50,000 students.

So now the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools has revoked their accreditation. (BIG STORY HERE) This is the first school system in the country to lose its accreditation in over 40 years. Yet come this Monday morning thousands of Clayton County parents will wake up, eat breakfast, dress their children, and send them off to the Clayton County schools without a second thought For these students in Clayton County, many of them will have trouble getting into college or receiving scholarships.

Amazingly, the big question that has been on so many minds as this accreditation mess was going on was .... What is going to happen with Clayton County athletes?

Clayton County now has until September 2009 to show that they have met all the mandates in order to regain accreditation. If they can't meet these mandates – and it is government, so the chances of that happening are zilch – they have to start the entire accreditation process from the beginning, which will take upwards of three years.

By the way ... today the Governor of Georgia removed four people from the Clayton County School Board. These four, and one that has already resigned, caused much of the problems. They were all black. Before the day is out Governor Sonny Perdue will be called a racist many times over.


The Clayton County School Board is(was) an embarassment to families and educators everywhere.Didn't we (Auburn) almost lose our accredidation as well. I guess white people can mess up too.

WE, as in those of us who actually got a degree there, were under investigation due to a few things going on that were odd at best. It did not drag on and was addressed as quickly as possible.

The folks running the Clayton County system were warned over and over. And DID lose their accreditation. I guess you will be one of those mad at ole governor honkey cause he fired the lot, huh?

BTW accreditation was spelled correctly above and you failed to even try.

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