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Enhanced water vapor (image) of Gustov


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They're really downplaying this having much effect on New Orleans, as they are saying that it's going to hit west of NOLA and that it's a fast moving event.

Though, if it doesn't land as west as they think it will, it will put NOLA in the way of the most damaging wind Gustav has to offer. With Katrina, they were spared because it jumped at the last minute. And they were on the western side of the storm. But it made the flooding worse.

So this time, they may be spared the flooding, but not spared the damaging winds.

Either way, there seems to be little doom and gloom with this one...they seemed to be MUCH more doom and gloom preceding Katrina.

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If it hits west of New Orleans then the highest winds will be hitting New Orleans and a lot of water could be pushed into Lake Panchatrain. Since the highest winds will be on the eastern side of the storm.

But then I have not been keeping up with the news on this storm.

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Wish I didn't have to worry about these storms. Last weekend it was the Tropical storm that came thru here and this weekend its the hurricane. Glad it's not hitting here, but man am I tired of getting prepared for them.

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Either way, there seems to be little doom and gloom with this one...they seemed to be MUCH more doom and gloom preceding Katrina.

Katrina had a 30+ foot storm surge. They're predicting this one to have 6-8 ft. Even if it was a direct hit on NO, it probably wouldn't strike with the force Katrina did.

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