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I think this was expected with Kodi's injury.

IMO, this is Chris Todd's chance to prove himself. If he doesn't do the job expected of him against USM, I don't know how anyone could not put Kodi in the drivers seat by default ("ahhh, the two sweetest words in the English language - 'De-Fault! De-Fault! De-Fault!'" - :homer:)

On the other hand, if he does a good job - this could actually hurt the team because a true QB wouldn't be named. And if the coaches named Todd the starting QB, IMO that would be wrong. But whatever... I duno, it's good that one QB will earn the reps this weekend. But on the other hand, it hurts that one of them may not get the opportunity.

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FYI, Tubbs said Todd would have been the starter even if KB hadn't been injured. He also said that it has nothing to do with Saturday. The plan was for KB to start the first game and Todd to start the second game.

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Like I've said, its a 2 (maybe even 3 game now) try-out. Just like pre-season NFL. Granted after USM put up 51 pts I'm a little more concerned.

Ideally (and this should've been done from the start if starting each one of them once was the original plan) Todd will get the entire first qtr and Kodi will get the 2nd. Let the guys get some rythym. I just find it mind-boggling Franklin didn't see that coming.

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This whole QB situation is putting a bad taste in my mouth. I know I am the biggest armchair coach/quarterback in the world and that CTT and CTF know about a million times more than me, but it doesn't take a genious to know that changing QB's in and out gets them no rythym or poise at all. I, along with the rest of you are bitching and moaning about the QB and WR's play, but what do you expect when you get two distinctively different styles of QB's throwing to you every other series? Sorry for the rant, but it's week two and I'm already frusterated. Hopefully (good or bad) a QB will be on the field for an entire game soon so we can all rest ( all meaning us fans, the players and the coaches).

Anyway, I'm still excited about 08' (thank you o-line, running backs, special teams and DEFENSE) for allowing me to not bang my head against the wall so far!

WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!!!! :au:

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Like I've said, its a 2 (maybe even 3 game now) try-out. Just like pre-season NFL. Granted after USM put up 51 pts I'm a little more concerned.

Ideally (and this should've been done from the start if starting each one of them once was the plan to start) Todd will get the entire first qtr and Kodi will get the 2nd. Let the guys get some rythem. I just find it mind-boggling Franklin didn't see that coming.

aubiescottie, I hear ya. However, CTF did take full responsibility for it in his interviews (gotta remember that he said this was his FIRST experience with such a situation) . Hopefully this will be resolved before SEC play begins.

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Like I've said, its a 2 (maybe even 3 game now) try-out. Just like pre-season NFL. Granted after USM put up 51 pts I'm a little more concerned.

I hope that our defense will have great success because USM looks alot like Georgia.

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Like I've said, its a 2 (maybe even 3 game now) try-out. Just like pre-season NFL. Granted after USM put up 51 pts I'm a little more concerned.

Ideally (and this should've been done from the start if starting each one of them once was the plan to start) Todd will get the entire first qtr and Kodi will get the 2nd. Let the guys get some rythem. I just find it mind-boggling Franklin didn't see that coming.

aubiescottie, I hear ya. However, CTF did take full responsibility for it in his interviews (gotta remember that he said this was his FIRST experience with such a situation) . Hopefully this will be resolved before SEC play begins

responsibility shmonsibility. I said to my gf as soon as Todd went out there on the second drive, "WHY is he out there?? These guys aren't going to be able to get any rythym."

Granted, I don't know much about the X's and O's of football, but I do know something about the pyschology of sports, and this falls exactly in that category.

I'm glad it happened, but did anyone else get the feeling that our defensive and special teams TD's came in the worst game at the worst possible times? We definitely could've used those 2 extra offensive drives.

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FYI, Tubbs said Todd would have been the starter even if KB hadn't been injured. He also said that it has nothing to do with Saturday. The plan was for KB to start the first game and Todd to start the second game.

Funny, because the coaches never said that leading into the game.

If true, why would they keep that secret? They alternated series throughout the game. There was no clear starter.

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:stirring the pot

Who will be the 2nd guy? Trotter or Caudle? Or will Kodi be ready but not starting?

I know Caudle played the last series last weekend, but have been reading that Trotter looks PDG during 2-a-days.

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I think this is a bad idea. I don't know what Tuberville is thinking. Is Burns can't go, I understand, but Todd looked awful saturday against a weak opponent. It only gets tougher. Tuberville needs to realize that Franklin has a love affair with CT and it is not what's best for the team. It's time for Tuberville to put his foot down and name Burns the starter.

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FYI, Tubbs said Todd would have been the starter even if KB hadn't been injured. He also said that it has nothing to do with Saturday. The plan was for KB to start the first game and Todd to start the second game.

Funny, because the coaches never said that leading into the game.

If true, why would they keep that secret? They alternated series throughout the game. There was no clear starter.

Tuberville said that in a rivals article posted today. He said they were planning on giving Burns the start in game 1 and Todd the start in game 2.

The rotation every series was the problem. It seemed that at the end of the game when Kodi was out, Todd seemed to settle down a little bit, probably knowing that he was going to be back in the next series.

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I think this is a bad idea. I don't know what Tuberville is thinking. Is Burns can't go, I understand, but Todd looked awful saturday against a weak opponent. It only gets tougher. Tuberville needs to realize that Franklin has a love affair with CT and it is not what's best for the team. It's time for Tuberville to put his foot down and name......

Why not give 19 a shot? I hear that he's getting Kodi's reps this week.

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Doubting the coaching staff PowerI? Watch out, or else you'll be called a BAMMER!

Well, PChump, you are the resident expert on Bammers. I see your team did real well this weekend. I never expected Saban to have your guys that ready for Clemson.

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I posted some relevant articles in the "Today's Practice" thread.

CTT is still not saying anything definite about Kodi playing Saturday or not. I he may not want Southern Miss to know everything. According to ESPN, Kodi did practice some this morning. CTT said he had to be fully recovered to play Saturday and said Caudle would be #2 if Kodi could not go.

So, no revelations except that we did find out Kodi practiced today.

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I posted some relevant articles in the "Today's Practice" thread.

CTT is still not saying anything definite about Kodi playing Saturday or not. I he may not want Southern Miss to know everything. According to ESPN, Kodi did practice some this morning. CTT said he had to be fully recovered to play Saturday and said Caudle would be #2 if Kodi could not go.

So, no revelations except that we did find out Kodi practiced today.

Can anybody give a description of "what kind" of QB Caudle is? Would he be a "passer" or a "runner"? Or maybe an "athlete"? For some reason, what passes for my mind places him as an "athletic" type, a runner with an acceptable arm.

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i personally think ULM came into the game prepared to stop the pass thus opening up the opportunity for our running game to explode. i think the coaches know what they're doing with the QB situation and we'll be fine either way. EVERYONE has been calling Kodi as the starter after the Chic-Fil-A bowl, but like i've said all along --- Todd has the skills to be a great D-I QB. Kodi Burns will make an excellent situational QB for us this season. Don't let your biasedness blind you people. You all say CTF has a love affair --- I think you guys have a love affair.

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--- Todd has the skills to be a great D-I QB. Kodi Burns will make an excellent situational QB for us this season. Don't let your biasedness blind you people. You all say CTF has a love affair --- I think you guys have a love affair.

Well I haven't seen practice. That being said, I did go to the game Saturday. If the "you guys" you speak of went to the game, their love affair is at least justifiable and backed up by performance. I'm open to whomever being QB........Burns, Todd, Caudle, Trotter, even Antonio Coleman. Point is I want the best in there at any given time. Period. From what I've seen of the options, Burns is that man at this point in time.

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honestly not trying to flame or down a coach or a player, but Tony Franklin is a coach. coaches get paid to....coach. coaches get paid to make big decisions on the field. why in the hell can CTF not make a decision on which QB will be the starter? if the two are so so so so dead even that you have to rotate them out in the game until one "separates himself" from the other, then why not play Burns since he is also a running threat and adds another wrinkle to the offense? from the outside looking in, CTF in all reality brought Todd along from Troy, and Todd is his boy. it seems like he wants to do it his way with his people, and that is not a good idea. like i said, if the two are so dead even i would think you would have to give the nod to Burns since he has been at AU longer and knows his WRs better, plus he can run. i know that Burns is now injured and may not play againse So. Miss, but i think Burns should start after that. the good thing is, if CTF is being irrational CTT will step in and put him in his place. i know CTT wouldn't let him risk the season over his ego. again, not trying to flame just an opinion from the outside looking in.

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my selling point is Chris Todd was in a similar race with Graham Harrell at Texas Tech.......a player who was robbed of being in the running for Heisman last season due to the media's love affair with Colt Brennan. Todd will get in a groove and pull away from Burns throughout the season imo, but we'll be a force to be reckoned with even if he doesn't and Burns gets the nod. Our ground game is for real and after this weekend teams better realize that they're gonna have to shut our RBs down too. Even I was surprised to see how often we ran the ball against ULM. :au:

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my selling point is Chris Todd was in a similar race with Graham Harrell at Texas Tech.......a player who was robbed of being in the running for Heisman last season due to the media's love affair with Colt Brennan. Todd will get in a groove and pull away from Burns throughout the season imo, but we'll be a force to be reckoned with even if he doesn't and Burns gets the nod. Our ground game is for real and after this weekend teams better realize that they're gonna have to shut our RBs down too. Even I was surprised to see how often we ran the ball against ULM. :au:

why did you guys even bother getting rid of CAB and making everybody learn a new offense if that is the mentality?

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Can anybody give a description of "what kind" of QB Caudle is? Would he be a "passer" or a "runner"? Or maybe an "athlete"? For some reason, what passes for my mind places him as an "athletic" type, a runner with an acceptable arm.

Caudle is more of a pocket passer than anything. In high school he was known for his accuracy.

my selling point is Chris Todd was in a similar race with Graham Harrell at Texas Tech.......a player who was robbed of being in the running for Heisman last season due to the media's love affair with Colt Brennan. Todd will get in a groove and pull away from Burns throughout the season imo, but we'll be a force to be reckoned with even if he doesn't and Burns gets the nod. Our ground game is for real and after this weekend teams better realize that they're gonna have to shut our RBs down too. Even I was surprised to see how often we ran the ball against ULM. :au:

why did you guys even bother getting rid of CAB and making everybody learn a new offense if that is the mentality?

Because being 103rd in passing and 97th in total offense last year wasn't too much fun.

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