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You Young Americans


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i was born in 1944 and went through several administrations. I can tell you now that the Republicans are generally full of it! Yes, the democrats have become a party of gays, liberals and taxes, but consider this! I have never seen a democrat run the national deficit as high as George W. Bush nor have I seen a country as divided on economic issues since the Vietnam War! Republicans have traditionally embrased family values and morality, yet it is NOTHING but lip service to get elected! When is the Joe Public going to figure that out? Most of us hope to get a job when we graduate college, but guess what? George W. Bush is sending all the jobs overseas! Hell, I had to call Dell Support the other day and had to talk to some idiot in India for techical support. Guess what? He didn't know crap and moreover, he couldn't speak english! I worked at Wal-Mart following retirement and guess what? 90% of their products come from Tiawan, China and Mexico. They utilize Mexican help to keep their costs down and import cheap, useless goods for American citizens to buy! Is this what "free enterprize and the American way" consists of? I suppose so for all your blind republicans! I'm not even going to the "war" and all the allegations there, but I will say in closing that the blind dedication to the Republican party in America is the biggest lie since "the check is in the mail" and "I won't stick it in". Wake up Amerca and realize that this party has become arrogant, power hungry, defiant, and worst of all: Takes for granted the American vote! It IS time for a change!

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Dude, keep up. Dell is bringing those jobs back to America.

Dell moves support out of India

April Castro

NOVEMBER 25, 2003                                                  

AFTER an onslaught of complaints, direct sales computer king Dell has stopped routing corporate customers to a technical support call center in Bangalore, India.

Tech support for Optiplex desktop and Latitude notebook computers will be handled from call centers in Texas, Idaho and Tennessee, Dell spokesman Jon Weisblatt said. 

"Customers weren't satisfied with the level of support they were receiving, so we're moving some calls around to make sure they don't feel that way anymore," Mr Weisblatt said... 


If they see a similar number of complaints from home customers, you can bet your bippie they'll respond the same way.

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:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

More pathetic Rhetoric. Dean? Is that you? Mr. Kerry? When did you become an Auburn fan Mr. Gephardt?


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There are allot of things about the RP I don't like but there is NOTHING about the DP that I do like. With their Socialist spending programs and lack of concern to defend this country we will soon just be another France, a has been. The terrorist are the second worst threat to out way of life, THE DEMS ARE THE FIRST. Read my quote at the bottom by Sam Adams.

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Hey, old boy. Retire and die quickly and you won't have to worry about it anymore. We who will be paying the bulk of the taxes in the coming years want our say too. Thanks for being a pitiful caretaker of our future. It's now our turn to make sure all is well for our children. Let's hope we choose wisely.

PS. You were told by someone that they wouldn't stick it in............

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I'm also a young one...just 24. That doesn't mean I'm an idiot though. And I don't appreciate you assuming I am one.

I agree...someone told they wouldn't stick it in, and then they did. You're bitter about it.

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i was born in 1944 and went through several administrations. I can tell you now that the Republicans are generally full of it! Yes, the democrats have become a party of gays, liberals and taxes, but consider this! I have never seen a democrat run the national deficit as high as George W. Bush nor have I seen a country as divided on economic issues since the Vietnam War! Republicans have traditionally embrased family values and morality, yet it is NOTHING but lip service to get elected! When is the Joe Public going to figure that out? Most of us hope to get a job when we graduate college, but guess what? George W. Bush is sending all the jobs overseas! Hell, I had to call Dell Support the other day and had to talk to some idiot in India for techical support. Guess what? He didn't know crap and moreover, he couldn't speak english! I worked at Wal-Mart following retirement and guess what? 90% of their products come from Tiawan, China and Mexico. They utilize Mexican help to keep their costs down and import cheap, useless goods for American citizens to buy! Is this what "free enterprize and the American way" consists of? I suppose so for all your blind republicans! I'm not even going to the "war" and all the allegations there, but I will say in closing that the blind dedication to the Republican party in America is the biggest lie since "the check is in the mail" and "I won't stick it in". Wake up Amerca and realize that this party has become arrogant, power hungry, defiant, and worst of all: Takes for granted the American vote! It IS time for a change!


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As you are forever talking about us young whippersnapprs, and are constantly referring to your age as the thing that sets you apart, after reading a lot of the posts you have made recently, may I politely inquire if you have stopped taking your Geritol? <_<

Sir, you are only 60, not dead. My father is just a few years younger than you, and to be honest, while I always have been taught to respect my elders, that does not give you free rein to be obnoxious. While it is true that you have seen 27 more years on this earth than I, I don't believe that is a sufficient amount of time to be saying that us "younguns" are all a bunch of blind men wandering in a Republican desert. I am still old enough to remember Carter and gas lines and double digit inflation and then the prosperity and national respect that Ronald Reagan brought to this country. The deficit that we are experiencing right now is as much due to the war on terrorism and the lingering fiscal impact of 9-11, two events that were not of anyone's political making, and two events that no other modern president has ever had to deal with.

Based on all of that, if I have to choose between the lesser of two evils, I will take the Republicans hands down, any day, every day.

As Churchill said: Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.

I am over thirty, and so are you. Think about it.

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I'm not a young-whipper-snapper; and I don't have one-foot-in-the-grave; guess I'm a tweener; I wish debates like this could be made with at least some acknowledgment of the facts.

1 - the US imports 2.5X the number of jobs we export - re: labor department statistics. The facts do not support the political rhetoric. It may be popular to believe this if you are a politician or a reporter; but as I have said many times; facts never seem to get in the way of reporting or political rhetoric. For example, the US is the market of choice for making automobiles; not Japan, Mexico, etc., as is the conventional wisdon. In case you haven't noticed, Alabama and the South at large has benefitted from this.

2 - Look at current issues thru a historical filter. Jobs change as economies change. Farmers moved to the cities as the agrarian economy gave way to the industrial revolution. Fatory jobs give way to information driven jobs as the US and world economies change due to technology and innovation. Auto jobs moved; South in many cases and some were just plain eliminated due to production innovation. Computers eliminated paper pushing jobs; but jobs increased.

3 - We have more people employed than at any time in our history and we have the lowest unemployment rate at any time in the last 40 years (70's 7.2%, 80's 6.5%, 90's 5.8%, 00's 5.6%). Is job exporting hurting US employment? Facts don't support it. Is there some dislocation; certainly. Are we losing jobs? You can't have more people employed; and a lower unemployment rate and be losing jobs.

4 - In the 80's, the "experts" predicted the only jobs that would be left in the US by now would be barbers, resteraunts, etc. The US economy would collapse since the loss of manufacturing jobs would cripple us. Japan would rule the world and we would be a second rate nation. Japan has had 12 years of deflation and stagnant jobs and the US is the pre-imenent economy in the world (that never changed in spite of the news stories to the contrary). It looks like doomsday passed us by once again; the experts missed it again........

The press and the Dem's always underestimate how industrious, hard working and resilient this nation is. They always need to believe the worst; in spite of the history of our nation.

Life is full of ups and downs. These ups and downs don't constitute a national crisis. I've had great jobs; lousy jobs; no job and no money in the bank. I never once blamed anyone other than myself for my condition. Most everyone I know is the same way. That is what made the good ole USA the greatest nation on earth; and this is what will keep it the greatest nation on earth.

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As you are forever talking about us young whippersnapprs, and are constantly referring to your age as the thing that sets you apart, after reading a lot of the posts you have made recently, may I politely inquire if you have stopped taking your Geritol? <_<

Sir, you are only 60, not dead. My father is just a few years younger than you, and to be honest, while I always have been taught to respect my elders, that does not give you free rein to be obnoxious. While it is true that you have seen 27 more years on this earth than I, I don't believe that is a sufficient amount of time to be saying that us "younguns" are all a bunch of blind men wandering in a Republican desert. I am still old enough to remember Carter and gas lines and double digit inflation and then the prosperity and national respect that Ronald Reagan brought to this country. The deficit that we are experiencing right now is as much due to the war on terrorism and the lingering fiscal impact of 9-11, two events that were not of anyone's political making, and two events that no other modern president has ever had to deal with.

Based on all of that, if I have to choose between the lesser of two evils, I will take the Republicans hands down, any day, every day.

As Churchill said: Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.

I am over thirty, and so are you. Think about it.

As usual Jenny, a great post! Thank you!

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Hey, old boy. Retire and die quickly and you won't have to worry about it anymore. We who will be paying the bulk of the taxes in the coming years want our say too. Thanks for being a pitiful caretaker of our future. It's now our turn to make sure all is well for our children. Let's hope we choose wisely.

PS. You were told by someone that they wouldn't stick it in............

You can bet that your children will have the same attitude as you. I can hear them now. "Way to go old man. You and your fiscally responsible Republican party bankrupted our nation and mortgaged what future we could have had. I hope you enjoyed spending our money by overspending and thinking no one would ever have to pay."

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Japantiger...GREAT post.

Dognutboy...you're a putz.

Weasel 96, you're a fool.

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Japantiger...GREAT post.

Dognutboy...you're a putz.

Weasel 96, you're a fool.

Why you wanta go and call Weagle96 a demoncrat like that???

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