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I'd like to share my thoughts with our President and AD if this turns out like it looks. If anyone knows how to get in touch with them, let me know.

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In case anyone else wants to know:

Ol Pres:


Ol Goober:


To extend support and appreciation:

Coach Tommy Tuberville:


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They will not read them. I sent them both e-mails earlier today when the rumors were getting really strong. I got a generic response back from both of them. When I replied back to their response after the news was confirmed, I got the same generic response once again. Here is what I got from Gouge's office...twice:

I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. We will pass your note along to the Athletics Director where recommendations regarding Athletics originate. We appreciate your interest and support of Auburn.

Jay Gogue

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They will not read them. I sent them both e-mails earlier today when the rumors were getting really strong. I got a generic response back from both of them. When I replied back to their response after the news was confirmed, I got the same generic response once again. Here is what I got from Gouge's office...twice:

I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. We will pass your note along to the Athletics Director where recommendations regarding Athletics originate. We appreciate your interest and support of Auburn.

Jay Gogue


snail mail won't get read either, but:

107 Samford Hall

Auburn, AL 36849

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Coach may get to them eventually. I'm sure he's getting a TON of them.

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Well, I wrote mine in an emotional rant, revised it, waited, read it, re-revised it and just sent the final draft to The Jays:


I have a few topics of concern that I feel the need to share with you. First of all, I do not agree with the firing / resignation of Coach Tommy Tuberville. However, if that is the decision that you have come to, then I can live with that ? assuming it is handled in an appropriate, mature manner. I do not feel that was the case, granted there are aspects I will never know.

Due to the recent events, I am embarrassed to be associated with this athletic program and university. I have a lot of time, emotion, and money invested in our institution. As a student, I paid my tuition, put forth my best effort in the class room and attended most games ? home and away. Upon graduation, I still have all that invested except tuition; though there are other methods of my money getting to the school and athletic department. My family and I attend most football games and other sporting events. Through out all of this, I try, and have always tried, to represent my school in a fashion that all could be proud of. It disgruntled me to see others out and about that disgraced my Auburn family, and asked them to act appropriately. I feel that your recent actions are more of a disgrace than that fan misbehaving in the stands or a student cheating in the class room. Why? It is understood that there will be ?bad apples? among any group of people, but you are in a leadership role - the face of our establishment. Actions by individuals in these roles are more detrimental than any other person.

Regarding the firing, rather forced resignation, allow me express myself. Coach Tuberville has had a rich tenure here at Auburn University. He took a program in NCAA trouble, with unruly players, and lacking wins and turned it into a program with no violations or investigations, players with class (those who weren?t were quickly off the team), and built expectations of wins regardless the opponent. Graduation rates were at there highest, which is what a university?s primary focus should be. His program was built around integrity and yielded numerous victories on the field, but more importantly in life. Perhaps the expectations he built were his demise. A bad hire brought results down this year. However, he was intelligent enough to see that it was a mistake and made the adjustments that were inevitable. Instead of waiting until later, he ridded the source of the problem because it had to be done and there is no reason to delay. The damage was already done, but further damage was prevented. This year was just bad, and that is something we all can agree on. I think that under normal circumstances, he may have got a pass, but the success across the state may have played a role in this ridiculous decision. I hope not, but fear it is true.

As I mentioned, I could deal with, and even support, the decision even though I disagree with it. However, this was handled in an inappropriate manner. To begin with, I didn?t buy into your ?vote of confidence? a few weeks back. That was the first indication to everyone that you had a negative agenda and even looks worse in hind-sight. Stringing this out over a few days after saying things are okay is not covering any black eyes either. Ethics, morals, or common decency has not changed since 2003. Contacting others before there is an official vacancy is still wrong, dirty, and tacky. Allowing the assistant coaches to leave minutes before the final discussions shouldn?t have been allowed, especially when they are not able to be informed by you, your staff, or at least Coach Tuberville that they are losing their jobs. Instead they had calls from their wives and hear word over the radio; all while they were trying to secure the top notch recruits that your issues have caused them to waiver. Finally, reporting this as a resignation is ludicrous. Instead of taking the punch on the chin, you force someone else into looking like a quitter so you can try to preserve your image. Well, so that you know, it failed. That further scarred you imagine. I predict this image to bring this program down a notch, hopefully for as short a time as possible. A great recruiting class will soon start to dwindle. Potential head coaches, at least those among the top tier, will not want to put up with the things you have to offer- for any amount of money. It is not encouraging to potential candidates to witness the 5th winningest coach in the NCAA (over the past 5 years) be fired. Who would willingly subject themselves to such scrutiny and ridiculous expectations knowing they have very little lee-way or margin for error?

There is the chance that your hands were ?tied? and you had to play the hand you were dealt. I know, for a fact, that was the case before. If so, I hope you end up in a worse situation than Mr. Housel ? not working for our university. At least Mr. Housel has done some things to re-earn respect ? primarily stepping down after hurting the Auburn people he truly loved. I?m not wishing ill for you and/or your family, just that you don?t deteriorate my Auburn family. Most of us have had pressure from our boss or supervisor to do something that isn?t right. If this is the case, you should have the audacity to stand up for what is right. Instead, you take the coward approach and do as you are told. Do you not realize that by being the pawn, you are taking the fall for someone else?

I know that if you are actually reading this, it is falling on deaf ears. Sure it is too late to salvage a great Tuberville era, but it is not too late to salvage the image of Auburn University and Auburn athletics. I hope that I am wrong, but have to say that I seriously doubt there is a better coach for us available at this time. If there is, I honestly do not have the confidence that you can hire and/or keep them. Again, I hope you can make a believer of me.

I appreciate your time, as I know there are many tasks at hand for you.

Best wishes and War Eagle!

Kevin H. Wagoner

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Kevin, I'm right there with you buddy. It'd be nice if we can get rid of the puppeteer and his two dolls. I have a feeling JJ may make us the laughing stock of the SEC before this is over. Look what good he's done for the baseball and swimming program over the past three years.

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Kevin, I'm right there with you buddy. It'd be nice if we can get rid of the puppeteer and his two dolls. I have a feeling JJ may make us the laughing stock of the SEC before this is over. Look what good he's done for the baseball and swimming program over the past three years.

Basketball is staring down the barrel I'm sure.

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