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Powers Going to NFL


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JP is one of my favorite players on the team. He seemed like a class act, a good leader and an outstanding young man. I wish him the best and hope that he represents Auburn well.

Powers is one of my favorites as well. He autographed my print of him blocking the gators' punt in '06(?)at JH that Trey Smith recovered for the TD (and eventually the win). Powers is a stud CB, but I wish he would prove it for one more year on the plains! :au:

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Good luck to him. He will have his degree before next season stars, and with all the coaching changes and hires, he may just feel like it is time for him to move on.

Even with this past year's injury, I think he will be a late round draft pick, and depending on who drafts him, he is a good enough player to beat out some guys for the roster. Even if he does not get to play much, or at all, his first year, that does not mean he made a bad decision. There are plenty of NFL starters and superstars that did not get to play much their first couple of years.

It is rare for somebody declaring early to have his degree when he shows up for training camp, so Powers has a lot going for him there. If I was in his shoes, given what all has transpired over the past couple of months, my expectations for the team, it is not likely we will win the SEC next year, and what I may learn (Chizik is the head coach and will not be able to spend as much team with defensive guys because of that), I could see where Powers may be thinking he might as well be learning and making some $$$ while doing it in the NFL next year. It is not like he is leaving without a degree to back him up, so who wouldn't consider what he is doing? I know I would think about it if in the same situation.

Powers is doing what he thinks is best for himself, and like I said, I can see why he is doing it. That does not mean I agree with him and as an Auburn fan, I would like to see him back. However, I know Powers is a good kid with a good head on his shoulders, so I know he is doing the right thing for himself, instead of worrying about a bunch of people he does not even know thinks is best for him. We all make the same kind of decisions everyday when it comes to our jobs or families, so why criticize the guy for doing something that is his decision to make because it is his life, not ours.

To say you disagree and thinks it would be better for him to come back one more year, then that is giving sound advice to the guy and there is nothing wrong with that. However, to call the decision "moronic", well I just think that is a moronic statement to make, because you don't know the kid and you are not in the kid's shoes to make such statements.

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What are the realistic possibilities that Powers stays in school and finishes up his degree? His immediate future is in the NFL and I'm sure he'll concentrate on getting ready for the combine, etc. I hope he does stay and finish but I've got to imagine that school would be a distraction in his preparation.

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I disagree with everyone saying he made a terrible decision. He's much much much better than Rodderick Hood ever was at Auburn with similar measurables. He'll get picked up. When healthy he was the best cover corner in the SEC. I'm not surprised one bit at his decision. The only shock I've had in the whole process was AC coming back. I thought all three of our best defenders (Marks, Powers, and Coleman in that order) would go.

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Here's the video of the police dog biting Powers after 07 Iron Bowl. This made me mad when it happened. Good luck to him.

The dog biting him or him going pro makes you mad?? I can understand the later, but not the former. Those dogs are highly trained and a sudden movement "toward the handler" as the dog would have seen it would would result in a bite. The dogs action time is faster than the handlers reaction to the lunge and bite. Accidental...I know that officer and the K9 very well.

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It wasn't the dog or the trainer's fault, but the dogs shouldn't be that close to the field of play. Period. It was junk, and it ticked me off that everyone involved in allowing the dogs on the field could be so sloppy.

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Back on topic, this decision may not be rooted as firmly as some give him credit for. One of my employees is one of Jerraud's relatives and he seems to think this may have more to do with his family making him believe he's better than he actually is

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Regardless of what they're telling him, he's an NFL cailber corner. So he'll get picked up. That's all that really matters. He might be a round or two lower than he thinks, but guys drop all the time for no real reason.

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If you want my honest opinion I dont think any player should be able to leave until they finish thier degree. The NFL is a perk of playing college ball you go to college to get an education not to leave early and go to the NFL, I know the money is good and there is a chance you could get injured your senior year but if you do you have a degree to fall back on otherwise you have to go back to school or get a meaningless job and will have wasted the schools money and your time. JMHO

Powers graduates in May.

So I guess you must be 100% behind his decision to enter the draft. I know Jerraud and if he feels this is best for him (which even though he hasnt talked to an agent yet, he does) then I support his decision! Thanks Ocho for all you've done!

Sure then if he has his degree then good for him. I wish him luck, good to know he will have something to fall back on. Good Luck Powers we will miss you! And thanks for trying to be snide with me.

If he is graduating in May, then more power to him. There's really no reason for him to stay, other than to get just one more year of the college experience. If he stays, there are three possible outcomes and two of them aren't good. He earned a scholarship, played well, got an education. He now has the opportunity to take a job making a minimum of $285k. And if that doesn't work out he has a college degree and no student loan debt. I think he's making a wise decision, and I wish him the best.

This is slightly off the subject, but I always liked Pat Tillman's response to the possibility of being redshirted at ASU as a Freshman. "I've got things to do with my life. You can do whatever you want with me, but in four years, I'm gone." He graduated in 3 and a half years with a 3.85

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