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The Facts Show Increase of Jobs Under Bush


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The Facts Show Increase of Jobs Under Bush

The media and Democrats keep repeating it over and over: "2.3 million jobs lost" since President Bush took office. His could be the worst job record since before World War II, they claim.

One little problem: It's not true.

Not only has there been no net loss of jobs during the Bush administration, there has been a net gain, even with the devastation of 9/11. At least 2.4 million jobs have been created since the president took office, 2 million of those in 2003. The gains more than offset the losses.


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I wonder....Hmmm......Who was president when the economy BEGAN to slide?

President Bush inherited this "mess" and is doing a very good job of turning it around while ,at the same time, fighting a battle against terrorist that wish to DESTROY all that we are and hope to be.

Sounds as if the candidate of choice is already in the White House ! ! ! ! ! :D

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What kind of jobs? Burger King, U.S. Army Reserve fighting an unneeded war in a country that possess no real threat or WMD, while killing innocent people in the name of the United States of America. The only WMD I know of is the dung-head in the oval office. Now, that is an immanent threat. There is no amount of spin that can cover-up the stupidity oozing from the cracks of the White House. The Bushies have but one agenda that has passed in front of the blinded eye of the average reader, and that is, the removal of the middle class wage earner and his or her family.

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The Facts Show Increase of Jobs Under Bush

The media and Democrats keep repeating it over and over: "2.3 million jobs lost" since President Bush took office. His could be the worst job record since before World War II, they claim.

One little problem: It's not true.

Not only has there been no net loss of jobs during the Bush administration, there has been a net gain, even with the devastation of 9/11. At least 2.4 million jobs have been created since the president took office, 2 million of those in 2003. The gains more than offset the losses.


If you look a little deeper I think you will find that the number of "new" jobs since Bush has been in office has not kept up with the number of people entering the workforce. Unemployment was only 3.9% in December of 2000. It is 5.6% now.

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The Facts Show Increase of Jobs Under Bush

The media and Democrats keep repeating it over and over: "2.3 million jobs lost" since President Bush took office. His could be the worst job record since before World War II, they claim.

One little problem: It's not true.

Not only has there been no net loss of jobs during the Bush administration, there has been a net gain, even with the devastation of 9/11. At least 2.4 million jobs have been created since the president took office, 2 million of those in 2003. The gains more than offset the losses.


If you look a little deeper I think you will find that the number of "new" jobs since Bush has been in office has not kept up with the number of people entering the workforce. Unemployment was only 3.9% in December of 2000. It is 5.6% now.

Again, the unemployement rate is still lower then it was in the 70's, 80's, and 90's. Can somebody please tell me when did it ever become the President of the United States job to find you a job or keep you from streamlining or closing down your business? Sure, a sitting president does have some control on what happens with jobs and the private sector, but that is very limited. Liberals want to give Bush a hard time about give big business tax breaks, then cry about the unemployement rate. Am I the only one that sees the contrast in views there. Tax breaks creates more business which creates more jobs, but liberals have a hard time realizing that for some reason.

State goverments have more control over employment and bringing in businesses a whole lot more then the federal government does. I think we sometimes forget that and want to point the finger to much at the federal government for issues that we need to be addressing our state and local government with.

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