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Happy Thanksgiving


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I have SO VERY MUCH to be thankful for this year. I have been out of a job (worked for the same company for 30 years) since Oct. of 2008. BUT.....

Our two daughters are and have been very successful this year in their careers. They are both happy and healthy. (We had a serious health concern about our youngest a few weeks back but it proved to be okay.)

My lovely Bride is doing well and loves her "dead beat" hubby reguardless and has for 31 years this December.

My friends are all doing well on all fronts and have proven their friendship when it really matters. (Times such as these seperate the wheat from the chaff....)

I could go on and on, but, most importantly... God has reminded me who He is and that He is still in control. His love and His grace are sufficient each and everyday as I continue to trust in Him. HE is WORTHY ! ! !

Please take time on Thursday to thank Him. EVERY good thing in our lives is a gift from God. Every single day we are above ground is an opportunity to thank Him and to share His love with others. (Try doing a good deed for a complete stranger or a neighbor. He will bless you more than you can possibly imagine.)

Thanks for taking the time to read this message.

Thank you to all who have remembered me in your prayers. I can never thank you enough.

God Bless. Have a GREAT holiday with your family and friends.


WAR EAGLE ! ! ! :au:


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We have 18 coming over for dinner today and it will be great to be around family.

Thank you Lord for...

Saving this soul

For my family and friends

For my health and welfare

and for AU kicking the poop out of Bama.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all and Thanks to you Tim for sharing.

God is good all the time.

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Happy Thanksgiving Morning everyone. The aromas coming from the kitchen are so wonderful. The cooks in the kitchen are so wonderful. Having a kitchen is so wonderful. God is good and God is great. Thank You Lord for all Your Many Blessings!

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my wonderful AUN friends, GOD is GREAT and here's to a AUsome day after thanksgiving. Even though I don't know any of you face to face I love you all and you are my family!

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