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Forget Palin


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First of all no democrat is scared of Palin. Or none that I've ever met. West seems good on the video, but his website needs a lot of work. I counted four grammatical errors just on the economy section of the issues page. I know he says he would cut spending to pay for his tax cut to 17% for all people under 2 million dollars and for all small businesses, but that would have to be a whoooooole lot of cuts to make up for that money.

His issues page hasn't been updated in a while, or at least not carefully. If he was interested in an eventual presidential run then he needs a better staff.

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First of all no democrat is scared of Palin.

Scared? I don't know a single Democrat who DOESN'T want anyone but Palin running against Obama in 2012. EVERYONE wants her because of her complete stupidity.

Republicans trying to equate democrats mocking her with being scared are fighting a laughable battle against only themselves.

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First of all no democrat is scared of Palin. Or none that I've ever met. West seems good on the video, but his website needs a lot of work. I counted four grammatical errors just on the economy section of the issues page. I know he says he would cut spending to pay for his tax cut to 17% for all people under 2 million dollars and for all small businesses, but that would have to be a whoooooole lot of cuts to make up for that money.

His issues page hasn't been updated in a while, or at least not carefully. If he was interested in an eventual presidential run then he needs a better staff.

:roflol::roflol::roflol: Websites don't win elections! In time, he will have all the aspects covered!

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First of all no democrat is scared of Palin.

Scared? I don't know a single Democrat who DOESN'T want anyone but Palin running against Obama in 2012. EVERYONE wants her because of her complete stupidity.

Republicans trying to equate democrats mocking her with being scared are fighting a laughable battle against only themselves.

I am...she scares me real bad. I can only hope she decides not to run in '12. If she does, we'll be in real trouble.

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First of all no democrat is scared of Palin.

Scared? I don't know a single Democrat who DOESN'T want anyone but Palin running against Obama in 2012. EVERYONE wants her because of her complete stupidity.

Republicans trying to equate democrats mocking her with being scared are fighting a laughable battle against only themselves.

If you really want her to run AND be the GOP nominee, then you should quit attacking her. When you attack her, it implies that you and other liberals are actually scared of her. Your attacks also help conservatives by making them seem more moderate compared to your caricature of Palin.

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First of all no democrat is scared of Palin.

Scared? I don't know a single Democrat who DOESN'T want anyone but Palin running against Obama in 2012. EVERYONE wants her because of her complete stupidity.

Republicans trying to equate democrats mocking her with being scared are fighting a laughable battle against only themselves.

If you really want her to run AND be the GOP nominee, then you should quit attacking her. When you attack her, it implies that you and other liberals are actually scared of her. Your attacks also help conservatives by making them seem more moderate compared to your caricature of Palin.

Pointing out someones short comings is not "attacking"

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First of all no democrat is scared of Palin.

Scared? I don't know a single Democrat who DOESN'T want anyone but Palin running against Obama in 2012. EVERYONE wants her because of her complete stupidity.

Republicans trying to equate democrats mocking her with being scared are fighting a laughable battle against only themselves.

If you really want her to run AND be the GOP nominee, then you should quit attacking her. When you attack her, it implies that you and other liberals are actually scared of her. Your attacks also help conservatives by making them seem more moderate compared to your caricature of Palin.

So, applying your logic, why does the right fear George Soros, ACORN, MoveOn.org or Rachel Maddow?

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When you attack her, it implies that you and other liberals are actually scared of her.

Is that what people tell themselves now? That because we are calling her what she is...a moron...that we are scared of her?


Is THAT what Republicans are basing their hopes on for 2012?


My god, Obama could break Bush's stupidity mark and still win in 2012

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Lt Col Allen West looks like another typical red neck, racist teabagger

Straight up.


Your statement goes deeper than you are willing to admit.

I thought my statement spoke for itself.

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Have fun, Mr. West... running in a district where McCain and his novelty friend Sarah! lost despite the district being 90% white.

You have a lot to learn.

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Looks like Sara has gotten over her fear of short Asian people. She is vacationing in Hawaii.

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Pointing out someones short comings is not "attacking"

If I wanted her to be the GOP nominee like Southlink said, I would wait until she was the nominee and then "point out her shortcomings". Attacking now makes it less likely for her to be the nominee.

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So, applying your logic, why does the right fear George Soros, ACORN, MoveOn.org or Rachel Maddow?

Because they and their friends are in power now.

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When you attack her, it implies that you and other liberals are actually scared of her.

Is that what people tell themselves now? That because we are calling her what she is...a moron...that we are scared of her?


Is THAT what Republicans are basing their hopes on for 2012?


My god, Obama could break Bush's stupidity mark and still win in 2012

I don't understand why you would attack somebody that you want to be the GOP nominee because you think she will be easy to be. I would let the world go without knowing that "she is a moron" until she won the nomination. Then, I would "point out her shortcomings".

No, I don't want her to be the nominee in 2012. I think it is weird you spend so much time "attacking" or "pointing out the shortcomings of" when you say you don't fear her. I don't think she is anything to fear. Why keep attacking her then? What is gained? Just let her be and she will go away. The attacks are what bring attention to her.

Obama already has broken that mark.

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Have fun, Mr. West... running in a district where McCain and his novelty friend Sarah! lost despite the district being 90% white.

You have a lot to learn.

Absolutely I do. So do you, hot shot. And my 93 year old great-grandmother. No person has all the answers. Sometimes I believe none of us are even capable of asking the questions -- but that's a tangent for another day.

This just seems like an easy answer to find. Dispute it all you want, but race is the most clear division in American politics. Northerners and Southerners and men and women have much more similar voting patterns than those existing between whites and blacks. There is no disputing that and its been proven in election after election. Sad, but true.

Seeing that West, who could have pink skin accented with purple polk-a-dots for all I care, is obviously looking for pseudo-martyrdom as a fierce Republicanista, I wish him the best of luck in a district that chose Obama over McCain despite having a black population of less than 10%. Because lets face it, the higher the saturation of black voters.... the worse the reaming for Sarah! and McCain. They had a natural advantage in FL-22 and couldn't capitalize. What would make anyone think that what West has to say will be enough to win?

I don't necessarily have anything against the guy. The Democratic incumbent could be a total clusterfudge for all I know. I guess I'm just the only that can pause the "Amens!" and see the Mt. Kilimanjaro he'll have to climb to get to DC.

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So, applying your logic, why does the right fear George Soros, ACORN, MoveOn.org or Rachel Maddow?

Because they and their friends are in power now.

Nice try. The attacks, or "fear" of them, started long ago before they or their friends were in power.

Try giving me an honest answer now.

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When you attack her, it implies that you and other liberals are actually scared of her.

Is that what people tell themselves now? That because we are calling her what she is...a moron...that we are scared of her?


Is THAT what Republicans are basing their hopes on for 2012?


My god, Obama could break Bush's stupidity mark and still win in 2012

I would let the world go without knowing that "she is a moron" until she won the nomination. Then, I would "point out her shortcomings".


Shield the world from knowing she's a moron? Hold that thought while I go find a cure for cancer before 5 o'clock.

Both are equally as achievable.

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I would let the world go without knowing that "she is a moron" until she won the nomination.

It's too late. That cat got out of the bag on September 3, 2008 and you just can't un-ring the bell.

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So, applying your logic, why does the right fear George Soros, ACORN, MoveOn.org or Rachel Maddow?

Because they and their friends are in power now.

Nice try. The attacks, or "fear" of them, started long ago before they or their friends were in power.

Try giving me an honest answer now.

Because we were scared they would run for positions of power and have a chance to win.

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