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Revealed: Bush officials e-mailed bogus rumor blaming Gore for failure to kill Bin Laden


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White House emails retrieved from Bush administration records reveal that top Bush Justice Department officials circulated a memo falsely blaming Al Gore for U.S. failure to get Osama bin Laden. The apocryphal Osama-Al Gore-Oliver North story, already debunked on snopes.com, was forwarded internally to administration personnel by David M. Israelite, Deputy Chief of Staff and Counselor to Attorney Gen. John Ashcroft (pictured above right).

The existence of such politicized emails may help explain why millions of emails sent to and from the previous White House have gone missing despite rules for preserving presidential records. This particular email, spreading a bogus rumor, has not been reported before.

DavidIsraelite Revealed: Bush officials e mailed bogus rumor blaming Gore for failure to kill Bin Laden

Justice counselor David Israelite forwarded the Snopes-worthy narrative to colleagues in Ashcroft's office Jan. 23, 2002. Headed "For you historians" and "Do you remember?" it purports to describe a 1987 video clip from Col. Oliver North's congressional testimony in the Iran-Contra hearings. According to this anonymous narrative -- which first surfaced in Nov. 2001 and has survived repeated debunking to recur periodically -- North warned senators about Osama bin Laden in his testimony but was ridiculed and shut down by then-Sen. Al Gore.

Story continues below...

North himself denied this claim Nov. 28, 2001.

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Wow. An internal memo? Ya don't say.

Meanwhile, the OBAMA Justice Dept has allowed another gate crasher into the White House....

This stuff just writes itself, it's become so ridiculous.

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Revealed: Gore makes bogus movie to guilt people into thinking it's their fault that it's hot outside.

It's all part of the NWO. Lies are like GOLD for the progressive/socialist movement.

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Revealed: Gore makes bogus movie to guilt people into thinking it's their fault that it's hot outside.

Yet it there was a blizzard in Copenhagen!!

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