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College football and cheating

Guest tigerman11

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Guest tigerman11

Now, I am not condoning cheating, but why does Auburn always get the bad rap? I'm sure if the NCAA wanted to, they could hit many major programs per year. This article clearly implicates Bear Bryant for cheating at Texas A&M so why was he never busted at Bama? No doubt he continued his ways while at Bama.


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I found this part particularly interesting...

"Alabama is currently investigating allegations that coach Nick Saban violated the so-called "bump" rule -- which says if a coach "bumps into" a recruit during a non-contact period he can only say a quick hello -- by engaging several South Florida recruits in conversation during visits to their high schools. It's widely assumed that coaches violate these ticky-tack rules all the time, but in doing so they are theoretically trying to gain a leg up on their competitors -- i.e. cheating."

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Now, I am not condoning cheating, but why does Auburn always get the bad rap? I'm sure if the NCAA wanted to, they could hit many major programs per year. This article clearly implicates Bear Bryant for cheating at Texas A&M so why was he never busted at Bama? No doubt he continued his ways while at Bama.


Simple. No one in this State wanted to squeal on God. I knew some of his players and they openly talked of being paid to play. Don't ask for names because that's water under the bridge far too long ago to matter. What's important now is that we focus on us. What others do matters little. Our program is gaining momentum and we will be back and BAD.

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Now, I am not condoning cheating, but why does Auburn always get the bad rap? I'm sure if the NCAA wanted to, they could hit many major programs per year. This article clearly implicates Bear Bryant for cheating at Texas A&M so why was he never busted at Bama? No doubt he continued his ways while at Bama.


this has been hashed out here numerous times over the years. The short version is that cheating bear had the ncaa in his back pocket and had his stooges set up enough other programs that he could blow the whistle on (TENNESSEE and AUBURN) to keep the ncaa away from his own cheating and corrupt program.

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Everyone cheats

Now, I of course mock rivals who get caught but deep down, everyone knows it....

Some here don't agree with me but I have heard enough stories from all SEC schools to know that we all have a little baggage (including UGA, btw who is near the top in terms of probably...VOLUME of cheating...I admit it)

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Now, I am not condoning cheating, but why does Auburn always get the bad rap? I'm sure if the NCAA wanted to, they could hit many major programs per year. This article clearly implicates Bear Bryant for cheating at Texas A&M so why was he never busted at Bama? No doubt he continued his ways while at Bama.


Bear Bryant WAS busted by the NCAA at uat for recruiting violations in 1965 (correct me if the year is different.) It's in the NCAA major infractions database. The penalty didn't amount to anything substantial, but he was clearly on the NCAA's radar at the time. Bryant also (successfully) sued a reporter who had made the unpardonable sin of linking him to cheating. So, that had a damping effect on other reporters getting to nosy about Bryant's "bidness."

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Now, I am not condoning cheating, but why does Auburn always get the bad rap? I'm sure if the NCAA wanted to, they could hit many major programs per year. This article clearly implicates Bear Bryant for cheating at Texas A&M so why was he never busted at Bama? No doubt he continued his ways while at Bama.


Bear Bryant WAS busted by the NCAA at uat for recruiting violations in 1965 (correct me if the year is different.) It's in the NCAA major infractions database. The penalty didn't amount to anything substantial, but he was clearly on the NCAA's radar at the time. Bryant also (successfully) sued a reporter who had made the unpardonable sin of linking him to cheating. So, that had a damping effect on other reporters getting to nosy about Bryant's "bidness."

In that lawsuit, the SI reporter accused Bryant and Georgia coach Wally Butts of conspiring to have Georgia lose the game to UAT. Headline, IIRC: "The Story of a College Football Fix".

I read the story and as much as I hate bammer, I didn't think the writer had nearly enough to go on to accuse them of fixing the game. Basically, all he had was the word of some guy that claimed he'd somehow got wired into a phone conversation between Bryant and Butts. Wally Butts also won a big settlement from SI. I would have sued if they had defamed me on such flimsy evidence.

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Now, I am not condoning cheating, but why does Auburn always get the bad rap? I'm sure if the NCAA wanted to, they could hit many major programs per year. This article clearly implicates Bear Bryant for cheating at Texas A&M so why was he never busted at Bama? No doubt he continued his ways while at Bama.


Bear Bryant WAS busted by the NCAA at uat for recruiting violations in 1965 (correct me if the year is different.) It's in the NCAA major infractions database. The penalty didn't amount to anything substantial, but he was clearly on the NCAA's radar at the time. Bryant also (successfully) sued a reporter who had made the unpardonable sin of linking him to cheating. So, that had a damping effect on other reporters getting to nosy about Bryant's "bidness."

bryant was also busted while at Texas A&M and they went on probation shortly after he went to uat.

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Well, if I am not mistaken, a lot of what Bear Bryant did was not against any "rules" per se. Actually a lot of the recruiting rules today came from trying to put some parameters on what Bryant was doing at Alabama to make that program so dominant.

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