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AHH, Yes. Fear The Dean.


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Friday, April 16, 2004


During the final moments of my show preparation this morning I happened to catch Howard Dean on CNN promoting the candidacy of John Kerry.  Dean went into this rant about George Bush that was, to say the least, incredible.  Incredible because I haven't heard a politician cram so many lies into so little time in quite a while.

Dean said the president was not telling the truth when he said:

"There was a connection between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, which was not true."

            In fact, it was true.  Those connections have now been proven.

"That Saddam Hussein had something to do with terrorism, which was not true."

            Come on, Howard.  Saddam was making a big deal of writing checks to the families of suicide bombers.  He was harboring terrorists in Baghdad.  Ever heard of Abu Nidal?

"When he said in the State of the Union that Iraq was purchasing uranium from Africa, which was not true." 

            George Bush never made that statement.  Dean is lying, and he knows he's lying.  Why didn't the CNN interviewer call him on this?

"When the Vice President said that in Iraq they are accumulating nuclear weapons, which was not true." 

            I can find no instance where Cheney said that Iraq was accumulating nuclear weapons, only that Saddam was attempting to do so.

What a shame it is that Dean imploded.  What fun he would be as a candidate!


Surely Boortz is aware that this is simply how the Dem playbook reads. Dean knows it by heart. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I was in the airport this morning, half-way listening when Dean came on the TV, it took me 2 hours to cool down after hearing Dean spit out these lies, and the CNN guy just let him go scot free...

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I was in the airport this morning, half-way listening when Dean came on the TV, it took me 2 hours to cool down after hearing Dean spit out these lies, and the CNN guy just let him go scot free...

And that is why CNN is losing viewers right and left. Fox is just whipping them bad now and even after the revamp, nothing really changed.

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please don't parse the dem's statements...that is only called for when pubs speak...

we all know that its only the republicans that LIE. when dems say things that may not be factually correct, you have to give them the benefit of doubt because their hearts are in the right place, and you all know what they meant anyway. this is exactly what that CNN reporter knew, and s/he just figured you all knew that, too.

again, you clearly need to buy into the fact that there are different standards for pubs and dems, and once you learn this, and learn the fact that anything dems say is "good" and anything pubs say is "bad" (unless of course the dems are agreeing w/ the pubs or the pubs are agreeing w/ the dems), then you'll understand the game and be much better at it.

OR, there's this possibility:

the CNN reporter is furiously researching dean's statements to see if they mesh w/ the truth, and s/he will publish a new article soon that outlines the 'mistakes' dean made.

c'mon you conservative bushies, get w/ the program!


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Carolina Tiger

the CNN reporter is furiously researching dean's statements to see if they mesh w/ the truth, and s/he will publish a new article soon that outlines the 'mistakes' dean made.

Tiger Al

ct, you're being silly.

See even Al knows a CNN reporter would never do that. :D

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