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Thayer Evans


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He's not man enough to do it.

Screw him, here's hoping he crawls back into the cesspool he crawled out of.

He's a nobody and now he's had his 10 minutes of fame.

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All cleared. What they did was morally wrong, but they did nothing remotely illegal. Everyone was cleared... amazing how that didn't get as much attention as the first story.

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No way he apologizes, in fact I'm willing to bet he just tries to spin it as if Cam is guilty but there is not enough evidence or this is only temporary etc. Evans is nothing but a waste of space on a blog or in a newspaper, he's walking garbage so why would his writing be any different?

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Apology! Have you read the spin being put on this by the media in just the last hour?

Because of the ambiguous language our brilliant compliance office agreed to, it's being selectively (that wasn't predictable) pointed out that not only is "an" investigation on-going, but the part about Kenny Rogers & Cecil Newton lobbying MISS STATE, NOT AUBURN is carefully being omitted by the media.

Has anybody in the media retracted the following little fiction, b/c it's all over the web now as PROOF Auburn paid for Cam. For 2 days it was WIDELY reported that "a recruiter for Miss. State" (assumed incorrectly by the media to be a reliable Miss. State coach) was told by personally by a tearful Cam that he went to Auburn b/c the money was too much. Ends up "Rogers" is the "recruiter" and according to Rogers' lawyer (after meeting w/ the NCAA) that Rogers never personally spoke w/ Cam about anything. Has anybody seen that rumor dispelled by the media that promoted it so energetically? Because it's fiction that's killing Auburn in the public opinion realm right now. The libel suits are still very much alive & kicking.

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His A-hole buddy Schaap (sp?) is saying that "Cam is cleared for now but it's an ongoing investigation." Maybe technically it is. However, there would never have been such an announcement if that rat hadn't been killed dead. They all sat down, Auburn said we'll do this, MSU said we'll do that, the NCAA said we'll do so-and-so. They agreed, signed whatever needed to be signed, shook hands and left to go Christmas shopping.

Cam is now in no more jeopardy than thousands of other NCAA athletes. If somebody finds he opened a six-figure bank account with a check from Auburn University, they will investigate. Same as they would for, say, bammer's Richardson or Georgia's Murray. The recent investigation is, however, done.

Gutless jerks in the media simply don't have the courage to stand up there and say "It's over and I was wrong."

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Why would Thayer apologize? He still "knows" deep down that Auburn and Cam are guilty ... of something. This is just PROOF to him that the NCAA is corrupt and doesn't want to spoil an Auburn-Oregon BCSCG.

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