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Fans Discuss Cameron Newton


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What does she say at the end???

This is about right, I have been listening to Jox this morning and Clay Travis is on here saying "Well Auburn is still screwed, that just slapped the Nacc in the face and everyone knows it."

I say to the media they get my COME ON MAN for the year!!

I am so SICK of these Aholes getting fame and making money on the backs of these young men. These people get thier 5 mins of fame on the back of 19, 20, 21 year old boys, how the hill do they sleep at night. where's the heart felt story of what this has done to the other 124 players on Auburns team and their families, what about the relationship with Cam and his dad, Mr. Newton's church people..and on and on.

Last time I checked no ONE is perfect, no one should be throwing stones. And Bammers just let it go we beat you and it's gona stick!!!! Sorry guys I feel better now!!

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