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And the (embarassing) hits in JFK's past


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Make it stop! (I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy!) :o


Tuesday, Apr. 27, 2004 1:11 AM EDT

Kerry Blackout: Couldn't Recall Where He Lived for 20 Months

Facing a tough reelection battle and questions about his personal finances, Sen. John Kerry told the Boston Globe in 1996 that he couldn't remember where he lived for nearly two years in the 1980's, only to admit later that wealthy contributors had put him up in the Boston area.

Less than a month before his election face-off with Massachusetts Gov. William Weld, the Globe reported that during an interview, Kerry "at first insisted that he did not recall where he lived when he returned to Boston [from Washington, D.C.] for regular visits over a 20-month period in 1987 and 1988."

"Only later did he acknowledge that he used [Edward W.] Callan's condominium on Beacon Street in the Back Bay for eight or nine months during that time," the paper said.

Kerry and his top political advisor Ronald Rosenblith offered what the Globe described as "contradictory and sometimes erroneous information" about Kerry's housing arrangements, in a bid to hide the identities of Callan and two other Boston-area developers who had put Kerry up and helped him out financially.

The Democratic presidential candidate insisted at the time that he had no obligation to report the largesse of his friends as gifts on his Senate disclosure forms, which require members to list gifts valued at $ 250 or more, the Globe said.

Kerry also insisted that he did not violate Senate rules that bar taking gifts of more than $ 100 from anyone with a "direct interest" in legislation.

Instead, the Massachusetts Democrat insisted he was merely accepting the kind of "hospitality" permitted under Senate rules.  (AUloggerhead note:  Ah, but of course!  Le famous le hospitalitee ru-els of zee Sen-atte!) 

Kerry's decision to accept the hospitality of wealthy friends wasn't limited to his living arrangements.

While he was lieutenant governor in 1983 and 1984, Kerry leased several cars from Boston-area Buick dealer Bob Brest - but failed to make a single payment for 16 months. 

When a reporter inquired about the sweetheart deal, Kerry launched a cover-up, hastily issuing a flurry of back payments to make the arrangement look more legitimate.

Kerry later explained the accumulation of late payments as "a series of billing mishaps," the Globe said.  

Are these billing mishaps anything like a "wardrobe malfunction" in that the desired effect didn't materialize at the opportune time?

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ooh ooh I know this one...

Are these billing mishaps anything like a "wardrobe malfunction" in that the desired effect didn't materialize at the opportune time?

Yes, because in both cases, we get to see a highly over rated BOOB that is really not impressive at all, and both seem carry around tiny bits of excess medals, or is it metals? :lol:

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Like I've said since Kerry became the apparent nominee, he has way too much of his record on camera and audio and in print. We have only begun to see the real Kerry. I just hope that he isn't so totally discredited before the convention that the demoncrats give up on him and nominate someone who could appeal to the average American instead of being the ABB candidate.

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The Kerry campaign posted lies about his Vietnam duty and it was explained as merely a mistake in transcription. Now this is explained as "a series of billing mishaps,".

I have a question for Al and channonc. Deep down are you truly glad, happy that the democrat wagon is hitched to this horse? (And no I was not thinking horses ass.)

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The Kerry campaign posted lies about his Vietnam duty and it was explained as merely a mistake in transcription. Now this is explained as "a series of billing mishaps,".

I have a question for Al and channonc. Deep down are you truly glad, happy that the democrat wagon is hitched to this horse? (And no I was not thinking horses ass.)


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Facing a tough reelection battle and questions about his personal finances, Sen. John Kerry told the Boston Globe in 1996 that he couldn't remember where he lived for nearly two years in the 1980's, only to admit later that wealthy contributors had put him up in the Boston area.

Yes. I the common man identify with this. I have been taken care of by wealthy contributors many times in my life. I am so glad he can identify and fight for me, the common man! :puke:

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Facing a tough reelection battle and questions about his personal finances, Sen. John Kerry told the Boston Globe in 1996 that he couldn't remember where he lived for nearly two years in the 1980's, only to admit later that wealthy contributors had put him up in the Boston area.

Yes. I the common man identify with this. I have been taken care of by wealthy contributors many times in my life. I am so glad he can identify and fight for me, the common man! :puke:

Just because Bush was born on third base, please don't assume that he hit a triple. The "common man" that you project Bush as identifying with has never had dinner in the White House with his daddy the president and his guest, the Queen of England. And that he talks and acts like a pauper doesn't make him one.

To support Bush and slam Kerry because he's wealthy is like AU fan slamming bammer fan for not hiring a black coach. Pot and kettle, get it?

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Just because Bush was born on third base, please don't assume that he hit a triple. The "common man" that you project Bush as identifying with has never had dinner in the White House with his daddy the president and his guest, the Queen of England. And that he talks and acts like a pauper doesn't make him one.

Speaking of being born on third base, John Kerry not only was born there, but owns several 40 room mansions there. It occurs to me that is why the elitist democrats HATE GWB so much. He does appeal to the common man. There is nothing about John Kerry that is appealing,,,,,,,,,,,hummmmmm let me think about that,,,,,,,,,,, Does Theresa have a sister? Send her my phone number.

But I suppose the democrats and John Kerry playing the class war fare card is all OK, cause the dems care more.

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To support Bush and slam Kerry because he's wealthy is like AU fan slamming bammer fan for not hiring a black coach. Pot and kettle, get it?


To slam THE PRESIDENT because he is rich and to support the liberal guy because he wants to hide and LIE about his wealth is, well....it is typical liberalism.

Also, please do not compare AU and $puat folks on anything...ever...... :D:rolleyes:

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,,,,,,,,,,,hummmmmm let me think about that,,,,,,,,,,,

Well, Tigermike, umm, uhh, maybe he does, ahh, umm, uhh appeal umm, umm, uhh to some.

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Facing a tough reelection battle and questions about his personal finances, Sen. John Kerry told the Boston Globe in 1996 that he couldn't remember where he lived for nearly two years in the 1980's, only to admit later that wealthy contributors had put him up in the Boston area.

Yes. I the common man identify with this. I have been taken care of by wealthy contributors many times in my life. I am so glad he can identify and fight for me, the common man! :puke:

Just because Bush was born on third base, please don't assume that he hit a triple. The "common man" that you project Bush as identifying with has never had dinner in the White House with his daddy the president and his guest, the Queen of England. And that he talks and acts like a pauper doesn't make him one.

To support Bush and slam Kerry because he's wealthy is like AU fan slamming bammer fan for not hiring a black coach. Pot and kettle, get it?

I haven't heard Bush claim he is trying to save the common man. He only claims to try and be fair with all americans. Even the hated rich. All you liberals want equality but only for those who aren't rich. You really don't want equality for everybody.

But sKerry says he is representing the common man. What the hell does he know about work or commonality?

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