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Why would you watch Fox News?


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If you turn on MSNBC there is a 100% chance they are playing a Fox News clip or analyzing a Fox News clip they just played.

Might as well watch MSNBC if you are looking to turn on Fox News.

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If you turn on MSNBC there is a 100% chance they are playing a Fox News clip or analyzing a Fox News clip they just played.

Might as well watch MSNBC if you are looking to turn on Fox News.

FOX news is about the only news I watch. They aren't perfect but they are the best. I NEVER watch MSNBC. Waste of my time.

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If you turn on MSNBC there is a 100% chance they are playing a Fox News clip or analyzing a Fox News clip they just played.

Might as well watch MSNBC if you are looking to turn on Fox News.

Heaven forbid that I would EVER watch MSNBC. Not if I want to know what is going on.

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Because it fits the hypocritic delusional phobic ideologies that are preconceived, embedded and reinforced in the mind of the viewer.

That question is akin asking why nutbags follow alqaeda ... and will die for the fanatic ideologies. Or asking why looniebins follow the dumb bimbo bitch and her bag of nutbags called tea party, or how nazi'ism rose to prominence. They would acknowledge they love it, gobble it up, and swallow it because it's the elixir to their ill. Thinking hurts, and why do that crap when there's glenn beck and orielly doing it for you?

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If you turn on MSNBC there is a 100% chance they are playing a Fox News clip or analyzing a Fox News clip they just played.

Might as well watch MSNBC if you are looking to turn on Fox News.

Heaven forbid that I would EVER watch MSNBC. Not if I want to know what is going on.

Watching MSNBC is the same thing as watching Fox. I had Chris Mathews on last night and all his panel did was watch clips of Glenn Beck and discuss.

They've become so obsessed with Fox News that I find it hilarious.

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Watching MSNBC is the same thing as watching Fox. I had Chris Mathews on last night and all his panel did was watch clips of Glenn Beck and discuss.

They've become so obsessed with Fox News that I find it hilarious.

It's the only way they get any news. There is a reason FOX has been the #1 cable new network for years. Glen Beck is controversial snd may be a bit dramatic but he does his homework and bases his comments on facts. He challenges the officials he criticizes to call in if he is wrong. The

phone never rings. If it wasn't for Beck, idiots like Vance Jones and Valerie Jarrett would never get exposed.

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Watching MSNBC is the same thing as watching Fox. I had Chris Mathews on last night and all his panel did was watch clips of Glenn Beck and discuss.

They've become so obsessed with Fox News that I find it hilarious.

It's the only way they get any news. There is a reason FOX has been the #1 cable new network for years. Glen Beck is controversial snd may be a bit dramatic but he does his homework and bases his comments on facts. He challenges the officials he criticizes to call in if he is wrong. The

phone never rings. If it wasn't for Beck, idiots like Vance Jones and Valerie Jarrett would never get exposed.

The dumbing down of America continues

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Glenn Beck was interesting for about a month.

He may have facts, and check them cautiously, but he has some absolutely idiotic opinions that go along with it.

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Glenn Beck was interesting for about a month.

He may have facts, and check them cautiously, but he has some absolutely idiotic opinions that go along with it.

I like Glenn. Don't always agree with him, but here's the thing....

He, like most conservatives, have a concrete ideal... a reverence for the US Constitution, which I find not only admirable, but damn near essential. Essential because it underscores who we, as Americans, are. There may be particulars in how we all define the Constitution, but the SPIRIT for which it was crafted, and by whom it was written...should NEVER be forgotten, or dismissed.

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Because it fits the hypocritic delusional phobic ideologies that are preconceived, embedded and reinforced in the mind of the viewer.

That question is akin asking why nutbags follow alqaeda ... and will die for the fanatic ideologies. Or asking why looniebins follow the dumb bimbo bitch and her bag of nutbags called tea party, or how nazi'ism rose to prominence. They would acknowledge they love it, gobble it up, and swallow it because it's the elixir to their ill. Thinking hurts, and why do that crap when there's glenn beck and orielly doing it for you?

WTF? What hypocritic delusional phobic ideology do I have preconceived in my mind? Stop throwing spears...you don't know what you are talking about.

And don't insult Sarah Palin again. Or me. I think for myself. Apparently you have decided that if someone disagrees with you, someone else is thinking for them. Tell you what Aero, Sarah Palin is so far above you, even if she did show her butt, like you do regularly, you couldn't see it.

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Because it fits the hypocritic delusional phobic ideologies that are preconceived, embedded and reinforced in the mind of the viewer.

That question is akin asking why nutbags follow alqaeda ... and will die for the fanatic ideologies. Or asking why looniebins follow the dumb bimbo bitch and her bag of nutbags called tea party, or how nazi'ism rose to prominence. They would acknowledge they love it, gobble it up, and swallow it because it's the elixir to their ill. Thinking hurts, and why do that crap when there's glenn beck and orielly doing it for you?

So you are a thinker are you? And is it your thinking that if we all just let the government feed us, clothe us, house us, and protect us that the country will be a better place?

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Because it fits the hypocritic delusional phobic ideologies that are preconceived, embedded and reinforced in the mind of the viewer.

That question is akin asking why nutbags follow alqaeda ... and will die for the fanatic ideologies. Or asking why looniebins follow the dumb bimbo bitch and her bag of nutbags called tea party, or how nazi'ism rose to prominence. They would acknowledge they love it, gobble it up, and swallow it because it's the elixir to their ill. Thinking hurts, and why do that crap when there's glenn beck and orielly doing it for you?

Same ole empty song and dance from aeroflot.


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Watching MSNBC is the same thing as watching Fox. I had Chris Mathews on last night and all his panel did was watch clips of Glenn Beck and discuss.

They've become so obsessed with Fox News that I find it hilarious.

It's the only way they get any news. There is a reason FOX has been the #1 cable new network for years. Glen Beck is controversial snd may be a bit dramatic but he does his homework and bases his comments on facts. He challenges the officials he criticizes to call in if he is wrong. The

phone never rings. If it wasn't for Beck, idiots like Vance Jones and Valerie Jarrett would never get exposed.

The dumbing down of America continues

And proven everytime arinbu posts.

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I could post a million Oreilly and Beck videos alone but I wont. They are an act. They don't believe what they say is true. They're selling books and making money, but somehow manage to make everyone believe that they are legit. Just like the Limbaugh dude.
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aKa, you certainly have demonstrated that you are not a legitimate interpretor of news and neither is infowars.com who presented this clip and misrepresented it. Admit it, you just hate Fox. You prefer to get your news from sources that present distorted views of the word and hatred of views different from theirs. And you lap it up like a puppy.

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The Left has firmly established itself well ahead in the sleaze dept.


One off the cuff , not even a full remark, vs movies, books written about killing Bush....

You've got less than no room to talk, aKa.

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I pray no one assassinates Obama. It would give him an easy out and he would be some kind of martyr. He needs to finish out the complete joke that is his presidency.

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You've got less than no room to talk, aKa.

How many times must I explain that I don't affiliate myself with BS political parties. FoxNews is a joke. I agree Obama is not the greatest president we've ever had but he's not the worst either. I disagree with some policies he has but who doesn't. This thread was about why I don't watch fox news. I simply posted a video that proves why I don't.

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I pray no one assassinates Obama. It would give him an easy out and he would be some kind of martyr. He needs to finish out the complete joke that is his presidency.

Not too worry -- if Jimmy Carter wasn't assasinated over pure unadulterated incompetance, than Obama can't possibly be rubbed out before his term expires.

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And I get attacked for telling the truth.

Sarah Palin has set all the women back by about 1000 years. The sole reason for her pathetic existence is to get people like the tea party loonies riled up and follow her like dumb sheep.

Glenn Beck is the perfect teacher for the loonies. His black board antics are for the feeble minded drones. Black boards works great for mental midgets, and 4th graders ( and tea party loonies with mental capabilities equal to that of 4th graders).

Bill Orielly is another masterpiece. His incredible analytical skills and wisdom is beyond the limited comprehensions of normal humanoids like us. Here's his awesome, awesome justification of God.

Amazing wisdom by Bill.

(by the way .. Mars has two moons.. according to "pinheads", i,e people with more than two brain cells)

Fox is designed for idiots, who are easy to manipulate and brainwash. And the idiots love that channel, and attack anyone that tells the truth about the manipulators and masters of these sheep.

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