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OK, I am almost back down...


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Fellow Tiger fans, I have not posted since we won the BCSNC. After that most lovely kick, I immediately shot into space and have been orbiting around the various nine planets (oops, showing my age...it's 8 now, right?). Anyway, I just recently touched back down here in Wood River, IL. I hope most everyone is going into this season with realistic expectations. Mine are I do not expect us to win the SEC or the NC again....this year anyway, but I do think the talent is there to still have a very good season. Once these young guys get some experience, WATCH OUT!

Regardless of our record, now I can always think back to our NC game and smile. I always wondered if I would ever see us hoist the crystal trophy just once. I wasn't born until '66 so I missed the '57 champions.

Win, lose or draw this year, as always, IT'S GREAT TO BE AN AUBURN TIGER!!

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Looking back, as I've peeked at my box set of DVD's of the 2010 season, I have to confess. Cam was freakin' near immortal. A man among small, slow, weak little boys.

It was almost unfair.

Which now has me thinking. As incredible ( and unlikely ) as 2010 was, as amazing as it was to watch and be a part of, what next ?

Now, I'd never trade it for anything, don't get me wrong, but let's be real here for a moment. Cam got our O out of a lot of situations that no qb, NONE , could ever have done.

I believe those records will stand, darn near for the entirety of my life time. ( I'm in my mid 40's, btw )

So, I guess it depends on how one looks at that glorious season. Too amazing to be believed, or too perfect to be followed with anything but a let down.

I expect 10 wins, minimum. ( kidding ) Well, I do expect a winning season, and at least a challenge for the SEC West. Though I really think there are 2-3 teams in our own division who may contend for the BCS.

I think we'll find out , real quick, what this team is made of, come the 2nd week in September.

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Well, I do expect a winning season, and at least a challenge for the SEC West.

..plus laying the groundwork for another run in 2012 with talent, experience, and a favorable home SEC schedule!

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Welcome back to planet earth! I expect around ten wins, could be nine, could be 11 or better. I think the winner of the AU/LSU game will represent the West in the SEC game.

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Welcome back to planet earth! I expect around ten wins, could be nine, could be 11 or better. I think the winner of the AU/LSU game will represent the West in the SEC game.

How can you say "Welcome back to planet earth" when your own feet are clearly not on the ground? You aren't counting moral victories, are you? :homer:

I wouldn't be shocked at 10 wins, but I would be pleasantly surprised. I would be shocked if we make it back to Atlanta. I think I'm being a tad optimistic in hoping for 8 wins, maybe 9 with a bowl game. You're definitely seeing the season through orange and blue glasses.

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You're definitely seeing the season through orange and blue glasses.

Orange and Blue glasses are the only type I own, or will ever own. I think 10 wins is very likely, and there are reasons to believe that way. This thread is not the one for laying all that out, but it's in place.

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You're definitely seeing the season through orange and blue glasses.

Orange and Blue glasses are the only type I own, or will ever own. I think 10 wins is very likely, and there are reasons to believe that way. This thread is not the one for laying all that out, but it's in place.


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You're definitely seeing the season through orange and blue glasses.

Orange and Blue glasses are the only type I own, or will ever own. I think 10 wins is very likely, and there are reasons to believe that way. This thread is not the one for laying all that out, but it's in place.

I hope you're right, but I wouldn't bet the mortgage on it.

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You're definitely seeing the season through orange and blue glasses.

Orange and Blue glasses are the only type I own, or will ever own. I think 10 wins is very likely, and there are reasons to believe that way. This thread is not the one for laying all that out, but it's in place.

I hope you're right, but I wouldn't bet the mortgage on it.

My betting limit is one dollar, but my mortgage has been paid off for years so I can bet the mortgage.

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