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Auburn set to unveil Heisman Statues


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Auburn will unveil statues commemorating the school’s three Heisman Trophy winners, Pat Sullivan, Bo Jackson, and Cam Newton, in a ceremony on Sat., April 14, at 10 a.m. CT prior to Auburn’s annual spring game, A-Day.

The ceremony will take place on the east side of Jordan-Hare Stadium, where each statue will be permanently located. Sullivan, Jackson and Newton are scheduled to be in attendance for the event.

Additional details of the Heisman statue unveiling will be provided at a later date.

Tickets for A-Day are currently available for $5 and may be purchased at aubtix.com. Admission for Auburn University students is free with their Auburn Ignited card.

A-Day will start at 2 p.m.

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I'm still not too excited about statues for someone that is still alive. Banners, plaques, whatever else; I'm OK with...but not statues. I hope none of these 3 ever do anything to make us regret this.

Joe Pa comes to mind and he didn't really DO anything personally...I'm jsut saying!

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Prior to the "Joe Pa" situation, this wouldn't have been brought up.

Live life. Make statues. Deal with problems down the road, as they come. You can't predict everything.

I'm there, family in tow for a fun weekend.

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$ 5 !! Other schools let their fans in for FREE!

That's because Auburn is better, worth paying for where the others are not.

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I'm still not too excited about statues for someone that is still alive. Banners, plaques, whatever else; I'm OK with...but not statues. I hope none of these 3 ever do anything to make us regret this.

Joe Pa comes to mind and he didn't really DO anything personally...I'm jsut saying!

What did Jo Pa do that was illegal ? All he did was fall victim to the PC movement in the press because "he didn't do enough". The allegations were reported to PROPER authorities. Why has our nation decided to dump on a guy who was held to an ex post facto standard that only the self-righteous could ever meet. Time to leave this (dead) man in peace.

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That's because Auburn is better

Seriously. 3 living Hesiman Trophy winners, all Auburn men.

Damn impressive.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Heisman bust went up today with the statues to follow next week. They will stay covered until the ceremony on Saturday. The ceremony will be broadcast live on the JHS video board as well as in Auburn Arena. 10 a.m.

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Unfortunately, I expect these statues to be targets for late night pranks and vandalism ongoing.

They'll need video surveillance cameras with recording too. Adding big signs indicating the video surveillance may help, of course that assumes certain persons are sober, can read, or are rational.

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Unfortunately, I expect these statues to be targets for late night pranks and vandalism ongoing.

They'll need video surveillance cameras with recording too. Adding big signs indicating the video surveillance may help, of course that assumes certain persons are sober, can read, or are rational.

These qualifications allow for almost all bammers.

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Cam, Bo, Pat: Your Heisman Trophy poster that will given at Auburn's A-Day Game



The poster will be given to the first 50k fans.

unable to attend tomorrow, but would love to get one (or two) of these posters. Would be nice if they made them available like they did the NC posters they gave out at the celebration.

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Cam, Bo, Pat: Your Heisman Trophy poster that will given at Auburn's A-Day Game



The poster will be given to the first 50k fans.

unable to attend tomorrow, but would love to get one (or two) of these posters. Would be nice if they made them available like they did the NC posters they gave out at the celebration.


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The Heisman statues that will recognize former Auburn Coach John Heisman and the three Auburn Heisman winners Pat Sullivan, Bo Jackson and Cam Newton will be held on the East side of Jordan-Hare Stadium. The ceremony will begin at 10 a.m.

There will be very limited space for fan viewing of the dedication on the East side of the stadium so the University has announced that fans may also view the ceremony on the Jordan-Hare Stadium video board and at the Auburn Arena. Stadium gates 1, 8U, 12 and 17 will open at 9:30 a.m. and the main entrance to Auburn Arena will open at 8 a.m.

The three Heisman Trophy winners will be present but will not be available for autographs.

The annual A-Day football game will begin at 2 p.m. CST. For those that are unable to attend the game, a taped-delayed broadcast of the game will be aired on CSS at 8 p.m. CST on Saturday, April 14.

A-Day game tickets ($5.00) will be available at the Jordan-Hare Stadium ticket windows and at the main ticket office at Auburn Arena.

A post-game autograph session (for 45 minutes) will be held following the conclusion of A-Day. And Aubie will be located on the Nichols Center Lawn from 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m

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Shanna Lockwood photo


Sully. Photo via Vasha Hunt/Opelika-Auburn News.


1971 Heisman winner Pat Sullivan unveils his statue. Photo via @AUAthletics


Photo via The War Eagle Reader (AUHD’s streaming broadcast of the unveiling).


1985 Heisman winner Bo Jackson unveils his statue. Photo via @AUAthletics


Bo knows Heisman. Photo via Vasha Hunt/Opelika-Auburn News.


Photo via The War Eagle Reader (AUHD’s streaming broadcast of the unveiling).


Cam: "I believe in Auburn and love it!" Photo via Vasha Hunt/Opelika-Auburn News.


2010 Heisman winner Cam Newton unveils his statue. Photo via @AUAthletics


Photo via The War Eagle Reader (AUHD’s streaming broadcast of the unveiling).


All three Heisman winners with Coach Chizik, Dr. Gogue, and Jay Jacobs. Photo via @AUAthletics


Heisman winners Newton and Jackson, HC, AD Jacobs & Pres Gogue join Sullivan in front of his statue. Photo via @AUAthletics

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Cam's acceptance speech (via Charles Goldberg)

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Transcript of Cam's poem...

365 days that was my tenure

But for some strange reason it felt like I’ve always been here.

All the blood, sweat and tears it took to get this

I’ll always honor and cherish this.

My road to the top had a couple pit stops

But during my time at Auburn the love of the Auburn family would not let my moral drop.

Greatness was what I strived for and greatness is what I got

The mentality of the Auburn man took me to the top

Some people will never understand the feeling of what it means to be an Auburn man

But I’m lucky enough to be able to raise my right hand and be able to say “I can.”

My time at Auburn, I don’t know if it could have been any better

Man, was it great.

We won an SEC title, a national championship

And, oh yeah, we beat that team, 27-28

As a wise man once said, “This place,” as in Auburn, “was great way before you were thought of” (Coach Chizik)

And this place is where I will always love

So as I share this day with two of Auburn’s beloved

I want to end by saying “War Eagle” and “I believe in Auburn and love it.”

http://www2.oanow.com/sports/2012/apr/14/cam-newtons-poem-heisman-statue-unveiling-ar-3606307/ (Via @AUBlog)

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<iframe width="600" height="400" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5n5Yaheoz1E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="600" height="400" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dfrwPDxt_50" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Videos via WarEagleExtra.

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Pat Sullivan on his Heisman: "The whole state took pride in it, as well as the college, as well as the university, and I appreciate it."


Bo Jackson: "It's a unique club. ... There's only been 76 of these things handed out over the years, and we have 3 of them."


Jackson on the Heisman: "It's almost like finding a rare coin that doesn't exist anymore. ... And we have three of them."


Asked about who the best Heisman player, Bo Jackson says Charles Barkley. Cam Newton tells him to "uncross your fingers."


Newton jokes: "You just go on the side of the stadium. Whoever's picture's bigger, that's who's best."


Cam Newton: "I think this hits me now, but I think I'm going to appreciate it even more when I'm done playing football."


Newton on playing on A-Day two years ago, coming back for statue: "God works in mysterious ways."


Pat Sullivan jumps in to say that he's not in the class of Newton and Jackson athletically.


Sullivan tells a story about Bo Jackson, who hadn't warmed up, throwing the ball from the 40, through the uprights, 10 rows into the stands.


Newton on the Heisman effect: "The proof is in the pudding when you have a trophy like that."


Newton keeps his trophy in Atlanta. "It's unbelievable... to see your name, and the university you represent, on that panel."


Sullivan: "You are marked. From that day on, wherever I went, I was known as former Heisman Trophy winner Pat Sullivan, like these 2 men."


Bo Jackson says he's never celebrated on Toomer's Corner. Says he doesn't even know how to throw a roll of TP. He was in locker room.


Best guess here is that Bo Knows can throw a roll of toilet paper with the best of them. I saw the commercials.


Jackson on @BoBikesBama: "I came up with this idea at the end of last summer. ... My wife thought I had lost my mind."


Jackson: "I am an Alabamian. ... And I am my brother and my sister's keeper."


Jackson mentions Picabo Street, Eddie George, Ken Griffey Jr., Ray Lewis, Lance Armstrong, Al Joyner all riding on @BoBikesBama


Jackson: "Everybody I've asked to come help me has jumped in."


Cam Newton said he was "glued to the TV" every Saturday last season. "I was trying to figure out what was going on."


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