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More Americans say their views shared by GOP contenders


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You want to make a Sig/Avatar bet on Obama winning the election?

I say for one month I get to choose your avatar/sig...no nudity or anything

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Another way to read that poll-

When asked whose views they agree with:

37% Obama

16% Romney

16% Santorum

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I think its clear that a majority of people in this country are against the policies of Obama. The problem is that it is difficult to beat an incumbent and you have to put somebody up that a majority can like.

I do find it encouraging that after spending the last month talking about contraceptives (an issue that should favor Obama) instead of the real issue of big government vs individual rights, that his poll numbers have dropped sharply. Perhaps Americans are not so stupid that they cannot see Obama's distraction techniques.

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I think its clear that a majority of people in this country are against the policies of Obama. The problem is that it is difficult to beat an incumbent and you have to put somebody up that a majority can like.

I do find it encouraging that after spending the last month talking about contraceptives (an issue that should favor Obama) instead of the real issue of big government vs individual rights, that his poll numbers have dropped sharply. Perhaps Americans are not so stupid that they cannot see Obama's distraction techniques.

I believe a plurality support his policies.

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With any other president, I would agree with you. However, obamas policies of limiting exploration, blocking pipelines, and rejecting/ignoring drilling permits have the effect of reducing supply. Additionally, what effect would all the money wasted on green energy have had on the oil market or gasoline market if it had been spent there.

Remember, obama and his group told us that high gas prices would be good for us because Ot would increase demand for new technology.

People remember that.

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Listen to yourself.

I see what you mean.

What I meant is that we have never had a president with the same type of energy policies as Obama, except for maybe Carter.

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Listen to yourself.

You know Obama's policies have cut drilling and had an upward affect on gas prices.

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This graph stuns me.


Completely misinformed. Just ask FauxNooz.

He did to himself, Justin! He has been quoted as saying he supports higher fuel prices. Can't run from the camera.

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