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This picture just makes me want to put 50 bullets in him


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Stalling? It's a damn fact, pal.

Based on what? I have asked like 5 times now. Your only answer continues to be "it just is"

I mean, I am not sure I have ever seen you so desperate to avoid answering the question which is quite basic and straightforward

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Stalling? It's a damn fact, pal.

Based on what? I have asked like 5 times now. Your only answer continues to be "it just is"

I mean, I am not sure I have ever seen you so desperate to avoid answering the question which is quite basic and straightforward

Actually, that's pretty routine for Raptor-- he seethes hatred with ease-- answering questions, not so much.

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Stalling? It's a damn fact, pal.

Based on what? I have asked like 5 times now. Your only answer continues to be "it just is"

I mean, I am not sure I have ever seen you so desperate to avoid answering the question which is quite basic and straightforward

Actually, that's pretty routine for Raptor-- he seethes hatred with ease-- answering questions, not so much.

You keep saying that, yet you can't offer up a single example. I say it's common knowledge, which means exactly that. Watch any rap video, watch any crime where the perps are wearing hoodies. Hell, Eminem glorified it years ago, as he even recognized the 'style' of the gangsta, back in 8 Mile.

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The government and the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, have publicly backed the decision by certain shopping centres in the UK to ban young people wearing hoodies.
- From 2005

Guilty: The hoodie gang that stabbed boy, 14, to death in 'initiation ritual'


Last updated at 08:17 10 April 2008

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-553633/Guilty-The-hoodie-gang-stabbed-boy-14-death-initiation-ritual.html#ixzz1qf291Lcd



I had about half a dozen more, but the site won't allow me to post so many media files.

Deal w/ it.

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See what happens? I state the obvious about the crime culture which sees hoodies as a fashion statement, and some pin heads, simply refusing to acknowledge that which is so well known, or self evident, whine " where's your proof " ?

Well, I show the proof, and all the only response we see ? ...Crickets. Nothing. Zilch. Nadda.

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