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Idiots on Parade


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America the country where everyone has the right to be a fool and then go out in public and let everyone see.


I have to remind myself it's a free country when I see this kind of crap. It REALLY makes me angry. I would like to just beat the s..t out of them. :angry:

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It kind of reminds you of those signs Fred Phelps and his gang carry to funerals of gay AIDS victims that say "God Hates gays" and "AIDS Cures gays", doesn't it?

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It kind of reminds you of those signs Fred Phelps and his gang carry to funerals of gay AIDS victims that say "God Hates gays" and "AIDS Cures gays", doesn't it?

Point taken......Equaly sick....

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Obviously both sides of the political spectrum have their share of extremists whose actions offend a great portion of the main stream.

While I respect their rights to free expression, I sometimes wonder if they realize that they generally do their cause more harm than good through such outrageousness.

On the other hand, I also wonder why we give them so much power over us, emotionally, when we succomb to our own feelings of outrage. Are they really worthy of the investment of emotional energy it takes to work up a great righteous indignation over such a small group of minimally effective people (on either extreme of the political spectrum)? Why let them push your buttons like that?

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It kind of reminds you of those signs Fred Phelps and his gang carry to funerals of gay AIDS victims that say "God Hates gays" and "AIDS Cures gays", doesn't it?

No it doesn't, because I don't know who Fred Phelps is, but if he does what you say I would say he is just as big a fool as these peckerwoods. Possibly even a bigger fool because he claims to speak for God. I don't know what God he knows, but the God I know hates no one.

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It kind of reminds you of those signs Fred Phelps and his gang carry to funerals of gay AIDS victims that say "God Hates gays" and "AIDS Cures gays", doesn't it?

Al, have you ever heard one person on this Forum promote Phelps?

He is a nut job much like too many in this country.

You see, the Conservatives can at least admit they have crazies.

I guess I will next be called some name as usual.

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It kind of reminds you of those signs Fred Phelps and his gang carry to funerals of gay AIDS victims that say "God Hates gays" and "AIDS Cures gays", doesn't it?

Al, have you ever heard one person on this Forum promote Phelps?

He is a nut job much like too many in this country.

You see, the Conservatives can at least admit they have crazies.

I guess I will next be called some name as usual.

I have no clue where you are coming from. I didn't say anyone (to include you) promoted or agreed with Phelps. I find it interesting that you associated him with conservatives, though.

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It kind of reminds you of those signs Fred Phelps and his gang carry to funerals of gay AIDS victims that say "God Hates gays" and "AIDS Cures gays", doesn't it?

Al, have you ever heard one person on this Forum promote Phelps?

He is a nut job much like too many in this country.

You see, the Conservatives can at least admit they have crazies.

I guess I will next be called some name as usual.

I have no clue where you are coming from. I didn't say anyone (to include you) promoted or agreed with Phelps. I find it interesting that you associated him with conservatives, though.


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I felt for sure I would open this post to see a pictrue of slick willy & hitlary!

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It kind of reminds you of those signs Fred Phelps and his gang carry to funerals of gay AIDS victims that say "God Hates gays" and "AIDS Cures gays", doesn't it?

Al, have you ever heard one person on this Forum promote Phelps?

He is a nut job much like too many in this country.

You see, the Conservatives can at least admit they have crazies.

I guess I will next be called some name as usual.

I have no clue where you are coming from. I didn't say anyone (to include you) promoted or agreed with Phelps. I find it interesting that you associated him with conservatives, though.

I find it interesting that you associated the above picture enough with liberals that you felt compelled to throw out this Phelps character as some type of defense. As if their stupid a**hole actions are somehow justified by the stupid a**hole actions of Phelps.

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I find it interesting that you associated the above picture enough with liberals...

I didn't.

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It kind of reminds you of those signs Fred Phelps and his gang carry to funerals of gay AIDS victims that say "God Hates gays" and "AIDS Cures gays", doesn't it?

I agree, and they make me sick too.

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Why is it when everytime we point out some STUPID IDIOTIC left wing extremist happening...Al comes out and goes "kinda reminds me of"...11 billion years ago when so and so did this...

We get it. But wouldn't it help if maybe, just maybe the stuff you pointed out had present day relevance?

Come on Tiger...you can do better than that.

Why not, from time to time, come out and admit "yeah thats messed up" and leave it at that? It doesn't mean you are conceding defeat or anything like that...it just means that you aren't blind to some actions carried out by some of those related to your respective party.

Just like if the Phelps thing happened...and we were talking about it over here. I doubt many would say...well they gotta point.

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Why is it when everytime we point out some STUPID IDIOTIC left wing extremist happening...Al comes out and goes "kinda reminds me of"...11 billion years ago when so and so did this...

We get it. But wouldn't it help if maybe, just maybe the stuff you pointed out had present day relevance?

Come on Tiger...you can do better than that.

Why not, from time to time, come out and admit "yeah thats messed up" and leave it at that? It doesn't mean you are conceding defeat or anything like that...it just means that you aren't blind to some actions carried out by some of those related to your respective party.

Just like if the Phelps thing happened...and we were talking about it over here. I doubt many would say...well they gotta point.

It seems he was pointing out that conservatives have "extremists" not just the liberals. I don't see how that isn't just adding to the conversation.

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Why is it when everytime we point out some STUPID IDIOTIC left wing extremist happening...Al comes out and goes "kinda reminds me of"...11 billion years ago when so and so did this...

We get it. But wouldn't it help if maybe, just maybe the stuff you pointed out had present day relevance?

Come on Tiger...you can do better than that.

Why not, from time to time, come out and admit "yeah thats messed up" and leave it at that? It doesn't mean you are conceding defeat or anything like that...it just means that you aren't blind to some actions carried out by some of those related to your respective party.

Just like if the Phelps thing happened...and we were talking about it over here. I doubt many would say...well they gotta point.

It seems he was pointing out that conservatives have "extremists" not just the liberals. I don't see how that isn't just adding to the conversation.

It was adding to the conversation and bg's point is still valid. That is tigerals favorite thing to do when confronted with democratic incompetence, point a finger at something some conservative did way back when while dodging the issue at hand. You can't blame bg for pointing out the obvious flaw in tigerals character(j/k ta ;) ) .

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I understand the distraction ancient history can be to debates over current events. Thank goodness no Republican has ever responded to a criticism of Bush by saying "Look what Clinton did way back..." <_< :roll:

Which of us are the pots and which of us are the kettles and what shall we call each other?

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I understand the distraction ancient history can be to debates over current events. Thank goodness no Republican has ever responded to a criticism of Bush by saying "Look what Clinton did way back..." <_< :roll:

Which of us are the pots and which of us are the kettles and what shall we call each other?

Well if he didn't do it so frequently, most likely, no one would have brought it up. No pot and kettle here because the remarks were about the frequency in which this occurs. I have not noticed bg or myself doing this w/ regularity. Either way you look at it it's not a big deal so unwad your drawers.

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My point was...why not simply discuss the topic at hand. Tiger Al starts PLENTY of "republicans did something else stupid or mean" threads...so why not address the "liberals did something extreme or idiotic" threads seperately?

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My point was...why not simply discuss the topic at hand. Tiger Al starts PLENTY of "republicans did something else stupid or mean" threads...so why not address the "liberals did something extreme or idiotic" threads seperately?

Because....liberals are stupid....Conservatives are simply RIGHT! B)

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My point was...why not simply discuss the topic at hand. Tiger Al starts PLENTY of "republicans did something else stupid or mean" threads...so why not address the "liberals did something extreme or idiotic" threads seperately?

Then why don't you discuss it??? You've been more interested in discussing why I added Phelps' name to the 'Idiots on Parade' and assuming what my motives are than actually discussing the 'Idiots on Parade!' And then, you seem to be angry with me because I didn't discuss 'Idiots on Parade'!!!

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My point was...why not simply discuss the topic at hand. Tiger Al starts PLENTY of "republicans did something else stupid or mean" threads...so why not address the "liberals did something extreme or idiotic" threads seperately?

Then why don't you discuss it??? You've been more interested in discussing why I added Phelps' name to the 'Idiots on Parade' and assuming what my motives are than actually discussing the 'Idiots on Parade!' And then, you seem to be angry with me because I didn't discuss 'Idiots on Parade'!!!

Ooops! Sorry...okay here you go:

Those left wing extremist liberal idiots sure do make democrats look bad.

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