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What a nut. You guys want to claim him?

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Compared to all the people that said they would leave the county after Bush was elected, but did not leave........

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But all Democrats should apoligize for Ms Rosen's attack on motherhood.

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But all Democrats should apoligize for Ms Rosen's attack on motherhood.

I can't wait to hear what Debbie Wasserman Schultz will say about Ted.

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But all Democrats should apoligize for Ms Rosen's attack on motherhood.

I can't wait to hear what Debbie Wasserman Schultz will say about Ted.

I would just let him keep talking

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I can't believe they're wasting resources to do an investigation. I wish all celebrities would keep their mouth shut about politics.

The media didn't think it was a big deal when Michelle Obama ivited rapper Common to the White House last year, even though Common had a song that talked about burning Bush and calling him corrupt. But when Nugent say's something stupid about Obama then they're going to investigate him and make it a big story.

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But all Democrats should apoligize for Obama and the democrats using Ms Rosen in an orchestrated attack on stay at home moms.

Fixed that for you.

But all Democrats should apoligize for Ms Rosen's attack on motherhood.

Who said all democrats should apologize for Ms Rosen's attack on Ann Romney.

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What a nut. You guys want to claim him?

Who are you directing your question to, when you ask - " you guys " ?

What about his comment makes you say he's a nut ?

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Want to know what I think is ' nuts' ? Valerie Jerret's comments, about Obama 'taking power and being ready to rule on day 1 ' of his administration.

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Want to know what I think is ' nuts' ? Valerie Jerret's comments, about Obama 'taking power and being ready to rule on day 1 ' of his administration.

The Valerie jerret, that would be the almost us senator from Illinois, except the FBI stepped in and stopped the transactions with the governor. :blink:

I really think the FBI stopped that early because they were afraid they would soon have the president elect talking to the governor about what was needed to get jerret the senate appointment.

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Surprised is what I'd have been if there were an actual answer to my questions.

Oh well.

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Ted Nugent meeting with Secret Service completed, 'issue resolved'

By NewsCore

April 19, 2012

WASHINGTON -- Rocker Ted Nugent's meeting with the US Secret Service was concluded Thursday and the "issue has been resolved," a spokesman for the US Secret Service told NewsCore.

"The US Secret Service does not anticipate any further action being taken," the spokesman said.

Nugent's meeting with the Secret Service took place after he made comments at an NRA conference over the weekend in St. Louis that were deemed to be threatening to President Barack Obama.

"If you can't go home and get everybody in your lives to clean house in this vile, evil America-hating administration, I don't even know what you're made out of," Nugent told a crowd, adding that Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton were "criminals."

"If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year," he added.


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What a nut. You guys want to claim him?

Who are you directing your question to, when you ask - " you guys " ?

What about his comment makes you say he's a nut ?

Bueller ? Bueller ?

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