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Ole Miss Paper on Reagan...

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Daily Mississippian

COLUMN - Public giving Reagan free pass

by Brandon Niemeyer

DM Columnist

June 09, 2004

The anti-Christ is dead. That was my initial reaction Saturday afternoon at a Cincinnati hotel bar to the news of former President Ronald Reagan's death. I know it's an insensitive sort of statement to the news of a death of someone grandly touted as one of America's "greatest presidents." Frankly, though, he is one of the worst presidents we've had.

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Daily Mississippian
COLUMN - Public giving Reagan free pass

by Brandon Niemeyer

DM Columnist

June 09, 2004

The anti-Christ is dead. That was my initial reaction Saturday afternoon at a Cincinnati hotel bar to the news of former President Ronald Reagan's death. I know it's an insensitive sort of statement to the news of a death of someone grandly touted as one of America's "greatest presidents." Frankly, though, he is one of the worst presidents we've had.

That reminds me of Screwtape writing to his nephew, Wormwood. :blink:

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This clown could make a great public service commercial....

"THIS is HIS brain on DRUGS."

liberals.....nature's idiots.

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