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Morgan Jackson (Bo's daughter) weighs in on Dyer's dismissal


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Morgan Jackson@mO_KNOWS_34

michael dyer acted so cocky saying he gon' break all my daddy's records like its nothing...HA! you gotta stay in school first sweetie!!#smh

Morgan Jackson@mO_KNOWS_34

Im telling yall..Dyer said it in interviews, to me, & to my daddy's face about how much better he'll be!! my dad just called dying laughing!

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That's more than being cocky, that's the sign of a screw being loose.

EVEN if you think that, you go out and do it on the field , FIRST, and then maybe you say something, later on. But not until you get your own Heisman, or have gone forward ( graduated / on to the NFL )

Where's the humility ? Where's the thought of at least ACTING humble and gracious, and showing respect to a CFB legend ?

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Where's the humility ? Where's the thought of at least ACTING humble and gracious, and showing respect to a CFB legend ?

You mean like he did on the sidelines when he broke his freshman record? I mean come on, Dyer obviously had and continues to have his issues but at least he ACTED a little humble at one time... :yes:

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Blame it on the Spice......

Where's the humility ? Where's the thought of at least ACTING humble and gracious, and showing respect to a CFB legend ?

You mean like he did on the sidelines when he broke his freshman record? I mean come on, Dyer obviously had and continues to have his issues but at least he ACTED a little humble at one time... :yes:

Just blame the change on the Spice.............

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Where's the humility ? Where's the thought of at least ACTING humble and gracious, and showing respect to a CFB legend ?

You mean like he did on the sidelines when he broke his freshman record? I mean come on, Dyer obviously had and continues to have his issues but at least he ACTED a little humble at one time... :yes:

Sorry, but per the comments made by Bo's daughter, it's clear to me that MD's sincerity only lasted for about 5 minutes. All was right in the world, and MD just got caught up in the moment.

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