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MSNBC Attacks Mormons (Compilation)


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You want to see an attack on mormonism? That religion is crazy..... Magic underwear, Jesus Visiited America, Paligamy, racism, and you get your own planet when you die.

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I wish they'd attack all religions. To blindly follow something without some sort of verification is to abandon logic & reason. The Bible, Koran, Torah, etc... are not valid sources of verification either.

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While I do believe allot of the things in religion are rediculous. I am not going to force my beliefs on anyone, but come on mormonism is even crazier. In the LDS' defense it is a new religion and has not yet evolved to fit mainstream society like many other ancient religions have done.

My sister used to date a mormon for 2 years. Not only were his beliefs bat s*** crazy, he had this secret book he wrote in. He called me the devil and that I was trying to make him stray from his beliefs. He said the devil was possessing my sister to make him have sex with her and that the devil was starting to get ahold of him. When my mom found that book, she showed it to me and my sister. That relationship wasn't going any further.

He belived all of our soldiers should where mormon blessed undergarments and underwear because it would make them impervious to bullets and that god would protect them. He also thought it was ok for Mormons to baptise the dead along with Holocaust victims.

It is hard being Athiest honestly. Its like being in 1st grade and you are the only one that knows Santa isn't real and everyone will get mad at you if you tell them he isnt real.

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