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Obama's Super PAC Founder Bill Burton: Our Ad In No Way Suggests Romney Responsible For Woman's death


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It's like Bob Kerry said of Bill Clinton..." he's an exceptionally good liar "

It's not that the Left lies, it's that they lie with such conviction and confidence. They, like bama fans, actually believe the lies they spout. They are THAT delusional. And they think everyone else is really THAT stupid to believe them.

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It is becoming clear that Obama is not only intellectually, but also morally unfit to hold the office of President.

Obama's Campaign of Lies Reaches Despicable Low

Posted 08/08/2012 06:56 PM ET

Politics: Unable to run on his record, President Hope-and-Change has built a campaign based entirely on scurrilous lies about Mitt Romney. But the latest reaches a historic, despicable low.

That ad features a man claiming that after Bain Capital closed his steel plant, he lost his job and his insurance, and shortly thereafter his wife died of cancer.

Even it were true, trying to blame Romney for his wife's death defies credulity. But the facts are all wrong.

Romney had left Bain to run the summer Olympics two years before Joe Soptic lost his job in 2001. And his wife had her own job and insurance at that time. She later took a disability leave and lost her coverage, and her cancer was apparently symptom-free until she checked into a hospital for pneumonia in 2006.

The ad, sponsored by an Obama "super-PAC" was too much even for the in-the-Obama-tank press. CNN's Wolf Blitzer called it "a pretty outrageous claim," and Sam Stein of the Obama-worshipping Huffington Post said it went "too far."

The Obama campaign has refused to denounce the ad, which is understandable, since when you lie as often as it does, the lines of propriety start to get blurry.

The campaign continues to hammer Romney as an "outsourcer," though the only examples they can cite took place after he left Bain, and even though the independent FactCheck.org reported the claim was bogus.

Obama campaign officials at one point called Romney a felon, saying he misrepresented his position at Bain after 1999. And Obama continued to make thinly veiled suggestions along these lines after the charge was completely debunked.

Team Obama has also repeatedly accused Romney of opposing abortion "even in the case of rape and incest." Fact-checking site PolitiFact.com gave this a "pants on fire," but the ads continued.

Harry Reid, meanwhile, has been happily carrying the Obama campaign's bilge water by claiming that Romney is a tax cheat who didn't pay any taxes for years, based on no evidence whatsoever.

And now Obama is running around falsely claiming that Romney's tax cut plan will raise taxes on the middle class, citing an "independent" study written by a former administration official.

But why should Obama stop the lies? The press won't call him on it, at least not with the vigor they reserve for any misleading claim made by a Republican. And, if the latest round of polls is accurate, the mud-slinging seems to be driving down Romney's approval numbers.

Plus, all these false charges keep the focus on Romney, and off Obama's dreadful record as president.

This campaign of outrageous lies has exposed Obama for what he truly is: an utterly shameless politician who will do or say anything to keep his job.


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It is becoming clear that Obama is not only intellectually, but also morally unfit to hold the office of President.

Obama's Campaign of Lies Reaches Despicable Low

Posted 08/08/2012 06:56 PM ET

Politics: Unable to run on his record, President Hope-and-Change has built a campaign based entirely on scurrilous lies about Mitt Romney. But the latest reaches a historic, despicable low.

That ad features a man claiming that after Bain Capital closed his steel plant, he lost his job and his insurance, and shortly thereafter his wife died of cancer.

Even it were true, trying to blame Romney for his wife's death defies credulity. But the facts are all wrong.

Romney had left Bain to run the summer Olympics two years before Joe Soptic lost his job in 2001. And his wife had her own job and insurance at that time. She later took a disability leave and lost her coverage, and her cancer was apparently symptom-free until she checked into a hospital for pneumonia in 2006.

The ad, sponsored by an Obama "super-PAC" was too much even for the in-the-Obama-tank press. CNN's Wolf Blitzer called it "a pretty outrageous claim," and Sam Stein of the Obama-worshipping Huffington Post said it went "too far."

The Obama campaign has refused to denounce the ad, which is understandable, since when you lie as often as it does, the lines of propriety start to get blurry.

The campaign continues to hammer Romney as an "outsourcer," though the only examples they can cite took place after he left Bain, and even though the independent FactCheck.org reported the claim was bogus.

Obama campaign officials at one point called Romney a felon, saying he misrepresented his position at Bain after 1999. And Obama continued to make thinly veiled suggestions along these lines after the charge was completely debunked.

Team Obama has also repeatedly accused Romney of opposing abortion "even in the case of rape and incest." Fact-checking site PolitiFact.com gave this a "pants on fire," but the ads continued.

Harry Reid, meanwhile, has been happily carrying the Obama campaign's bilge water by claiming that Romney is a tax cheat who didn't pay any taxes for years, based on no evidence whatsoever.

And now Obama is running around falsely claiming that Romney's tax cut plan will raise taxes on the middle class, citing an "independent" study written by a former administration official.

But why should Obama stop the lies? The press won't call him on it, at least not with the vigor they reserve for any misleading claim made by a Republican. And, if the latest round of polls is accurate, the mud-slinging seems to be driving down Romney's approval numbers.

Plus, all these false charges keep the focus on Romney, and off Obama's dreadful record as president.

This campaign of outrageous lies has exposed Obama for what he truly is: an utterly shameless politician who will do or say anything to keep his job.


The Obama Campaign will denounce it when Romney denounces anything Rush Slimbaugh says

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The Obama Campaign will denounce it when Romney denounces anything Rush Slimbaugh says

And when did you become spokesman for the socialist?

It seems Obama and his campaign likes the ad:

Obama Camp Won’t Disavow Ad Tying Romney to Woman’s Cancer Death

Top Obama campaign officials have refused to disavow a controversial and misleading TV ad by the pro-Obama super PAC, Priorities USA Action, that suggests Mitt Romney had a role in a woman’s death.


Which really doesn't come as a surprise since he and they have already proven they will say and do anything to stay in power. A morally bankrupt political party led by a morally bankrupt Chicago politician. It has become clear that Obama is not only intellectually, but also morally unfit to hold the office of President.

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If you have ever seen Burton on TV, you will realize what a real slimeball he is.

Yeah, I was able to watch it live, and he is a real snake in the grass. He's good at what he does.

Anderson Cooper interviewed him too, and Burton was pretty much the same with him.

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Arn said:

The Obama Campaign will denounce it when Romney denounces anything Rush Slimbaugh says

You do know Romney denounced a Super Pac's plan to run ads about Rev. Wright?

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Arn said:

The Obama Campaign will denounce it when Romney denounces anything Rush Slimbaugh says

You do know Romney denounced a Super Pac's plan to run ads about Rev. Wright?

Yet, Romney should release his tax returns to "prove" that Harry Reid is full of it?

You don't even try do you?

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The Obama Campaign will denounce it when Romney denounces anything Rush Slimbaugh says

Limbaugh isn't running anyone's campaign. Limbaugh didn't meet with anyone via a phone conference, back in May, and discuss in detail the facts pertaining to the death of man's wife, only to then come back in August and claim, on national t.v. that he knew nothing of the details of how the man's wife died.

Obama's campaign director did exactly that. She , like her boss, and the whole mess of Democrats , are bald faced liars.

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