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How dare you MODS...ADMIN...VIPs?


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How dare you, Mods, Admin, and VIPs of Auburn Eagle? How dare you give us this much information for free? How dare you make predictions and stand by them without giving us EVERY bit of info that you have? How dare you keep this site clean and family oriented? How dare you delete posts and threads that are inappropriate? How dare you I say....

How    Dare    You?!?!?!?

In case you can't tell, I am being facetious and have nothing but good things to say about Auburn Eagle...

Mods, Admin, and VIPs....don't change a thing.

P.S.    WAR EAGLE!!!!!

P.P.S.  I know this doesn't belong here, but its late and this is where all the AU peeps are. Thats right...i said peeps


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I know! I love having a free website that gives Auburn news. And as a bonus there's no gumps trying to ruin our good timejavascript:void(0);

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lol...me too, but i looked it up!!

P.S. = Post Script

P.P.S. = Post Post Script

P.P.P.S. = Ridiculous

:laugh:  Did you really look it up?  .....Funny post.

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postscript, from the Latin post scriptum, meaning "written after"  ;D

I see everyone is as bored/wound-up as me. Oh February 4th will be a glorious day....I just hope we (the Auburn Faithful) can make it that long. I know my blood pressure is up (I tried to give blood today and they rejected me because of this) and I'm only 23 (and in decent shape). WDE!

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lol...me too, but i looked it up!!

P.S. = Post Script

P.P.S. = Post Post Script

P.P.P.S. = Ridiculous

:laugh:   Did you really look it up?  .....Funny post.

Yes, sir...something about P.S.S.S. just didn't look right to me...like a pink and purple snake hissing..."psssssssssss"

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Joker, you forgot to put in there that you would be more than happy to mow their grass, and wash their cars too!!!

Just kidding. Wanted to pull your chain a little. You must have been really bored!  :we:

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How dare you, Mods, Admin, and VIPs of Auburn Eagle? How dare you give us this much information for free? How dare you make predictions and stand by them without giving us EVERY bit of info that you have? How dare you keep this site clean and family oriented? How dare you delete posts and threads that are inappropriate? How dare you I say....

How     Dare     You?!?!?!?

In case you can't tell, I am being facetious and have nothing but good things to say about Auburn Eagle...

Mods, Admin, and VIPs....don't change a thing.

P.S.     WAR EAGLE!!!!!

P.P.S.  I know this doesn't belong here, but its late and this is where all the AU peeps are. Thats right...i said peeps


GREAT POST, could not have said any better. This was what I was thinking on one of the treads. :tease:

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lol...me too, but i looked it up!!

P.S. = Post Script

P.P.S. = Post Post Script

P.P.P.S. = Ridiculous

Not only is it all free, but if this was a college course, you would be paying for this type of education. When will you post your next lesson.

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postscript, from the Latin post scriptum, meaning "written after"  ;D

I see everyone is as bored/wound-up as me. Oh February 4th will be a glorious day....I just hope we (the Auburn Faithful) can make it that long. I know my blood pressure is up (I tried to give blood today and they rejected me because of this) and I'm only 23 (and in decent shape). WDE!

Similar to the Latin for "Vasectomy" or "post scrotum"

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How dare you, Mods, Admin, and VIPs of Auburn Eagle? How dare you give us this much information for free? How dare you make predictions and stand by them without giving us EVERY bit of info that you have? How dare you keep this site clean and family oriented? How dare you delete posts and threads that are inappropriate? How dare you I say....

How     Dare     You?!?!?!?

In case you can't tell, I am being facetious and have nothing but good things to say about Auburn Eagle...

Mods, Admin, and VIPs....don't change a thing.

P.S.     WAR EAGLE!!!!!

P.P.S.  I know this doesn't belong here, but its late and this is where all the AU peeps are. Thats right...i said peeps


War Damn Eagle, PJAU... and thanks for what you do! Does your Staff Seargent know about how much time you spend on here?  :laugh: J/k!! I did find something for you though... rankm-cpl.gif  flag-marines.gif ...hope its the right one!

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How dare you, Mods, Admin, and VIPs of Auburn Eagle? How dare you give us this much information for free? How dare you make predictions and stand by them without giving us EVERY bit of info that you have? How dare you keep this site clean and family oriented? How dare you delete posts and threads that are inappropriate? How dare you I say....

How     Dare     You?!?!?!?

In case you can't tell, I am being facetious and have nothing but good things to say about Auburn Eagle...

Mods, Admin, and VIPs....don't change a thing.

P.S.     WAR EAGLE!!!!!

P.P.S.  I know this doesn't belong here, but its late and this is where all the AU peeps are. Thats right...i said peeps


War Damn Eagle, PJAU... and thanks for what you do! Does your Staff Seargent know about how much time you spend on here?  :laugh: J/k!! I did find something for you though... rankm-cpl.gif  flag-marines.gif ...hope its the right one!

LOL...you got it right with the symbols!!! Funny thing is....I am a tower supervisor, and my SSGT isn't...so if my staff sergeant has a problem with me being on this site at work, he can get out of MY tower!!! But, then he could make me take out the trash...lol. So i'm glad he will let me be on here when nothing is going on at work!!!

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