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One more little nugget....

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Can u imagine an ending where we lose no one and sign Jones, Whittaker, Lemonier, Lattimore, and Ambles? I know it's unlikely for all of that to happen but if it did I'm pretty sure I'd wet myself...

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Thanks Mayor.

This is good news and I see with the activity level of our staff we could end with a flourish.

That's their job.

They can sleep later.

ps: heading back to Auburn too. Hardly know the place with all the improvements. :D

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This class is going to be SICK!    If we pull Ambles, Lattimore, Whitaker, Jones and hold onto to Coleman I will be doing this  :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:.

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If we can just hold on to what we have and Whitaker I'm happy. Adding the other guys is icing on the cake!

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I'm hearing Chizik will be in to see Lattimore tomorrow and after that Ambles may be making a trip down to AU. I cannot confirm the Ambles thing yet, just a rumor I'm hearing. WDE!

Chizik is visiting Lattimore tonight.

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That will be great.If we pulled out top 4 plus Ambles.We would be #2 with a slight chance to slide #1.What you think MOCV. :wedance:

I think we get Lattimore, Whitaker and Lemonier...Still have a shot at Jones...If we get Ambles in for a visit our chances with him will skyrocket. As ST has said we've also got a shot at signing some other good players if some of these were to not pan out, such as Darius Robinson, Vic Beasley, Jared Morse and Dimitri Orr. I think we've got a great shot at a top 3 class if we finish strong and I don't think any AU fan that follows recruiting would trade classes with anybody else in the country no matter where they "officially" rank us.

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ST needs to disable the create thread button tomorrow.  I see this too, and I don't like it.

I predict 17 different threads tomorrow on if Jones has committed?

Hummm,if thats the official line,I'll go over 17 .

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