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Rodney Scott receives Sportsmanship Award


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Rodney Scott is a class act and this is the least they could do for him. He basically saved a guys career and possible long term damage.

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Rodney Scott is a class act and this is the least they could do for him. He basically saved a guys career and possible long term damage.


Scott earned the respect of the entire Auburn family that day. It is also great to hear that Scott and Zac talk to one another and have become friends. Very Respectable

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I had forgotten about that (was listening on the radio at work), but there's no doubt that he deserves it. I won't even say that it was classy, because this is WAY beyond class. We're talking about honor here, true honor, the kind that defines you as a person. That he is being honored with this award is perfect...though he deserves far more credit than a mere trophy can bring.

MJ is right; Rodney earned all of our respect and gratitude for the integrity, and instinct, he showed that day. That he and Zac have become friends is only fitting of the character both of them have.

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Rodney Scott is a class act and this is the least they could do for him. He basically saved a guys career and possible long term damage.

No question about it! Rodney did an amazing and very smart thing to do...not most guys would have the brains to do that.
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