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I have been told that Erique Florence just finished up a morning practice with his team at Valley.  Don't believe everything you hear.  The bammers are going to do everything they can to make this kid look bad, as sad as it may seem.

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Haha i heard rivals say the same thing. This is yet another reason why Alabama is hated. Their writers have the same IQ as my puppy.

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Haha i heard rivals say the same thing. This is yet another reason why Alabama is hated. Their writers have the same IQ as my puppy.

hey come on now, give your puppy a break, i'm sure its learned to not poop on the carpet  :tease:

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Haha i heard rivals say the same thing. This is yet another reason why Alabama is hated. Their writers have the same IQ as my puppy.

Why do you hate your puppies?

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Haha i heard rivals say the same thing. This is yet another reason why Alabama is hated. Their writers have the same IQ as my puppy.

That boarders on Michael Vick type dog cruelty.


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I have been told that Erique Florence just finished up a morning practice with his team at Valley.  Don't believe everything you hear.  The bammers are going to do everything they can to make this kid look bad, as sad as it may seem. 

  What rumor?
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My puppy is smarter than your puppy! :tease:

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Rumor...from West Vance...to hurt/demean/humiliate/etc. AU in some way...who would have thought???

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One of the best things about this board that i like is that we are beyond name calling within the Auburn Family. Please..... let's leave that type of behavior for the Turds.
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Strangely enough, Florence is not even an Auburn commitment (yet....).  He may be leaning toward us, but isn't Alabama one of his other offers?  Doing something like what Andrew Bone did is a pretty good way to ensure that a recruit does NOT go to the school you pull for.

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I'm hoping that Florence decides to commit early now to get all of this out of the way and just focus on football and academics and getting ready for Auburn.

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Did I miss something, what is the rumor? :dunno:

Thread must've been deleted about this.  Andrew Bone (Bama reporter) tweeted that Erique Florence had been kicked off of his HS team.  Turns out to be either old news or unfounded.

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Did I miss something, what is the rumor? :dunno:

Thread must've been deleted about this.  Andrew Bone (Bama reporter) tweeted that Erique Florence had been kicked off of his HS team.  Turns out to be either old news or unfounded.

Andrew Bone (Bama reporter) <<<<<That says it all. Thanks.

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There was a rumor that there was a rumor floating around. Still need to confirm the rumor before we can confirm the rumor.

TIFWIW though

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One of the best things about this board that i like is that we are beyond name calling within the Auburn Family. Please..... let's leave that type of behavior for the Turds.

FYI, O and B... I wasn't talking about anyone in the AU family! In case you were previously unaware, the individual who promulgated this rumor was a member of the turd media... it was then perpetuated by the turd message boards... therefore; I stand by and DO NOT apologize for my original statement! Sorry for the confusion!  :)

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There was a rumor that there was a rumor floating around. Still need to confirm the rumor before we can confirm the rumor.

There is a rumor that the rumor might have been confirmed by a rumormonger, but I'm not sure.

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There was a rumor that there was a rumor floating around. Still need to confirm the rumor before we can confirm the rumor.

There is a rumor that the rumor might have been confirmed by a rumormonger, but I'm not sure.

sounds like a rumor to me  :pcprobs:
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jealousy is tough. And for those of you who don't have fb one of Eriques friends posted the bammer fight song on one of his posts a few weeks ago and Erique typed out the Auburn one. He is all AU right now and the turds cant take it

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jealousy is tough. And for those of you who don't have fb one of Eriques friends posted the bammer fight song on one of his posts a few weeks ago and Erique typed out the Auburn one. He is all AU right now and the turds cant take it

War Eagle, fly down the field

Ever to conquer, never to yield

War Eagle, fearless and true

Fight on you orange and blue ...

I love it. I get chills.

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Did I miss something, what is the rumor? :dunno:

Thread must've been deleted about this.  Andrew Bone (Bama reporter) tweeted that Erique Florence had been kicked off of his HS team.  Turns out to be either old news or unfounded.

Andrew Bone (Bama reporter) <<<<<That says it all. Thanks.

Please, we never, EVER, capitalize anything referencing the turds...i.e., bama.

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