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Newton- Under the radar

Holland's Fro

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Really surprising. Stewart Mandel of Sports Illustrated says Cam Newton is a serious possibility for being an under-the-radar Heisman threat. Maybe he's been reading some of our Newton threads  :laugh:

We all agree that Newton has the physical abilities to do anything he wants.

With the offensive line in front of him... and the talent around him.

Who knows?

I mean for real.

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Really surprising. Stewart Mandel of Sports Illustrated says Cam Newton is a serious possibility for being an under-the-radar Heisman threat. Maybe he's been reading some of our Newton threads  :laugh:

We all agree that Newton has the physical abilities to do anything he wants.

With the offensive line in front of him... and the talent around him.

Who knows?

I mean for real.

I definately think he could. Im surprised that Mendel thinks that, because most of the national media dont think it;s a possibility

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Really surprising. Stewart Mandel of Sports Illustrated says Cam Newton is a serious possibility for being an under-the-radar Heisman threat. Maybe he's been reading some of our Newton threads  :laugh:

We all agree that Newton has the physical abilities to do anything he wants.

With the offensive line in front of him... and the talent around him.

Who knows?

I mean for real.

I definately think he could. Im surprised that Mendel thinks that, because most of the national media dont think it;s a possibility

Every Bama fan that I work with, thinks he will be the next Kodi Burns... and they refuse to live down his 3-8 performance in the Spring game.

They rub it in my face every day... but I calmly smile and walk away with confidence... I know that there is more to Newton than what Malzahn showed that day.

Could hurt a lot of peoples feelings.... When Newton is fully exposed.

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Really surprising. Stewart Mandel of Sports Illustrated says Cam Newton is a serious possibility for being an under-the-radar Heisman threat. Maybe he's been reading some of our Newton threads  :laugh:

We all agree that Newton has the physical abilities to do anything he wants.

With the offensive line in front of him... and the talent around him.

Who knows?

I mean for real.

I definately think he could. Im surprised that Mendel thinks that, because most of the national media dont think it;s a possibility

Every Bama fan that I work with, thinks he will be the next Kodi Burns... and they refuse to live down his 3-8 performance in the Spring game.

They rub it in my face every day... but I calmly smile and walk away with confidence... I know that there is more to Newton than what Malzahn showed that day.

Could hurt a lot of peoples feelings.... When Newton is fully exposed.

The Bama fans over at SECtalk.com say that Newton will be the next Brent Schaffer at Ole Miss, because he was a top Juco QB too. They say Frazier will be the next Kodi Burns, since theyre both dual threats from Arkansas.

I prefer to just wait, let em eat crow  ;)

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Really surprising. Stewart Mandel of Sports Illustrated says Cam Newton is a serious possibility for being an under-the-radar Heisman threat. Maybe he's been reading some of our Newton threads  :laugh:

We all agree that Newton has the physical abilities to do anything he wants.

With the offensive line in front of him... and the talent around him.

Who knows?

I mean for real.

I definately think he could. Im surprised that Mendel thinks that, because most of the national media dont think it;s a possibility

Every Bama fan that I work with, thinks he will be the next Kodi Burns... and they refuse to live down his 3-8 performance in the Spring game.

They rub it in my face every day... but I calmly smile and walk away with confidence... I know that there is more to Newton than what Malzahn showed that day.

Could hurt a lot of peoples feelings.... When Newton is fully exposed.

The Bama fans over at SECtalk.com say that Newton will be the next Brent Schaffer at Ole Miss, because he was a top Juco QB too. They say Frazier will be the next Kodi Burns, since theyre both dual threats from Arkansas.

I prefer to just wait, let em eat crow  ;)

Wont be the best crow they have had.... in fact... they will never eat crow again after 2010.
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I like the fact Newton will have an experienced OL in front of him, not to mention experienced play-makers around him. If he lives up to his potential, and I believe he will, there is no reason to expect anything but  :tdau: :tdau: :tdau: :tdau: :tdau: :tdau:

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i have a friend that says the same thing about Cam. "he didn't show me anything during A-day...whats so special?"  i answered "were you at any of the practices? are you one of the coaches?"  whats sad is that shes an auburn fan but doesn't see anything positive about our team...i'm like "are you serious?" shes a big caudle fan and even though i can undestand wanting Caudle to play Cam is clearly the better overall athlete who gives us the best chance to win.

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CAM will SLAM the BAM. (unless sabin puts a hit out for Cam's knee ala Colt McCoy via Bob Stoops conversation with Paul FineScum.

:beatmullet:                :beatmullet:              :beatmullet:                :beatmullet:  :devil: :devil: :devil:

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i have a friend that says the same thing about Cam. "he didn't show me anything during A-day...whats so special?"  i answered "were you at any of the practices? are you one of the coaches?"  whats sad is that shes an auburn fan but doesn't see anything positive about our team...i'm like "are you serious?" shes a big caudle fan and even though i can undestand wanting Caudle to play Cam is clearly the better overall athlete who gives us the best chance to win.

I'm a Caudle fan after seeing AD but I'm also a pessimist when it comes to what our defense gives up to average QBs so I'm skeptical.  I've seen enough game videos on Newton to be really really excited about what Cam Newton is going to do this year.

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I'm just glad that we finally will have a versatile QB at starter. I'm pretty confident in Cam's passing game, and that 3/8 at A-day only looks bad statistically. He was throwing those endzone passes to someone who will probably only see limited playtime this fall. Our starting WRs will not make him look bad, and I'm not trying to knock on Wisner or anyone else in Aday because most all of them had their moments.

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i have a friend that says the same thing about Cam. "he didn't show me anything during A-day...whats so special?"  i answered "were you at any of the practices? are you one of the coaches?"  whats sad is that shes an auburn fan but doesn't see anything positive about our team...i'm like "are you serious?" shes a big caudle fan and even though i can undestand wanting Caudle to play Cam is clearly the better overall athlete who gives us the best chance to win.

If all one knew about Auburn's QB situation was A-day, the starting QB fight would be between Caudle and Trotter. Moseley would be the backup and Newton would be moved to H-back, DE or some place where he could put his size and speed to work. I can't fault people for thinking Newton won't be all he's cracked up to be.

The coach's ability to feed their families depends on being able to put the best players on the field and they have declared Newton the best QB. That's almost certainly the case. I've got some doubts about exactly how good he'll be myself, but we'll see soon enough.

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i have a friend that says the same thing about Cam. "he didn't show me anything during A-day...whats so special?"  i answered "were you at any of the practices? are you one of the coaches?"  whats sad is that shes an auburn fan but doesn't see anything positive about our team...i'm like "are you serious?" shes a big caudle fan and even though i can undestand wanting Caudle to play Cam is clearly the better overall athlete who gives us the best chance to win.

If all one knew about Auburn's QB situation was A-day, the starting QB fight would be between Caudle and Trotter. Moseley would be the backup and Newton would be moved to H-back, DE or some place where he could put his size and speed to work. I can't fault people for thinking Newton won't be all he's cracked up to be.

The coach's ability to feed their families depends on being able to put the best players on the field and they have declared Newton the best QB. That's almost certainly the case. I've got some doubts about exactly how good he'll be myself, but we'll see soon enough.

Mike P, Im not saying that Newton is the second coming of Tim Tebow... but he won the starting job in a very quick manner, and seems to have a great work ethic and the players really like him.

Hes got two really good receivers coming back in Zachery and Adams... 3 really good running backs, and a great line in front of him.

The odds IMO are in his favor to do well.

If he doesnt, then ill be very surprised.

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The QB is always the on field leader of a football team. In most cases, he is as good as the talent that surrounds him. Darvin Adams was the go to receiver for Chris Todd but Cam may find his elsewhere. It could be T-Zach, Lutz or maybe some of the younger receivers.

The OL will be blocking for a totally different type of QB, so different techniques must apply for a dual threat QB. The same applies in the blocking schemes for Fannin because he is a different type back than Ben Tate.

Lastly, Andrew McCain replacement must be adequate. If any parts of the OL is misfiring, it throws the whole line out of wack and the offense struggles.

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The QB is always the on field leader of a football team. In most cases, he is as good as the talent that surrounds him. Darvin Adams was the go to receiver for Chris Todd but Cam may find his elsewhere. It could be T-Zach, Lutz or maybe some of the younger receivers.

The OL will be blocking for a totally different type of QB, so different techniques must apply for a dual threat QB. The same applies in the blocking schemes for Fannin because he is a different type back than Ben Tate.

Lastly, Andrew McCain replacement must be adequate. If any parts of the OL is misfiring, it throws the whole line out of wack and the offense struggles.

I honestly think we are better at RT this season, than we were last season. Isn't Gayden projected to be our RT?

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Actually, Brandon Mosley came out ahead in the Spring. Gayden was injured for most of it but there will be a heck of a battle come two a days.

Thanks for the info!

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If Cam lives up to expectations, I like his chances as a 'dark horse' candidate for the Heisman.  He will have an exerienced OL, some great receivers and a good running game backing him up.  Put all of those things on the 'Gus bus' and Auburn's offense could set some SEC records this season!

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Newton will have every opportunity and tool to become a college football superstar this season.

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i have a friend that says the same thing about Cam. "he didn't show me anything during A-day...whats so special?"  i answered "were you at any of the practices? are you one of the coaches?"  whats sad is that shes an auburn fan but doesn't see anything positive about our team...i'm like "are you serious?" shes a big caudle fan and even though i can undestand wanting Caudle to play Cam is clearly the better overall athlete who gives us the best chance to win.

If all one knew about Auburn's QB situation was A-day, the starting QB fight would be between Caudle and Trotter. Moseley would be the backup and Newton would be moved to H-back, DE or some place where he could put his size and speed to work. I can't fault people for thinking Newton won't be all he's cracked up to be.

The coach's ability to feed their families depends on being able to put the best players on the field and they have declared Newton the best QB. That's almost certainly the case. I've got some doubts about exactly how good he'll be myself, but we'll see soon enough.

That's true for the average fan, certainly. However, for those who understand how the game is played, we know that Cam was given very little to work with so as not to give anything away. I said this after A-day, but the one thing that stood out to me about Newton is that he didn't throw a single pass that could hurt him, while each one had potential, meaning he gave the receiver a chance to make a play.

Doubts are natural, and I have my own doubts about Newton, but the expectations far exceed those doubts...and that's not even thinking he's going to put up outrageous numbers, which is certainly a possibility.

And for the record, I know I've said similar things over and over, but Caudle is currently no better than our third best QB. He appears to have an excellent handle on the offense and game management, and I expect him to have a fine coaching career ahead of him, but Barrett Trotter would be starting for no less than half of the SEC, and more likely 8 of the other 11 teams. I actually kinda expect Kiehl Frazier to be sitting behind Trotter for a year after redshirting; Barrett has impressed me that much. I do think Neil could be a good QB in the right situation, but as it stands, I can't see him bringing much to the table at the quarterback position. Don't get me wrong, I love Caudle, and the class he's been through all the same situations that Kodi Burns (who is one of my favorite players on the team) has gone through as an afterthought in spite of being an Elite 11 QB out of Spain Park High School, but there are two other guys on the roster who look fully prepared to become big time players if given the shot, whereas Neil's best attribute is limiting mistakes and getting the ball to other guys who can make plays in the SEC.

:dunno: Like you said, Mike, we'll see how it plays out. I'm excited!

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Dear Bammers,

CN will put up ridiculous numbers at Auburn.  Y'all just worry about how to keep bird turds off of that Satan statue y'all seem to worship so much.

As always, ROLL TURD!



Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer Go To Hell Alabama (aka turds)

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