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I am prolly gonna catch flack for this too but oh well here is my thoughts about the Clemson game............I like Cameron Newton i really do i think he is tough, and is a great running threat and deep ball threat.  In the first two quarters I watched Clemson load the box and basically play man and blitz the edges, and the defense was all over the run, and I thought here comes some wheel routes from eric smith, and some short passing routes.................ZERO...........Gus kept trying to run it and run it and run it.  I don't know if it's Gus Malzahns playcalling, Cam doesn't know alot of the playbook, or something else but we have absolutely no mid passing game.  You can bet your bottom dollar that other teams are going to watch this game and just start loading the box and coming after us and if we don't find a mid range passing game we are going to lose 3 games.  I also see Cam hesitating alot when he is passing he takes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time to make a decision he needs to make the decision and just let it go.  I know people are going to say I'm crazy but If you look at Chris Todds second year he is waaaaaaaaaay ahead of Newton as far as running a balanced offense, and yes i know we had Ben Tate but i dunno maybe I am crazy but i think Gus has got to get us a passing game, and throw in some screens every now and then other than a bubble screen.

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I agree with Defiant, even a novice OC knows that if the defense keeps loading the box on you, then you want to throw some successful mid-range passes to back the defense off the line, so what is up with the play calling? Are we trying to prove that our senior line is so good that we are going to try to run it down your throat? If so, it is time to learn that it's not a workable plan! We have to become more creative! I am starting to feel like I am watching the Doug Barfield show every week.

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WTF, listen up everyone. relax. every team has  close calls and also sometimes have barely won. take bama last year, several lucky shouldnt have won games. look at us back in 1993, had several  nail-biters. even Bo experienced some close ones in his time. its a natural thing, we are getting better and i see us slowly starting to click  more. so just relax and be positive! :wareagle:

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I think it was an awesome win, and they will get it together against SC Saturday. Some of you guys are questioning the coaches?  The same coaches that have led the team to 3-0?  The same coaches that rallied the guys to score 24 unanswered and come out with the win in OT?  I'm sorry, but what has been so bad this year?  Yea, sometimes things get sketchy, but thats football.

We've been questioning them b/c if you look at it realistically, we are 1-2 right now. Had it not been for block handed receivers on MSU and Clemson's team, we would have lost both games. Our offense gets confused too easily and the secondary is awful.

Last time I checked, there is still a 3-0 record for Auburn.  I won't complain one bit. 

I wont either, but many people will.
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Well, I'm just as happy about 3-0 as anyone else is, I'm just concerned...this saturday we may run outta luck and we're gonna have to play the whole game like we did the 3rd quarter. If we can do that, we can beat anybody. Until then, I don't see us topping last year's record. JMO

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We've been questioning them b/c if you look at it realistically, we are 1-2 right now. Had it not been for block handed receivers on MSU and Clemson's team, we would have lost both games. Our offense gets confused too easily and the secondary is awful.

Not to be the bearer of bad news, I think you mean realistically we are 3-0, hypothetically we could be 1-2. Give credit where it is due. I understand that everyone is not thrilled about how the season has gone so far, but 3-0 is realistic, it actually happened. 1-2 is how it could have been, which is hypothetical. Smile a little, we are still undefeated. It is not always going to be a blow out. I agree we could and should have played better, but it is what it is. Give them the credit, they have won three games realistically. Even being down by 17 did not stop them from pushing to come back. It shows heart, it should have never gotten to that point, but it did, and they worked through it.

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But I have to get this off my chest.

Give the Auburn Tigers a lot of credit for coming back from a 17-0 beat-down in the first half to squeeze this one out. There was 6:54 to go in the first half before Auburn made it's first first-down of the game; it was beginning to look like a Clemson rout.

Coach Chizik readily admitted that Auburn went vanilla in it's first two games in preparation for Clemson. And this is what you produce in the first half? Auburn was a touchdown favorite going into this game, but for three quarters it appeared that Clemson owned the line of scrimmage. Auburn got it's act together at half to come out and score 21 unanswered points, but it should never have gotten in a position of being down 17-0. This game now has some questioning Gus Malzahn's schemes. I really like coach Malzahn, but when is he gonna open things up? Clemson is a good team but come on. 6:54 in the first half before we could get got our 1st first down.

Couldn't agree more. Like you said, give the guys credit for fighting back and getting a tough win. But we came out totally unprepared, and that all goes to back to coaching. Throw in the fact that we had 9 days to prepare, and it was an abysmal first half.

But football games are 60 min. long, not 30. Winning is all that matters. But there are def. some areas of concern going into next week.

You wanna know why it was so hard to prepare? Clemson played two cupcakes before they played us. They didn't have to show anything at all. We had no idea what to prepare for. We actually played a pretty decent team in MSU, so CU had something to prepare for. Also, like Mississippi State, they had us targeted since the preseason. I expect us to play much better in these next few weeks, because we will know a lot more about these opponents then we have known about the previous two. Also, most of these teams we are gonna play have not targeted us on their schedules.

Hope you're right man, but we've been saying this for a couple weeks now.

Also, Clemson not showing anything on offense the first two weeks has nothing to do with how bad our offense stunk up the joint in the first half.

No but they knew every single thing we were doing on O.  They had done they homework on our O.  They were doing things on Defense we had not seen also.  I'm not making excuse for the coaches or team but Clemson had a lot more time to get ready for us then we did for them.

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know exactly what our record is and sorry for pointing out the obvious truth...Auburn has gotten lucky the last 2 games

I understand the point you're trying to make...we need to play better because we always wont get the lucky break at the end of the game.  But like other posters have said, we did score 24 unanswered to get back not to mention the BS penalties that were very lucky for Clemson and kept drives alive (one drive in which they tied up the game I believe).  So yes, we've gotten lucky in some spots, but football is unpredictable and sometimes you'd rather be lucky than good.  Take a look at some of the games Bama played against inferior opponents last year.

We are a work in progress but I think there are way more positives to take from the first 3 weeks than negatives.  Most of the things that are bringing our team down can be easily fixed the next week.  This SC game will be a huge test for both teams, I just hope we come out of the gate firing on all cylinders.

It was an impressive comeback but it also stalled out in the 4th.  Honestly I think what is frustrating so many people is we show flashes of excellence but half the time we look god awful.  Now before everyone starts jumping all over me for "bashing the team" or saying "that I'm not a true AU fan" because I said we have looked god awful take into consideration that even Malzhan said we looked awful Saturday and hasn't had a lot to say that was positive about the prior two games.

I do not claim to know why we can't get any consistency right now and for that reason I'm not going to try to assign blame to the coaches game prep, offensive/defensive philosophies, or particular players but I will continue to vocalize my frustrations with the quality of our playing even if its a win since you can only win ugly for so long before the mistakes catch up with you. 

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Hope you're right man, but we've been saying this for a couple weeks now.

Also, Clemson not showing anything on offense the first two weeks has nothing to do with how bad our offense stunk up the joint in the first half.

Really?  Exactly who did MSU and Clemson have to open their playbook to beat?

Clemson brought their LBs up close to the LOS and dared Cam to beat him with his arm.  Eventually, he did.  My question is when will CGM make a defense pay for stacking the box by short passes over the LBs to our TE/H-back?

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know exactly what our record is and sorry for pointing out the obvious truth...Auburn has gotten lucky the last 2 games

How long have you been following college football?

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I'll chime in here.  I think everyone is happy that we are 3-0, but how we got here is a little concerning to some/most.  What I see is a team trying to find its identity.  We have no offensive identity right now.  This is a resilient and motivated bunch, but with that being said, our coaches have not performed up to expectation.  The gameplans have been downright strange in my opinion.  Maybe they are playing to what they feel are our strengths, but as Cam himself said, "our luck will run out".  I love what I've seen from our players this year.  Bynes and D Adams have played with an intensity we haven't seen in some time, and it is carrying our team.  I hope we can fund the answers, because we have the potential to be a really good football tem.

P.S.- If we don't clean up the penalties, we will win 3 SEC games this year.  Feel free to pile on now...

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I believe I heard last week that Presbysterian rolled up something like 462 yards rushing against Clemson's "strong defense". We had 221 yards on 47 carries.

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I believe I heard last week that Presbysterian rolled up something like 462 yards rushing against Clemson's "strong defense". We had 221 yards on 47 carries.

How about trying that one again: Presbyterian racked up 279 yards of TOTAL OFFENSE.


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know exactly what our record is and sorry for pointing out the obvious truth...Auburn has gotten lucky the last 2 games


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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know exactly what our record is and sorry for pointing out the obvious truth...Auburn has gotten lucky the last 2 games

How long have you been following college football?

20 years

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We've been questioning them b/c if you look at it realistically, we are 1-2 right now. Had it not been for block handed receivers on MSU and Clemson's team, we would have lost both games. Our offense gets confused too easily and the secondary is awful.


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I believe I heard last week that Presbysterian rolled up something like 462 yards rushing against Clemson's "strong defense". We had 221 yards on 47 carries.

North Texas had 462 yards on Clemson.

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I think we had such high expectations before the season started that now we are having a letdown.  My expectations were very high for our offense prior to the MSU game.  And, regardless of what we want to give MSU credit for, they proved against LSU that they are STILL the old MSU.  (Bottom dwellers of the SEC)

I've scratched my head many times the past 2 games with both the offensive/defensive play calling.

Our coaches are getting paid big money to put our talented players in a position to win convincingly week in and week out.  Here's to hoping these coaches get it straightened out quick!

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