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Kerry falls back into Vietnam Again!!


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Yes, its a Fox News Link.

Someone explain to me WHY he wants to run based on his history in the Vietnam war?

Kerry said. "I'm going to leave it up to the voters to decide whether five deferments makes someone more qualified than two tours of duty."

Someone please explain the logic in falling back on "Kerry the war hero" when he was opposed to this war he is now profiting from.

Also, this struck me as odd...

Kerry faulted the president and Republicans for not talking about "real issues" — creating jobs, improving the economy, expanding access to health care and reducing gasoline prices.

"They did everything except talk about that" at the four-day convention, Kerry said. "We've had insults, we've had anger from Republicans. And I'll tell you why," Kerry said. "Because they can'distortion."

He must've missed the first half of Bush's speech. I thought there were some pretty bold declarations in there.

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That is the Kerry campaign in a nutshell. John Kerry: "I am a Vietnam War Hero!" John Kerry: "I demonstrated and worked to stop the war in Vietnam!"

Never mind his completely uninspiring senate career. Never mind his more liberal than Teddy Kennedy voting record in the senate. Never mind his slander of men and women who served in Vietnam.

But when you do think of John Kerry, remember that this is an apology.


SEN. KERRY: Where did all that dark hair go, Tim? That's a big question for me. You know, I thought a lot, for a long time, about that period of time, the things we said, and I think the word is a bad word. I think it's an inappropriate word. I mean, if you wanted to ask me have you ever made mistakes in your life, sure. I think some of the language that I used was a language that reflected an anger. It was honest, but it was in anger, it was a little bit excessive.

MR. RUSSERT: You used the word "war criminals."

SEN. KERRY: Well, let me just finish. Let me must finish. It was, I think, a reflection of the kind of times we found ourselves in and I don't like it when I hear it today. I don't like it, but I want you to notice that at the end, I wasn't talking about the soldiers and the soldiers' blame, and my great regret is, I hope no soldier--I mean, I think some soldiers were angry at me for that, and I understand that and I regret that, because I love them. But the words were honest but on the other hand, they were a little bit over the top. And I think that there were breaches of the Geneva Conventions. There were policies in place that were not acceptable according to the laws of warfare, and everybody knows that. I mean, books have chronicled that, so I'm not going to walk away from that. But I wish I had found a way to say it in a less abrasive way.

MR. RUSSERT: But, Senator, when you testified before the Senate, you talked about some of the hearings you had observed at the winter soldiers meeting and you said that people had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and on and on. A lot of those stories have been discredited, and in hindsight was your testimony...

SEN. KERRY: Actually, a lot of them have been documented.

MR. RUSSERT: So you stand by that?

SEN. KERRY:A lot of those stories have been documented. Have some been discredited? Sure, they have, Tim. The problem is that's not where the focus should have been. And, you know, when you're angry about something and you're young, you know, you're perfectly capable of not--I mean, if I had the kind of experience and time behind me that I have today, I'd have framed some of that differently. Needless to say, I'm proud that I stood up. I don't want anybody to think twice about it. I'm proud that I took the position that I took to oppose it. I think we saved lives, and I'm proud that I stood up at a time when it was important to stand up, but I'm not going to quibble, you know, 35 years later that I might not have phrased things more artfully at times.

End Quote

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I think Kerry may have fallen into a baited trap. He would be best served if the discussion moved on from his Vietnam service and what transpired once he got back to the States.

And I was sort of wondering about that quote regarding there being no discussion of creating jobs, improving the economy, improving access to health care, etc. too. He must have fallen asleep or something.

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