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Bammers worried


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                    We have all the defense we need. No matter what they score, we'll score more.

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I honestly don't think they are scared of us. I think they think they can slow our O down. I am sure they are confident they can score on us. We will find out down the road, but we need to take UGA out first. (yes i am looking past Chattanooga)

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The first  four weeks were sprent by Bammers trying to explain away our success.. The last four weeks were spent by bammers explaining away their own failures..Now they are scared to death.

I love it.

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Don't worry ,any minute it will be posted that UTC scares somebody, trap game, those powerful alternative UTC uni's, UTC has requested to return extra tix because the demand has been so overwhelming or Slobbering Lou has picked against us again. The panic button must always be pushed.

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None of the bammers I know have been worried about beating AU.  I would bet a few of the sane ones (low % of bammer fans) have started to worry. Last years game and what AU has done "might" get their attention.  I am getting more pleasd with my AU +20 vs TJC .  If we lose to Choo Choo then I will start to worry. 

After tonight Ga will have a new coach next year

I hope their whole team and fanbase go into the game thinking it's going to be a cake-walk. Oh I HOPE they do...Cause I think we match up well with them.


AU Oline vs UA Dline - AU

AU Dline vs UA Oline - AU

AU hurts QB's vs UA's QB is fragile - AU

AU receivers vs turd secondary - AU

AU secondary vs UA Julio - (depends on if UA's Dline gives up in the 2nd half.  I suspect they will.) AU

AU run D vs UA fast and futile - AU

AU Cam Newton vs UA mere mortal men - AU

I don't think there is a matchup aside from Julio that I don't like.

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Don't worry ,any minute it will be posted that UTC scares somebody, trap game, those powerful alternative UTC uni's, UTC has requested to return extra tix because the demand has been so overwhelming or Slobbering Lou has picked against us again. The panic button must always be pushed.

Not that I really care, or would I be surprised by it, but has Lou Holtz picked AU to lose every week? If so, I really start to wonder what ESPN's agenda is with that. I realize that everyone can't like AU, but for a guy to constantly pick against a team every week....It's just bizarre. It doesn't take a genius to see that he's always going to pick/pull for ND and SCar every weekend. But this just baffles me. I just don't watch any ESPN cfb talk when it involves Lou or May. I advise others to change the channel as well.

Anyway.....War Eagle!

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Don't worry ,any minute it will be posted that UTC scares somebody, trap game, those powerful alternative UTC uni's, UTC has requested to return extra tix because the demand has been so overwhelming or Slobbering Lou has picked against us again. The panic button must always be pushed.

Not that I really care, or would I be surprised by it, but has Lou Holtz picked AU to lose every week? If so, I really start to wonder what ESPN's agenda is with that. I realize that everyone can't like AU, but for a guy to constantly pick against a team every week....It's just bizarre. It doesn't take a genius to see that he's always going to pick/pull for ND and SCar every weekend. But this just baffles me. I just don't watch any ESPN cfb talk when it involves Lou or May. I advise others to change Uthe channel as well.

Anyway.....War Eagle!

They're suppose to be experts. They picked auburn low preseason. The only way they can salvage any credibility is if we lose.  Then  they can say we told ya so.  If we win the west they'll look like the morons they are.  I would love to sit on their set and pose  the question, "how do you guys get it so wrong, so often?"

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