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What was your favorite play of the Ole Miss game?


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Demond Washington's interceptions which turned the momentum back in our direction, and the Kickoff return for a touchdown I have no idea why Rodney Scott tackled Onterrio instead of Demond but for this I thank him.

Scott hit Onterrio because he did not want to get stiff armed to the ground.

My favorite play was watching Nutter Butter go crazy asking for a replay on that 4th down...man I am so glad he is not our coach!!!


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Josh Bynes over the top tackle was really cool, but when Tzac stiff armed that guy into the ground everyone I was around just looked at each other to make sure that really happened.  So I have to go with Tzac's Cam impression as my favorite.  

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I'm adding a new play that hasn't been mentioned and it was towards the end of the game so it might have gotten missed or forgotten about.

But Fannin's first where he went up the middle and basically was carrying the ENTIRE Ole Miss D on his back. It wasn't a flashy play or anything like that but I just loved how after all the fumbles he came out in the 4th quarter and was NOT going to quit on that play and kept his legs churning the entire time.

And then the last run where he ALMOST broke it for a TD.. I would have loved to see him get passed that one tackle and take it to the one yard line before kneeling on it. :P

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The pick on the 2 yard line. We needed it and we got it. We would have been down at that point if they would have scored. That was my favorite play.

The play that broke OM was the kickoff return.

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Kodi's pass was great.  I didn't realize it was Cam on the other end.  Kodi is good all around.  I still keep in mind that Chick-Fil-A bowl vs. Clemson.  Kodi made the play to pull out the win for us.

Darvin Adams can catch just about anything served up!  Next jersey I buy is gonna be 89!!!

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Clayton catching Scott from behind. How can a 296 pound guy run that fast...

I agree, every other play mentioned so far, with the exception of maybe the Bynes leap, is expected.  Our play makers on offense are called that for a reason....they continually make plays.  for the big fella to get his behind down the field that way takes 1) discipline, 2) heart, and 3) hustle.  I think this kind of attitude on the field is whats gonna put us in the NCG.  WAR EAGLE!!! ;D

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