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Schlabaugh on ESPN radio in 10 min.


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If their(ESPN) purpose is to generate traffic and listener/viewer interest, it appears to be working.  Normally, I wouldn't give this jerk the time of day, but I must admit that I'd like to listen if I could.

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Golic has laid out that these are allegations only and that nothing has been said about Auburn.

Schlabaugh did say the same thing.  He didn't sound like he was accusing Cam or Cecil of anything.  He did say that there is a lot to be proven yet.

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He sounded like he was doing the old tap dance.  Quick to point out there are no allegations with Cam at AU.  Quick point out that Agent has suspect past and then got off phone.  One thing that strikes me is that ESPN is leading in that this is a huge developing story and then they spend less than 60 seconds on it.  Appears they wanted to be first to report, get it out there with not having all the facts and worry about back tracking if they need to.  I would say that they are on their way to back tracking now.

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He was just on sportscenter. Didn't say anything negative about AU of Cam. Said that at present time Cam's eligibility is not in question. AU knew as early as January. He also touched on the "agent" is being investigated by the NFL. Watching it he looked either extremely tired or extremely bored with the story.

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Guest In the Village

He was just on sportscenter. Didn't say anything negative about AU of Cam. Said that at present time Cam's eligibility is not in question. AU knew as early as January. He also touched on the "agent" is being investigated by the NFL. Watching it he looked either extremely tired or extremely bored with the story.

He always looks tired or extremely bored.

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Sounds to me like our attorney's are doing some good. I hope some people get sued over this, and maybe ESPN will stop this kind of garbage. It's absolutely ridiculous the way they were dragging a kid, and a University, through the mud yesterday.

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