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Let me be sure I understand.  Some guy (rogue agent I suppose) called somebody that he knew ( I suppose that person had a loose $200,000) that has connections to Ms State athletic dept to say if he got paid $200,000 that Cam would enroll at Ms State. The people at Ms State did the right thing and turned it over to the appropriate authorities.  Am I right up to here

Did the rogue agent know anybody at Auburn to call and ask for a few hundred thousand? (just any published # may work fine if he didnt know someone) Just how does Auburn get involved in this?  No report that AU was called and ask for money and not even a hint that anyone paid ANY money.

Maybe I will just start calling Alabama and other schools just to see if I could get a few pieces of silver to steer a football player to their school and if it does not work see if I can market a story about it

I suppose it is a slow sports news week and just any rumors would stir up some interest.  I wonder how this would work out in a court of law and if Cam does not win the Heisman would monetary damages be hard to prove?

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If Auburn goes to the NC and Cam wins the HT, I don't think there are grounds for a lawyer.  If one of those two is not met, Auburn/Cam/Newton family have something there because of the medias negligence.

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If we were 5-5 this would have never seen the light of day. On its face it is foolish why would anybody pony up 200,000 for a relatively unknown juco qb. Yes he was the number 1 juco qb but so was brent schaffer who left tenn and ended up at ole miss. Yes, mullen was his coach at uf and miss st had a good returning oline and some wrs. But they also had a qb who plays alot like cam in relf who had little success last year, and has an all time losing record. It is still a lower tier sec school who bites a big team every once in a while. While auburn is a bigger school, better facilities, more tv exposure, an oc who made chris todd into the leading td passer in school history, an oline better than miss st, the second leading wr in the sec last year, a top 15 team in all time wins, hour from the player's home,and the #4 ranked recruiting class coming in. Hard to see how cam could have picked us over miss st without any money changing hands. ;)

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Do you know a bammer football recruit? All you have to do is call the school and claim to represent him and  say that it will take 100,000 dollars to sign him and you have the same exact situation. The school will have to report it to the NCAA, then you can go to espn and sell the story. Easy to do.

See how ridiculous that story sounds?

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Another plus side for AU over MSU.  There was some pretty decent competition at MSU for Cam (not that he was afraid of competition, but he didn't have any time to waste sitting out any amount of time, etc.).  At AU the starting QB had graduated, the backups (nothing against Caudle, Trotter, or Moseley) are not the same caliber players that Cam is.  Maybe he thought he would have a better chance to come into Auburn and start.  Then he had better quality players around him to give him the opportunities to succeed?  Could it be that Auburn was the better choice over MSU?  How many players do we go after and lose to MSU?  Doesn't happen often.

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Well, I believe the Devil lives in Gainesville, FL by way of Utah and Bowling Green.  Hope Auburn gets a chance to play in the SEC against him........


We will get him in the SECCG and they are on our schedule starting next year.  I hope we hang a hundred points on em!  I'm also looking forward to the coaches' post game, middle of the field meeting.  I wouldn't want Chiz pissed at me!


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Can anyone confirm that Cam's and Auburn's recruiters (no names were given, but I would assume Trooper and Luper) cell phone records been submitted to the NCAA? Is this new/old info. Just try to get info from a reliable source here. Thanks.


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Posting again  ;)

I think everyone of us should find our way into every forum and blog post in the country and post that the smear campaign is falling apart at the seams.  The sole piece of alleged indirect evidence they ever had has crumbled:


On a former teammate approaching him about Newton:

"Actually, there two people in between it but, basically, yes, that’s what happened."

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