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Tweet from Cam's roommate at Florida...


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That is ausome news!   Good for Joe Haden!    I like it a lot and I think the wagons are circling for Cam and AU, this crap is getting ridiculous but that is a great post!  WDE!

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Joe Haden is now my favorite Florida Gator. Great post by him, and it makes a lot of sense. All these sites don't truly know Cam outside of football. They don't know how kind, generous, and polite he is. They just know him for plowing over defenders and the stiff arm.

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And this is what Cam was talking about when he said he left a part of him at Florida (paraphrase).

People like Joe are good friends to Cam and I hope those friendships aren't hindered. 

There is no greater love than to lay down ones life for ones friends.

With all of that, Cam said Saturday that he loves AU.

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I am not seeing that on his tweet page.  :dunno: Did he take it down?

It is there - I couldn't see it until I followed him - don't know why but I didn't see it when I first followed the link but I do see it now. Can send you a screenshot :)

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I am not seeing that on his tweet page.  :dunno: Did he take it down?

It is there - I couldn't see it until I followed him - don't know why but I didn't see it when I first followed the link but I do see it now. Can send you a screenshot :)

Nah that's ok but thanks for the offer though.

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we need to start a campaign to mass forward that tweet to every media outlet in the country. I want to hear someone call in & quote that on every radio show thats talked about this deal. get to it slackers  :tease:

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